Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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csi_fanatic87 said:
Wow really? 8 years huh...Ooo! I have a chance too. :p

Does he usually date older women or is this the first time his girlfriend has been the older one?

Don't know if he usually dates older women (if he does, I'm in luck :p)but some guys just like older women. Naveen Andrews (he's Sayid on Lost) has been with Barbara Hershey for years and she is a lot older than he is. He says he prefers older women.

Besides, especially on NY, I think Eddie looks a lot older than 28. That's older in a good way. ;) I was actually shocked the first time I looked him up on IMdB and saw he was only 28. :eek: I would have sworn he was around my age.
i think he looked younger when he had his hair longer, then when he cut it i was like wow he's hot!!!
i have a thing for oldr men, i actually dated a guy that was 53 and i was 18 at the time.
He does look older but like you said in a good way, on CSI: NY. It think it's the shorter hair cut.

I knew he was a young guy in his late 20's since on IMDb it says he was born in '78.
If I had seen Eddie with the long hair first (well actually I did on Friends & SaTC but didn't know him then) I would have known he was in his 20's. Even on season 1 of NY he still looked older. I guess because the back of his hair was short while the front was still long.

Dating a 53 year old at age 18...well, I don't think I could do that. Here's my take on that. If they're old enough to be my father or young enough to be my kid...I draw the line. :p Since Eddie and Carmine don't fall in that range...I'll take them both. :devil:
well thats why it didn't work out for me, all his kids were older than me. ok no more talking about that eddie does look better w/ short hair i think you can even see a couple of grey hairs, but then again it could just be the ligth.
csi_fanatic87 said:
I knew he was a young guy in his late 20's since on IMDb it says he was born in '78.

Yowza! I guess I always wanted to know what it was like to be with a "younger" man - even if the age diff was only 3 years.
I dated once 6 years younger guy. He was sweet but we had so different experience of life... :( When you're getting older, you appreciate more personality and thoughts than handsome look...

...and Eddie has them all
tha is a very hot pic of eddie iluvrodrunner i need to show my sis later. she loves eddie w/ the long hair.
I'm addicted to his hairy chest (you might have noticed this :)). YUMMY!
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