E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo's neighbors

Does jkladis now count as one of Carmine's neighbors, seeing as how he's taken up permanent residence in the man's bushes? :eek: :lol:
^^ I just received an email from Gloria right now...


I haven't been able to get you the photos I promised. My cats have given birth to a litter of kittens. I have, however, seen this obscure man hang out by Carmine's bushes. The cops have stopped by a few times trying to find him but he always seems to dissapear. Carmine also seems to have a loaded gun & yes, I'm talking about the weapon you pervert. Oh, gotta run. It looks like the mysterious man is trying to break into the house. I better call Carmine, or the cops. Remember, "i love meow mix" is code for you know what.

From the glorious Gloria

It seems jkladis days are numbered :devil:.
^^^ Yes, that counts.

Dear JKladis,

I understand you are a neighbor of Mr. Giovinazzo. If it's not too much of an impositon, do you think you could be so kind as to install a webcam in his bathroom window? I realize this request may freak you out. I am not a freak, nor are any of the countless girls on whose behalf I write. You see, Mr. Giovinazzo suffers from poor vision and we're concerned he may slip and fall in the shower. This request is being made solely out of consideration for his well-being, in that installation on a webcam would facilitate our ability to communicate with 911 promptly in the event of a medical emergency. Again, this request is being made in furtherance of Mr. Giovinazzo's continued good health and is in no way an attempt to engage in the unlawful viewing of his naked body in the shower ... we would not be glued to our monitors mesmerized by the warm spray caressing his body.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

jorja_fan86 said:
^^ I just received an email from Gloria right now...


I haven't been able to get you the photos I promised. My cats have given birth to a litter of kittens. I have, however, seen this obscure man hang out by Carmine's bushes. The cops have stopped by a few times trying to find him but he always seems to dissapear. Carmine also seems to have a loaded gun & yes, I'm talking about the weapon you pervert. Oh, gotta run. It looks like the mysterious man is trying to break into the house. I better call Carmine, or the cops. Remember, "i love meow mix" is code for you know what.

From the glorious Gloria

It seems jkladis days are numbered :devil:.

Somebody warn jkladis! :eek: Wonder if he'll breach the premises. :devil:
:lol: I just wet myself from laughing my ass off at those letters!

Yet, MrsG, does make a great plea for our Carimine's health and well-being by the installation of the webcam in Carmine's shower. Does he need any help with the installation? I would love to offer my services. :)

PS: I am not a trespasser, nor am I a voyeur. Those things are illegal and I uphold the law to the highest standard. ;)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^^^ Yes, that counts.

Dear JKladis,

I understand you are a neighbor of Mr. Giovinazzo. If it's not too much of an impositon, do you think you could be so kind as to install a webcam in his bathroom window? I realize this request may freak you out. I am not a freak, nor are any of the countless girls on whose behalf I write. You see, Mr. Giovinazzo suffers from poor vision and we're concerned he may slip and fall in the shower. This request is being made solely out of consideration for his well-being, in that installation on a webcam would facilitate our ability to communicate with 911 promptly in the event of a medical emergency. Again, this request is being made in furtherance of Mr. Giovinazzo's continued good health and is in no way an attempt to engage in the unlawful viewing of his naked body in the shower ... we would not be glued to our monitors mesmerized by the warm spray caressing his body.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.


Good point! :eek: MrsG, you truly are a charitable soul. I hope jkladis will be able to help ensure Carmine's well being. You can never be too safe in the shower! :eek:
^^^ I doubt anything can stop jkladis. Maybe he should dress himself up in a gigantic cat suit to gain access to Gloria's place. After he fools the lady he could host a kitty liter party & invite Carmine & his cat. If that doesn't work he needs to wait till spring when the bushes grow bigger.
The webcam truly is a charitable act. Not only is his physical well-being at issue, but a serious fall in the shower could leave a nasty bruise on his money-maker, thus jeopardizing his financial health as well. Therefore, monitoring him in the shower would simply be an act of consideration. It would not be undertaken for pleasure at all. :lol: *doubles over and pees self*
MrsGiovinazzo said:
The webcam truly is a charitable act. Not only is his physical well-being at issue, but a serious fall in the shower could leave a nasty bruise on his money-maker, thus jeopardizing his financial health as well. Therefore, monitoring him in the shower would simply be an act of consideration. It would not be undertaken for pleasure at all. :lol: *doubles over and pees self*

truly amazing. I am honored to know such a giving, and self-sacrificing individual, MrsG. it is a rare person who truly looks out for others, such as MrsG looking out for Carmine's well being, and suggest that a webcam be installed in his shower. Seriously, how devistating would it be if Carmine fell while in the shower, and no one would be able to find him? What if he got hurt? I think not only one webcam in the shower would be appropriate, but webcams all over the house. People get hurt all of the time, even at home. I would be devistated if he got hurt and then he was unable to work again.
Hehe Oh My Days... where has this thread been?! i have never seen this thread before.. but i wish i had! :lol: it is soo funny! i got stitches from reading about Earl and Gloriafrom where i laughed so hard! :lol:
How is Earl these days? Is he still in gaol?! :lol:
Has Gloria's cats finally grown their fur bak? i cant believe she did that to those poor puddy cats :( hehe
mrs g. is correct in requesting the installation of the camera...take it from someone who slipped and fell in the shower and cracked a rib! that effin' hurt! :mad: but all that vicodin made it feel all better... :D we are only looking out for the well being for our man..is that too much to ask?! :p
:lol: LMFAO omg i think i just wet myself :lol:....:lol:....ok now i got a question who are we talking about :confused:
jorja_fan86 said:
^^^ I doubt anything can stop jkladis. Maybe he should dress himself up in a gigantic cat suit to gain access to Gloria's place. After he fools the lady he could host a kitty liter party & invite Carmine & his cat. If that doesn't work he needs to wait till spring when the bushes grow bigger.

Freaking genious!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
The webcam truly is a charitable act. Not only is his physical well-being at issue, but a serious fall in the shower could leave a nasty bruise on his money-maker, thus jeopardizing his financial health as well. Therefore, monitoring him in the shower would simply be an act of consideration. It would not be undertaken for pleasure at all. :lol: *doubles over and pees self*

I question your motives. :mad: