E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo's neighbors

Earl's tubes were tied after he fathered his 57th child. After the 45th baby momma, child support payments were just getting out of hand. :(
Damn Earl is a baby making machine. I guess he was sent to prison because he couldn't pay child support. Poor guy...this all reminds me of a Jerry Springer episode.
Of course he was naked! He's practically a nudist in that house of his.
jkladis, you know full well I know from the satellite surveillance pictures you showed me. :rolleyes: How much did you pay for that thing, anyway??? :confused:
jkladis you underestimate us. Ever since you gave out Gloria's and Earl's e-mail address utter choas has begun. Once I swindle my way past Earl naked Carmine is as good as mine. I tried Gloria but they sent her to the loony bin. Anywhoo, damn those writers for making Carmine cover up. If the guy in a nudist then let him walk around naked. Don't those people care about the ratings of the show?
We should start a petition saying that the man should be free to roam! With the help of Earl, cos we woundn't know the things we know without him! Godbless Earl. If gloria's in the "bad place" who's taking care of her pussies?
jkladis you underestimate us. Ever since you gave out Gloria's and Earl's e-mail address utter choas has begun. Once I swindle my way past Earl naked Carmine is as good as mine. I tried Gloria but they sent her to the loony bin. Anywhoo, damn those writers for making Carmine cover up. If the guy in a nudist then let him walk around naked. Don't those people care about the ratings of the show?

Unfortunately, we can't entirely blame the writers for this one. I think most of the blame rests at the door of the FCC. We really should bombard them with the ass pic. Show them what their prudishness is depriving us of.
^Yeah I agree, we should send those damn FCC guys pics of Carmine's bootay. That way we won't have need for bootay pics anymore....we'll have videos of it heh!
This thread seriously needs to be dusted off for all those who need a good laugh. I almost wet myself laughing from some of the posts. Anyway, did anyone get lucky getting the photos?
OMG! Haven't seen this thread in forever! :lol: Anyone have any great emails to Carmine's neighbors they'd like to share? Personally, I'd like to request their assistance in installing a webcam in his bathroom window. :devil: ... And, oh yeah, if they could aim it at the shower rather than the toilet, that'd be much appreciated. :lol: