E.R. - Emergency Room!

Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Spoiler to people who haven't keep up with ER

Carter left to go back to Africa to be with Kym with whom he had a child with (baby died). He will be in the next few episodes though.

As for Mark he died of a brain tumor.
Carter is gonna be in afew eps....awesome..hadn´t heard yet!! Why is he back??..sorry bare with me i live in the uk. :)
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Noah Wyle said he still would be a part of the show just not a current character. So Carter is back for a few epps and all I believe are set in Africa and Pratt is suppossed to go over and help him.

For more info about ER head over to here:
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

hey does anyone know a site that has high quality pictures from ER cast?I spent hours and hours but I couldn't find a site like that.
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

The last days I've been watching the first two seasons of ER on dvd and I'm totally in love with the show again. It was so damn good those first couple of years!! It only makes it harder to watch ER now though, I can't seem to get into it without my fave characters not around anymore. But those first couple of years...damn...they deserved every praise they got in those days :)
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

oh yes. and i was watching the commentary by the cast on the season 1 disk, and they worked so hard. and it really shows in each episode. the only character i could have done without in the early seasons was Benton....
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

ineverysunflower said:
oh yes. and i was watching the commentary by the cast on the season 1 disk, and they worked so hard. and it really shows in each episode. the only character i could have done without in the early seasons was Benton....

Benton? Really? I absolutely love him, he's tough and mean and hard working and I like what he brings to the cast. Besides La Salle is a superb actor and him and Wyle have such a great chemistry when they're working together! I was just watching the last episode of season two yesterday and that scene were Benton pats Carter's knee and tells him he's a doctor now is breathtaking. It's what I always loved about Benton, he never shows his emotions but when he does it means something. Didn't mean to talk your ears of about this :) Everybody is entitled to his own opinion and people have told me I'm crazy when it comes to Benton. I seem to be the only one who loved the character :lol: I was really devastated when he left, the show was never the same to me.
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Queeneye said:
No one knows a site with high quality pictures?? :(

well i havent found a site with good pics of all cast like all over screen cap gallery, but if you go to specific actors fansite, you might be able to find some screen caps- hope that helps!

and Joy22, i dont really like the way his character acted in the early season, but it wouldnt have been the same without him. i havent seen the episode when he leaves yet...im still catching up with the re-runs on TNT lol
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Oh god I hope not. The thing is they should have ended ER when Mark died because that because that seemed to be the end of everything. Now don't get me wrong there have since been some good episode and to me it seems that they are starting to "tie up" loose ends (example Abby/Luka together w/child). I hope that TPTB at CSI know when its time to say that's good.
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

yeah i hope so too...that way people will keep thinking about CSI (or they would've about ER) and how good it was when it was on
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

I used to really like E.R but when George Clooney left I was really sad and now Dr. Carter's gone. Its so sad, all my favorite characters are gone. Oh well, I'll just stick to re-runs...
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

I must say..i really loved benton too!! I just though his scenes with carter were the greatest..it was so horrible that he left!...
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Yay, Noah Wyle was back last night. I actually had an excuse to watch ER last night. Since Noah Wyle left, the show has not been the best. I'll still watch it, but I don't get as excited as I used to when watching it. But last night's episode was good. I hope there will be a few more episodes with NW this season.
