E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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I don't believe in censorship. :devil:

Fifty bucks says I can get you to re-think that policy within a week. :devil: :devil: :devil:
You're on. I'm always up for a challenge. :devil:

Wow, I was kidding. :lol: But I'm a highly competitive girl who never backs down from a challenge. So let's go. There is only one thing I love more than a challenge and I'm about to head on over to carminegiovinazzo.net to discuss it (Dream and those under the age of 18, please remain seated). I have an idea designed to test the limits of your anti-censorship policy. I am going to initiate a new topic of discussion at cg.net every day for the next 7 days. If you edit any of my posts or ask me to do so, or in any way attempt to limit the resulting discussion, I win. Alternatively, if your policy remains unchanged after 7 days, you win. I will sing your praises loud and clear on your site and this one, declaring you the ultimate champion of freedom of speech. Sound fair? [Note to Udjat, Bliss, and similarly naughty groupies: I need back-up. In order to properly test CSI007's commitment to anti-censorship, I need people to respond to the posts.]

Hell, I might be a bit new here, and I haven't shown it off much, but I can definately help you out in that department...Get me in the right mood, and I can out talk a sailor. I just haven't been tested enough yet. :devil: :cool:
Hell, I might be a bit new here, and I haven't shown it off much, but I can definately help you out in that department...Get me in the right mood, and I can out talk a sailor. I just haven't been tested enough yet. :devil: :cool:
Excellent! I can use all the help I can get. Head on over to carminegiovinazzo.net and let's put those skills to the test. :devil:
GodofMediocrity and CanadianCSIFan - you girls are awesome! I thought I was one of the dirtiest girls here. I had no idea. You girls have been holding out on us. Where is Udjat??? Udjat - I know it's the middle of the night for you, but c'mon, wake up. I think we're about to be de-throned as the reigning queens of smut. Nice job, girls!
The Potted Plant is from the very first Locker Room. I can't remember exactly how it started, honestly. Bitten?

It was you who started it, Top! I believe we were discussing the hotness of Danny (What?! No way!) when you replied something along the lines of "Every girl/boy/potted plant should be able to enjoy looking at him..."
"Every girl/boy/potted plant should be able to enjoy looking at him..."
:lol: That explains it! Thanks, Top and Bitten.

MrsG! PM me the direct link to your fanfic! I can't get to it... and yes, I am waaaaayyyyy over 18, so no worries there! :D

I love the discussion on cg.net... wonder what csi007 is thinking now?! Can't wait till you start on Day 2! Have to register before I can post there... will get around to it soon.

Where on earth is Udjat? Last time I saw her, smoke was coming out of her ears. ;)
GodofMediocrity and CanadianCSIFan - you girls are awesome! I thought I was one of the dirtiest girls here. I had no idea. You girls have been holding out on us. Where is Udjat??? Udjat - I know it's the middle of the night for you, but c'mon, wake up. I think we're about to be de-throned as the reigning queens of smut. Nice job, girls!

Thank you kindly...I'm still feeling the place out...Just wait ladies...I'll post some good semi-censored smutt for you soon enough...Plus, I'm in a pretty good mood right now. (Check the other post) :lol: :cool:
Stay right where you are Dream.

Done and done! I just wanna know who wins the bet...just don't tell me how... :lol:

BTW...I get to see kmfx tomorrow we will HAVE to send a post for all of you all...possibly in the diary enteries! ;)
Ladies, ladies! I'm here. I will switch to my smut mode for the week (still recovering from the weekend! :devil:) and run over to cg.net (if the server at work will let me, I can never tell!).

So no worries, MrsG., Tala and others, I will contribute asap! :D
It was you who started it, Top! I believe we were discussing the hotness of Danny (What?! No way!) when you replied something along the lines of "Every girl/boy/potted plant should be able to enjoy looking at him..."

Ah, yes, right you are! Can't believe I forgot that. And thus the Potted Plant was born. :lol: The shower scene, the Potted Plant, and the PG-13-o-Meter were all born in the first Locker Room thread IIRC. :lol:
Yep. Oh man, those were the days. :lol: The first thread wasn't even titled the Locker Room, I was the one who gave it that nickname. And you also started the PG-13-o-Meter. Who was it that first started the lobbying for the shower scene?
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