E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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just out of curiousity...what do you write about? just whatever you are willing to share.
lookaboomerang: thanks, i'm hurt. :lol: :lol:

i'm also interested to know what you put in your emails that makes him reply. Please share.
lookaboomerang:lol: Thanks for your compelling compassion :)

You might want to knock on wood now...Just for that, he might not reply anymore ;) :lol:
omg guys! i have sent a couple emails to him and everyone i wrote i got a reply back. he wrote back saying that he was really busy working. if you do email him, it would be awesome if you told him to stay cool during work. he really appreciates the encouragement.
Oh for crying out loud. But it's really probably just a fluke that I get replies. Maybe I have ESP and I just know when he's going to sit down and reply, so I write one...or maybe not. I really have NO CLUE what it is about my emails that makes him reply to me or to anyone else for that matter, and not to others. But seriously guys, don't be afraid to just be yourself and write almost anything. I say almost because there are just some things that you shouldn't say to people who 1. Don't know you and 2. Read your ramblings about his characters shower scenes, lip licking and nakedness on a message board.
The first few times I wrote him, it was strictly business. We talked Tanglewood and website stuff. After that, I wrote him about previous movies, Crime and Misdemeanor and one other thing that isn't coming to memory. And all got replies. He said it's all about catching his attention...and he likes it when you send the nudez. ;)
:D ;) HAHAHA...It's not like I was pissed with you or anything...I just did some yoga, how could I be? <huggies> :cool:

It's all good...And he really likes that does he? <Goes off to ponder> :p :lol:
lookaboomerang: i'm sorry, i was joking. *hugs, lookaboomerang and then goes off to naughty corner*. Its really great that you've got emails back. At least he replies to some of our emails and doens't just ignore them. that's a definate plus. :)

I'm gonna write to him again and try and be me as best i can. (if that makes sense your as mad as me :lol:)
Well I got my first email response from Carmine!! Very brief but better than nothing!
Yes, rules are rules. Good to know he still writes to people. I've given up on the whole email thing though. I'm not expecting he'll ever reply again, so I've stopped writing.
Thanks for the encouragement, c4d! I don't know what virus hit me this week... I've been gone from this forum for several days actually thinking I might not ever post again! And I don't even know why!

Then I read all the stuff I missed out on and realized I love you guys too much to give up... on the forum, that is! :D

But writing to Carmine... not so much. Not that I've written a lot, maybe I just have nothing left to say! :)
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