E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Well... ::taps fingers on desk:: do share! :)

Khanada if he does reply to you, will ya let us know what his answer is? I thought about e-mailing him with the same question as well. Tho I'm not sure he's allowed to talk about that! :confused:

csi007, I'm glad to hear we at least were able to make you blush... that's something, right? MrsG., we're getting through to her regarding that bet, we are. :rolleyes:...NOT! :lol:
Khanada if he does reply to you, will ya let us know what his answer is? I thought about e-mailing him with the same question as well. Tho I'm not sure he's allowed to talk about that! :confused:

Of course I will. All I asked him for was to confirm or deny HIS leaving. He should be able to say that he's staying if he is. You think I'd get that info and withhold it? I like to scare y'all with my fanfic, not news. And true, he may not be able to disclose even that. I can only hope.

I still got 20 on Vanessa.
^And knick and I asked as well. Obviously he can't talk about anything in detail. I'm sure he won't even confirm or deny it being him who is leaving.

Interesting what he said during the chat though, and I hope this doesn't cause anxiety among all of you for my putting this. To quote from the chat:

<christianhs> A Caribbean Mystery: 5 years from now, do you still see yourself on the show? Or do you see yourself doing other projects?
<carmineg> I will definitely be doing other projects every time that I have off...and will work for the show as long it's working out
"As long (as) it's working out"


Okay, okay, I don't mean to freak anyone out or cause paranoia. But to be honest, I'm open to the idea of Danny being killed off. Granted I will more than likely stop watching the show and disappear from this forum forever... :D

GodofMediocrity, when did he write you? You're not allowed to say he wrote and not post his message! That leaves us all in too much suspense! (I recall doing the same thing earlier this month, though. :D)
LOL...I said this in the other thread...I feel like stir fried horse shit, so I'm going to try and get some sleep now...I have to go to sleep soon, before I sleep the day away...It's already 4:10am, but as soon as I get back on, I'll end the suspence...Don't throw anything at me yet because I'll come back in about 12 hours :D ;) :p :cool:
GodofMediocrity, WAKE UP!!!!!! :lol:

*sounds of ten alarm clocks simultaneously*

Looking forward to your next post, woman! It's been a while since we've heard from ellipses-man. :)
GodofMediocrity - What the hell? Wake-up already. And you must tell us what you wrote him too 'cause your cg.net posts are so incredibly naughty that I don't even know if you can write anything clean. :lol:
*waiting for GodofMediocrity to wake up*

How many hours of sleep does that woman need? Yeesh!

:D I'm normally very patient, really, I am...

What's funny is, we're anxiously waiting for something that'll only be a few words long, with a bunch of "..." in between.

you are violating the E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo! code of ethics by not telling us immediately! hehe. kidding, GodofMediocrity, we love ya.

But please wake up!

i have emailed carmine twice and he has replied both times, one a couple of words but its nice that he takes the time to acknowledge his fans and email them back.

*sounds of ten alarm clocks simultaneously*

<Turns over in her bed slightly> WTF?

GodofMediocrity - What the hell? Wake-up already. And you must tell us what you wrote him too 'cause your cg.net posts are so incredibly naughty that I don't even know if you can write anything clean.

<Thumps MrsG really hard right in the [CENSORED]> How dare you soil the santity of my good name with your slanderous filth? :D
<Pets her playfully upon the head> You liked that didn't you? :p

How many hours of sleep does that woman need? Yeesh!
You gotta be awake by now

<Trying to turn back to the other side of her bed> DAMNIT PEOPLE!!!! Go back to your shanties! ;)

Ok...GRRRR...I'm awake now, and I feel a lot better...Anywho, here's what I wrote him:

Hey there Carmine,
> How's it hanging? :)
> Well...What exactly can I put in this e-mail that already hasn't been
> read...
> I admire the range you have with Danny. In particular, you've shown it
> exceptionally well in 'The Dove Commission' and 'On The Job'. The emotional
> attachment that most people have with Danny is no easy thing to pull off,
> considering it's not a 'character driven' show, but you've done a terrific job with
> it. You're quite intriguing as a whole, and because of that, you make people
> want to see more. In fact, you/your character is one of the main reasons I still
> watch the show. Though I'm not too fond of the 'adjustment rumors' I'm
> hearing, and judging from the message board, there's a lot of people that are with me
> on that one, but we'll all have to wait and see.
> I do have a question about your artwork. I find it quite good, but why so
> many faces? As a writer and professional storyteller, I find that people's
> expressions by themselves can make for the most interesting shorts, poems, etc.
> Does your inspiration come strictly from the expression or off a person as a
> whole?
> Judging by your acting and artwork, you're pretty nifty in the creativity
> department, so when am I going to see some writing from you? Naturally, I'm
> partial to the idea, and someone told me that the infamous '4th box' is for
> that purpose. If so, get to work boy...I want some good stuff to read. :)
In any event, I hope you enjoyed your break. Believe me, I know all about
> the 'Summer break' thing. It almost takes you back to school, doesn't it? :)
> I think it's great that you traveled. I haven't traveled as much, recently, as
> I'd like to, but there's some beautiful life and culture, in general, that
> people miss out on because they either do not have the means or just decide not
> to travel. It's a shame...
> Anywho, I've pretty much made this as cut and dry as I can...I'm sure
> you've got plenty more e-mails of chicks' undying lust and love for you to read
> and giggle at...hehehe
> Peace, Love & Bulletproof Carrots

Response (12:15am = 9:15pm his time, unless he's on the east coast right now):Thanks for the interesting letter...working long hours so don't have much time....but as far as the art...it's at times coincidental and sometimes decisive...the face is the inlet..it has so many different things going on...........thanks again.

You know...I had a thought...He might do this because he's keeping track of what he's typing...That's why I do it, anyway, there you go. :cool:
^^Oh that is awesome...I like how you wrote it...did you manage to get any sleep or was the poking of random fingers slightly difficult to sleep through? :lol:
Thanks, I'm pretty good at writing letters...Hell, I'm good at writing in general...There was a little more to the letter and his response, but I think I'll keep that to myself for logistic reasons...It's nothing too extravagant or riveting, but it's a bit out of common courtesy, i suppose. :)

The poking was the part I actually liked. :devil: :lol:
^^ I understand completely...some things must be kept to one's self...of course now that you've said that I'd be prepared for a bit more poking... :lol:

Yeah I have fun writing too...letters, stories, poetry...you name it... :D Anyway off to enjoy the sunshine...happy you got a response! :)
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