E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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my fingers are going numb from crossing them :lol.

I'm being a very patient girl.

Plus i'm like you CanadianCSIFan, it took me ages to gather the courage to email him.
i've been checking my inbox everyday...i think i'll send him another e-mail but from my other e-mail adress....ummmm i just don't know. oh and his smile is awesome.
Hey csi_fanatic...nice avvy! I like it! I can so hear him saying those words, "Bring it on, Bitch!"
that is a brill av csi fanatic. I may pluck up the courage to email him. I'll comment on an episode to make it look better. :)
I think the best thing for you guys to do is just be patient. The new season is probably going to begin filming soon, and he seems to answer more then for some reason. Good things come to those who wait...just chill for a little bit. He'll come through, he always does.
I would feel weird writing again...even though it has been a few weeks since I wrote. Plus it took like a couple of months of agonizing about it. "Should I, shouldn't I? Will he think me an idiot or something?, etc". I'll wait.

but think of ,t this way: if he hadn't wrote you a reply that simply means he hadn't read your email. And when he hadn't read the first one, how will he know that you've sent the second? He doesn't track down the 2843469236924 different email addresses and say "oh there's a similar one."

just an idea... :)
^ exactly what I was thinking...he was definitely more prompt during the season...

Of course with more emails it might take him longer to respond...either way please don't take it personally those of you who are waiting...I'm sure it's more about time and doesn't have anything to do with what you may have wrote. :)

Love the av's lookaboomerang and csi_fanatic...can't wait till I can have one of those! :D
Hey csi_fanatic...nice avvy! I like it! I can so hear him saying those words, "Bring it on, Bitch!"

Me too! :lol: I love it, I do!

And EllaJ, I love yours too! He's got such a nice smile...

Whenever I watch ET or something like that, they show them shooting movies or tv shows or whatever. It seems to me there are times when they aren't needed on the set, and they go to their dressing room or something to do whatever...I read that the "Friends" cast used to play poker a lot during downtime. Perhaps that is why Carmine has some downtime when he is filming, perhaps they are shooting a scene with Mac and Flack, and he's not needed at the moment, but needs to stay close by for his next scene. My point? Perhaps that was why he sent more e-mails during the scene, he was able to read them when he had spare time between shooting scenes. So when the new season starts, perhaps he will spend some of his downtime on the computer. Right now he is probably busy doing whatever, enjoying his last days of freedom before going back to work, so maybe he will get to yours soon. Not sure but that is what I think, about why he may reply more often during the season.
My best friend (I guess she's like my partner in crime the way kmfx is to Dream and vice-versa), who's been keeping up with this thread but hasn't posted even once yet :rolleyes:, e-mailed him to ask about his e-mailing patterns since we've all been wondering! :lol:

Let's see if he replies to that one! :p
thanks for the reassurance you guys.

I am being as patient as i can. I think it is random replying. I don't think he has a structure to it. There doesn't seem to be a pattern.
^ nope because he doesn't strike me as the structue/pattern type of guy...:lol:

Patience is the key...and it's a pain in the rear in the process!
Is there any structure/pattern type guys out there? If there is then would someone point me in the right direction :rolleyes:
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