E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Totally unacceptable, girls. The role of a groupie is to provide support and positive feedback and make sure the man knows how completely shaggable he is. :D
Yeah, uh-huh, as if he needs the confirmation. He knows he's totally shaggable. :devil:

Besides, here we have to keep ourselves in check a bit... just rush over to cg.net (you probably already have :lol:) and you'll see there ain't nothing disheartened there. :p

Glad you're back tho MrsG., had fun in San Diego?
I may be an absolute horror of a human being for stating this, but I think a little less of 'I wish I could shag Carmine...Kiss his feet...Or whatever the hell else people are writing,' would be possibly a bit helpful...Some of this might even become a bit counterproductive for him after a while, if you catch my drift.
You read my mind, GodofMediocrity! I don't mean to boycott completely... the man's birthday is coming up, am I right? I'm sure he'd like to hear a thing or two from his fans. :) I just feel that we've come across a bit of a rut... so it's my feeble little suggestion that unless we have fairly substantial things to email about, we may as well not email anything at all! :D
^ good to hear, that you had a good time, not missed us, although that is sweet. :)

i haven't emailed him again because, like a lot of you have said, there is nothing constructive i can think to write. I'm gonna wait for the new season to start so i can think of something.

Constructive critisism is great. It helps people develop and inprove. When taken in the write context that is :D
Guys, please do remember that the new season has already begun filming. I'm sure he's busy (he is always complaining about all the work ;) ). And I promise you, whether or not you get an e-mail from an actor or not will not change your life significantly one way or another. I'm not trying to be mean--I'm just saying, the the cool e-mails I've seen in this thread have been from you guys, not him. ;) :D
LOL, if there's one thing that man knows after all of this, it's that he's appreciated. :lol: :D
I promise you, whether or not you get an e-mail from an actor or not will not change your life significantly one way or another. I'm not trying to be mean--I'm just saying, the the cool e-mails I've seen in this thread have been from you guys, not him. ;) :D
Well said, Top . I totally agree and it always makes me a little sad when I read about how seriously people take receiving or not receiving an e-mail from him, which ever the case may be. Really if the only reason to say something nice is the hope of getting something in return, don't bother. That's self-centered and defeats the whole spirit of saying something nice in the first place.

For example, when you tell a colleague they look great today, you say that for their benefit, simply because it's nice to make someone feel good and not because you want to hear your colleague thank you for the compliment. But, it seems to me that in the case of Carmine, many people e-mail him solely for the purpose of getting the "thanks ... cdg" in return, which is just soooooo wrong on many levels. So, if your motivation for e-mailing him is to hear back from him, then yes it might be a good idea to stop. But some of you do write some seriously great e-mails that we all love reading and I'm sure Carmine does as well. If you're writing them for the sheer enjoyment of writing them and knowing they're appreciated, then keep it up.

Um, okay, I'll shut up now before I'm permanently banned from entering this thread. :D
I promise you, whether or not you get an e-mail from an actor or not will not change your life significantly one way or another. I'm not trying to be mean--I'm just saying, the the cool e-mails I've seen in this thread have been from you guys, not him. ;) :D
Well said, Top . I totally agree and it always makes me a little sad when I read about how seriously people take receiving or not receiving an e-mail from him, which ever the case may be. Really if the only reason to say something nice is the hope of getting something in return, don't bother. That's self-centered and defeats the whole spirit of saying something nice in the first place.

For example, when you tell a colleague they look great today, you say that for their benefit, simply because it's nice to make someone feel good and not because you want to hear your colleague thank you for the compliment. But, it seems to me that in the case of Carmine, many people e-mail him solely for the purpose of getting the "thanks ... cdg" in return, which is just soooooo wrong on many levels. So, if your motivation for e-mailing him is to hear back from him, then yes it might be a good idea to stop. But some of you do write some seriously great e-mails that we all love reading and I'm sure Carmine does as well. If you're writing them for the sheer enjoyment of writing them and knowing they're appreciated, then keep it up.

