E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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I got an answer! :) I had asked him what his fave episode was and said how much i loved his acting- he said, "Thanks alot... favorite episode was on the job." My fave too! Always... I'm on cloud 9, let me tell you...

I'm going to stab myself in the head live on the internet next weekend if I don't get a reply by then. ;)

Actually, I may start sending obsessive emails every day asking really personal questions. OK, maybe not.... :devil:
That's great Angelica! I've been on that cloud hun, it's a great cloud...enjoy it!

csi007 Don't stab yourself man! It's not worth it!! You'd make him feel all guilty and stuff! And I don't know if the obsessive emails will work...maybe that's just me. :p
well I've sent him 2 emails and i waited for like a day or two... keep trying, he'll reply that's the key, keep trying!
its good that you got a reply Angelica. :)

I may well join you csi007. ;)

I sent him an email a few days ago and i stil haven't got a reply. Its a bugger waiting for one. :(
I would feel weird writing again...even though it has been a few weeks since I wrote. Plus it took like a couple of months of agonizing about it. "Should I, shouldn't I? Will he think me an idiot or something?, etc". I'll wait.
Yeah I wrote a while back..I don't want to annoy the poor guy so I'll wait til I see the season premiere :)
It's absolutely a funny image! (got... to... get... it... out... of... my... head!) But I'm not taking credit for even insinuating the man is gay, it was actually MrsG. who said that!

Ah so it was Mrs.G sorry for the mistake. :)

Easy there, girls. I said "in my mind he is NOT gay". Would I waste time visualizing stuff the guy wouldn't even enjoy doing? I think not. Besides, technically any insinuation of gayness came from the frilly pink stuff Dream and kmfx dressed him in, rather than from my protest.
EllaJ - that is one delicious avatar!
Easy there, girls. I said "in my mind he is NOT gay".
Wait, when did all this happen? Who was implying what? Huh?? Huh??

FYI, I emailed him on 20th June. I'm really not expecting a reply now. Maybe I scared him off with my website or something. Meh! I'm good at doing that to people. :( :confused:
LMAO...I think it was me being a nut and not reading the post right...and I gotta admit you get a funny image with the frillyness and the pinkness...not sure who implied anything...but I'm all calm! :D

As for the email csi007 I wish there was a way to tell, but he's kinda sporadic...I'm still crossing my fingers! :)
I don't want to annoy the poor guy

That's the whole thing for me. I don't want to be a pest to him.

csi007, come on, you haven't done anything of the kind! Your site is damn cool, and I like it!
Easy there, girls. I said "in my mind he is NOT gay". Would I waste time visualizing stuff the guy wouldn't even enjoy doing?
Ah, that's alright then! I was gonna say...

Besides, technically any insinuation of gayness came from the frilly pink stuff Dream and kmfx dressed him in
Bad, bad girls! Guess why we love 'em around here, eh? :lol:
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