E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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LMAO...oooh I like this hunt...if we ever find a guy like that we gotta look into cloning him cause they're few and far between...ah csi007 I really wish I could make it happen for ya...:D Patience is a pain in the *ehm* that's for sure! :p
Aw, you're probably right...I just like to come up with theories and explanations..unfortunately I have no way to test them. Perhaps I should go back to school and put my mind to use.
... You been shopping at Anne Summers again Crazy4Danny? :lol:

Personally I like the metal ones better than the fluffy ones. With the red fluffy handcuffs there is no way of knowing you have had them on. With metal there is always a reminder of the fun.

*ahem* So I've read on the internet anyway...

But yes, the search is on. Instead of crappy shows like American Idol and Pop Idol, there should be one for this kind of thing :lol:
(haha! almost replaced the M there for an N! i wish!)

Here you go, girls... the answer to our question on whether he has a particular way of choosing which emails to reply to:

no system...if I have time I do it..if it's something that catches my attention...
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