Um, okay, I'll shut up now before I'm permanently banned from entering this thread. :D

I agree wholeheartedly, MrsG & Top...And I was only kidding about the previous posts about the e-mail I sent him...I do tend to become a bit 'edgy' concerning my own work though. ;)

It's not really an 'insecurity issue'...It's more like, you asked for it, now let me know what you think, kind of thing...It's more of a constructive/conversation thing, I guess. :)

It's not like I'm e-mailing the man with:

Deliver the letter...The sooner the better...The later the letter...The madder I getter. :lol: :D :lol:

If people wind up doing something like that...It's completely ass in my opinion, and like you said, defeats the purposein even doing it in the first place, and I would honestly think it would become monotonous not only to the people writing them to him, but even for him to read them as well...And that would inturn make him not want to answer anyone reguardless of what his answer might be, and what the writer's intentions are.

Wow, I think I'm about to go off on one of my wild tangents, so I'll think I'll cut it short before I post something that will really piss someone off. ;)
I would have liked to have gotten an email back from him in the beginning. Partly because i was unsure if it had been delivered and partly to see what he thought of the response to his work. Plus i think the majority of it was that i'd worked up the courage to email him and i would have like a response. (slightly self centered i know, but hey)

Now i'm completely over that so now i'm happy to email him just to let him know what i think of his performance. Praise and contructive criticism. :)
I agree wholeheartedly, MrsG & Top...And I was only kidding about the previous posts about the e-mail I sent him...I do tend to become a bit 'edgy' concerning my own work though. ;)

Oh, agreed, I'm the same way with my work. I'm very particular about who I send it to for that reason. Just don't take it too hard either way--he's an actor, not an art/writing critic. Again, I think you'd be better off showing it to a friend or two from the boards, because we seem to have some pretty astute folks over here who will definitely appreciate it.

It seems to me part of what's hard for some people is that he's responded to some and not to others. If he didn't write back to you, please, don't take it personally! I'm sure it wasn't meant that way. Besides, you guys all rule--I know it, and well, if you must know, I am always right. ;) And modest, too! ;) :D
Whoops. JFTR, if I sounded serious and upset that he hasn't replied to me lately, please know I'm not! I was looking at my old posts and I did sound like I was sour-graping, didn't I? :lol:

Nope, nope, nope! :) The whole boycott thing isn't what I intended... I was just thinking, if he receives fewer messages but ones with constructive and relevant content, then his inbox won't be as flooded and there'd be a better chance for him to make sense of everything he's reading. It would be easier to reply that way. That's all. :) And those of us who have received replies in the past could let those who haven't have their turn.

Sorry if I caused everyone to over-think all this! Know that this stranger has no effect on my life beyond this forum! :D

Before I get back to the norm...

I agree wholeheartedly, MrsG & Top...And I was only kidding about the previous posts about the e-mail I sent him...I do tend to become a bit 'edgy' concerning my own work though. ;)

Oh, agreed, I'm the same way with my work. I'm very particular about who I send it to for that reason. Just don't take it too hard either way--he's an actor, not an art/writing critic. Again, I think you'd be better off showing it to a friend or two from the boards, because we seem to have some pretty astute folks over here who will definitely appreciate it.

I agree with you there...Any kind of response negative/positive/even nothing at all, I can take...Believe me, I really wouldn't take it all too personally either way because, like I said somewhere in another thread, opinions are like assholes...Everybody's got one...It's just waiting for a response, from anyone for that matter, kills me...It reminds me of high school debate tournies where you have to wait to see if you placed...It drives me bat shit...He did actually ask to see it though...That's the reason I sent it in the first place, otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered him with it, but believe me, it's no sweat off of my back. ;) :cool:

Now I'm done...I'm going back to the normal mode of intelligent smutiness now. :devil: :lol:
LOL, yeah, waiting sucks, and I think the internet and all of the instant communication tools at our fingertips have kind of enhanced that. I'm the most impatient person around; if I've give someone a story or script to read, I want an opinion, pronto. :lol: Likewise, if someone is writing something I'm really enjoying reading, you better believe I bug them for new installments! There are a few people around here who can attest to that. :lol:
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