Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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I's all right Lost2MuchSpeed! I know you've been looking forward to those promo pics! I'm pretty excited about seeing them myself. :D
:eek: THAT'S 2 MONTHS.

did i mention that that is TWO FREAKIN MONTHS AWAY?!

so enraged here. also livejournal is playing u p tonight. it's always some site i need to get on that starts being crap.
You know what, I think the writers did this whole Danny/Flack thing on purpose, just to toy with our minds. It angers me that they keep promoting this relationship but they never give us this shower scene that we've been aching for since the beginning.

I'm done being angry now. :)
Ha. 2 months...what I wouldn't give for it to be only 2 months away....grrrr...
RTE still haven't started S2 yet, so lord knows when they'll ever get around to S3.
They were supposed to start it 2 weeks ago, but first it got postponed for a soccer match, and then they pulled it to air the last 2 eps of CSI-Miami (guess somebody miscounted in the original schedule and forgot it was a long season)
Ah well, fingers crosssed, I'll have the DVD's in the next day or two and then I'll have Eddie all to myself <g>
Same situation here, they show us just S1! And who knows when they will show S2 (or S3, oh no!) :( (I will order dvds of S2, I can't stand this waiting!!!!!).

I'm so curious to see what kind of haircut Eddie will have? :) How his character is developing? I try to use regularly search-machines but no new pics. No promo, no casual ones. So frustrating! :rolleyes:
Aww,2 months?!
I'm already starting to go a little insane..I've already started to accidently call my BF, Eddie..it's getting to be pretty shameful actually v_v"
you called your bf eddie, well that just anwserd his question of why he gets alot of attention on wensday.
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