E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo's neighbors

Don't tell anyone, but Earl and the nudist cat have been exchanging letters ever since he served six months for holding up a liquor store.

They plan to marry this February.
Damnit, another good man taken! And by a cat. It's just getting harder and harder to find a decent guy these days.

I wonder if the cat will get a tattoo now.
I thought that was your name I saw tattooed on Earl's ass in that...home video... :lol: Gloria was testing her new camcorder, but she pointed it at the wrong house! :rolleyes: I think her sight is going.
I'm gonna have to move next to Gloria cos ppl in that neighbourhood don't seem to own curtains..or if they do, don't use em!
Apparently not! A neighborhood of exhibitionists, perhaps? :eek:
Don't tell anyone, but Earl and the nudist cat have been exchanging letters ever since he served six months for holding up a liquor store.

They plan to marry this February.

... gosh, can you imagine what their KIDS will look like? No, wait a sec. Is the nudist cat male?
I thought that was your name I saw tattooed on Earl's ass in that...home video...

*Sigh* Indeed. We got matching tattoos of each other's names on our one week anniversary. We were planning to get vials of each other's blood when we reached a month. :(
*Sigh* Indeed. We got matching tattoos of each other's names on our one week anniversary. We were planning to get vials of each other's blood when we reached a month. :(

And they say our generation avoids commitment. You were clearly in it for the long haul! :( I'm sorry, Bitten. Men can be such jerks sometimes! You think you have something really special, a deep, long term committed relationship, and then they up and leave you for an ugly ass cat. :(