E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Hmmmm...Maybe you're 'moving on'...Which is never truely a bad thing, but you'll have lapses...Trust me...You will have them woman. :D

Honestly, I've given up a bit on it too...I'm beginning to think maybe he didn't like what I sent him. ;) Actually, how could he not love it? MrsG what do you think? :lol:

Actually, I think he's just busy as all hell, and television show actors keep really odd *beeping* hours anyway, even more so than other actors, and the hours fluctuate...Poor people...All that so we, the audience, can enjoy an hour of television once a week. ;)
I've sent him 3 emails and this is the first one he's replied to. I believe his words were and I quote:

Thanks alot.


So yeah thats what I got.
Well, that does seem a bit disheartening, doesn't it? What time did he send it? He could have just been balls tired, and decided to keep it short and sweet...In your case...Really short. ;)

I'm sorry...My sardonic side coming through, but at least he did respond to you though, and that's the good thing right? :)
I bet it was probably around midnight or sometime after, right?

Like I said, they keep odd hours. :)
Ladies, I don't think he takes a laptop to work afterall...Sorry to spoil the imagery. ;)
Haha. Hmmm... I have an idea! Evil though it may be. Everyone should stop writing him for a while. See how he copes without a great percentage of his fanmail... :D
Tala you are evil! :D

I doubt it would make a difference tho. Not everyone who is into Carmine hangs around here or cg.net

I'm thinking he gets plenty of messages with or without our help! :)
Ah well, just a thought! :)

New season starts soon for most of you, so hopefully there will be more sensible, worthwhile things to write him about. I may have to hold off my emailing till next year. Doubt he'd need comments on Crime and Misdemeanor now, even if it's only about to air over here! :)
I think when the new season start there is more to write about (it was mentioned before, I think). Now we have not so much new stuff to talk about.

But it will become better soon!
I think Tala may be on to something...What if we decide to boycot Carmine for a while...Besides it's his own fault that we have nothing to discuss as of late...Like I posted on the other thread, he's either 'in your face'/'oversaturated' or he's 'hibernating'...When he's off, he's off, as in off the f'ing planet...It's kind of nifty, and at the same time a bit annoying.

I may be an absolute horror of a human being for stating this, but I think a little less of 'I wish I could shag Carmine...Kiss his feet...Or whatever the hell else people are writing,' would be possibly a bit helpful...Some of this might even become a bit counterproductive for him after a while, if you catch my drift.

Wow, I'm a bit on the brutally honest side this morning aren't I?

Anywho, I'm sure as soon as I'm out of this little kink I'm in right now, I'll go right back to staring at the man's ass and such...After all I am the Die Hard Ass Crusader...How could I refuse nice, symmetrically placed, perfectly twin globed peaches like that?

Damn, I really am an absolute horror of a human being! :lol:
I may be an absolute horror of a human being for stating this, but I think a little less of 'I wish I could shag Carmine...Kiss his feet...Or whatever the hell else people are writing,' would be possibly a bit helpful...Some of this might even become a bit counterproductive for him after a while, if you catch my drift.
Actually you have a point there my dearest Die Hard Ass Crusader. Some constructive feedback would do the man good. Good for his ego and good for his performance.

I'm sure the more intelligent discussions will pick up again as soon as the new eppies kick off. :)

We can drool over his ass anytime! :D
I agree with you guys. Constructive criticism never did anybody any harm.
Honestly, I've given up a bit on it too...I'm beginning to think maybe he didn't like what I sent him. ;) Actually, how could he not love it? MrsG what do you think? :lol:

GodofMediocrity - Your poems are brilliant and you know it. I'm sure he's just been really busy. After all, at least one of the poems you sent him definitely merits some response, so I'm sure he'll get around to it when he has the time.

Now, what is all this disinheartned crap I've come back to? I'm away for a mere 48 hours and return to find talk of "boycotting" Carmine and discussion of less shagging talk??? :lol: Totally unacceptable, girls. The role of a groupie is to provide support and positive feedback and make sure the man knows how completely shaggable he is. :D
Honestly, I've given up a bit on it too...I'm beginning to think maybe he didn't like what I sent him. ;) Actually, how could he not love it? MrsG what do you think? :lol:

GodofMediocrity - Your poems are brilliant and you know it. I'm sure he's just been really busy. After all, at least one of the poems you sent him definitely merits some response, so I'm sure he'll get around to it when he has the time.

See, just the woman I need to stroke me. <clears throat>
my ego...Stroke my ego. ;)

Yeah that was pretty much my take on it...The whole being busy thing, and I agree, at least one of my poems deserves a response, and hopefully it's a good one. ;) :lol:

Now, what is all this disinheartned crap I've come back to? I'm away for a mere 48 hours and return to find talk of "boycotting" Carmine and discussion of less shagging talk??? :lol: Totally unacceptable, girls.

And where were you for 48 hours? :devil:

I wasn't saying 'just dump the poor man' I was just saying that...

He's around...Then he's not...Then he is...Then he's not...That causes a problem for people who are lacking/late in the information department, and it could cause unwanted pressure on his part.

Is this making any sense to anyone?

The role of a groupie is to provide support and positive feedback and make sure the man knows how completely shaggable he is. :D

Believe me...Because of all you 'Locker Room Ladies', I know all about the role of a groupie. ;) :cool: :lol:
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