E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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I really can't wait now for Day 2 of the challenge! I have the most fun and come up with the most smutty stuff when I can play off of another poster.
Yep. Oh man, those were the days. :lol: The first thread wasn't even titled the Locker Room, I was the one who gave it that nickname. And you also started the PG-13-o-Meter. Who was it that first started the lobbying for the shower scene?

Me, I think. It royally pisses me off when they stick women in the shower and not men. I want to see naked men on my television screen, dammit! :lol: I elected Danny for the shower cause, well, he's hot. And as everyone in the world has seen that perfect ass of his, I think we can agree that he's a good candidate. :lol:
It royally pisses me off when they stick women in the shower and not men.
It's all good. The levels of good just vary. :D

I've read the potted plant thing so many times but I always forget the origin and I have to keep going back to that first thread for a look.

Top41, I think the PG-13-o-Meter is broken. It let you say 'pissed'. It's getting lenient in it's old age. :lol:
Ok.... just checking out this no censorship site!!! I'm soooo excited!!
7 days days aren't over yet, my dearest csi007! Well, we're trying! I noticed we managed to scare someone off? :lol:
Indeed, we did. :confused: Was it our excessive and repetive use of [CENSORED; CENSORED; AND SOOOO CENSORED YOU CAN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT HERE]???
The thought that a nice girl like you even knows such naughtiness is going on in some other corner of the internet makes me almost blush and that really doesn't happen.
I'm off my pills so I'm a little crazy at the moment. I'll admit, you guys have made me blush a few times, but I'm loving every minute of it.

I'm about to email Carmine... AGAIN!!! I have angst and I need it dealt with.
I'm off my pills so I'm a little crazy at the moment.
Leave it to me to pick the perfect time to go open-season on your website. :lol:
I'll admit, you guys have made me blush a few times, but I'm loving every minute of it.
I'm glad you're loving it. Udjat, the rest of the girls, and I are having a blast. I've gotta give you credit because I think most site administrators would have been crapping their pants days ago. You rock! For those at this site who have not ventured over to carminegiovinazzo.net, I am seriously on the losing end of my bet with csi007 thus far.

I'm about to email Carmine... AGAIN!!! I have angst and I need it dealt with.
Ah, many will thank you for returning this thread to its proper topic. Go for it. Um, not to criticize His Hotness or anything, but I actually think it's kinda rude that you told him about your website and he didn't respond. That takes a lot of time and effort on your part and he should really have taken a second to write "That's cool ... thanks. cdg" But, just as a tip if you do write him again, you might not wanna mention the part about your meds. :lol:
I e-mailed him too, asking him to just confirm that he's not the one leaving. We'll see if I get a reply.
Well then let's hope he replies to at least one of us!

Wow... we're finally talking about e-mailing again on this thread! :lol:
^^ I keep mistaking this thread for the locker room sometimes...like I made a wrong turn or something! :lol:

The thought that a nice girl like you even knows such naughtiness is going on in some other corner of the internet makes me almost blush and that really doesn't happen.

Wow that makes YOU almost blush huh? Well sheesh look at me go and I wasn't even trying! :D
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