Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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Flack was so impressing Danny in that scene when he read the riot act to the murderer!

The dorky wave so makes me smile! :D Flack's always so cool and slick, but send Danny in and he's all silly jokes and dorky waves. Awwww... :D
About casual wearing ...

I like this pic. He look so cute with jeans and those boots. It would be nice to see behind also :devil: :devil:

some smooch:



I would gladly replace those actresses :devil:
I would also
... in one second!

I found this pic from somewhere, it's taken in People Choice (2005? 2004?)
Is this his girlfriend??? (sorry, pic is watermarked, I haven't found 'clean' one :( ...)
ohhh *drools* his neck muscle tings in that picture with Rachel from friends.
that is veerryy very very sexy. his sideburns are back there though lol. they're covering up his cheekbone structure!!!

sheesh. i think i'm obsessed with bone structure now...i mention it everywhere
Great pics miumiu! Love him in casual wear! He looks great in dress wear too. *melts*

Well it's not confirmed or anything that they're going out. Although she's a very lucky girl...
Unfortunately, the word on the street is - and I will find some corroboration to this later - they have been living together for 5 years or something along those lines. :(
I was checking out that picture on the getty images website and all it says is Eddie Cahill and guest. Probably is his girlfriend but wonder why she wasn't named. Probably not in showbiz and some things should be private?? His girlfriend is also 8 years older than he is. **wow, I still have a chance** :rolleyes:
Wow really? 8 years huh...Ooo! I have a chance too. :p

Does he usually date older women or is this the first time his girlfriend has been the older one?
Thanks guys!

I know that I should be happy if he is happy, but I can't :..(

Older women ... well, I still have chance also 'cause I'm just two years older than he is :)

I want to see new pics of him, let's hope that they will show new promotion pics of S3!
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