E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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He's such a fibber! I emailed him months ago and asked what the 4th box was and he said that it was a kind of journal/writings place and he was 'pulling it all together'. The guy holds the procrastination gold card. I know how it is though, I have one too. :lol:
Figures he starts back up as soon as I unpinned the thread. :lol: I'm gonna leave it unpinned for now just so things don't get too crowded at the top of the forum!
Yeah, I wouldn't pin it again. You know once you do, he'll to the cave. You know, the one that lacks internet access. Mine came at way different times yesterday, I'm guessing he spent a good portion of the day reading.
^Man, that's dedication...or something. :lol: I wouldn't spend an entire day in front of a computer unless I had to! Which I do. For work. :lol:
There's not really a doubt in my mind that he comes here. Whoever runs his site knows about it and knew about the favorite character thread, so he must know.
I think it's wonderful that you guys have gotten replies from Carmine. I'm getting a little courage now to write him myself. I'm still worried he'll think I'm stupid or something...I'll probably write a hundred 'rough copies' before I feel one is good enough.
I finally wrote him one :) I probably sat there for an hour or so, writing and re-writing my email at least 20 times until I thought there was something decent lol.
I finally got a response from the second email that I sent him all those days ago. Its so nice, but this message/reply was much shorter than the other response I got from my previous email. Strange, because the second email seemed to have more content than the first email I sent.

Oh well. :)
I finally got a reply too, yay! I took about two minutes to write my email to him, because I figure, even if I come off crazy or fangirly (which I am, no doubt), it's not like he's going to really know who I am, so there's no reason to be self-conscious. God bless email. :D
There's not really a doubt in my mind that he comes here. Whoever runs his site knows about it and knew about the favorite character thread, so he must know.
Definitely agree with you...he's here, if only once in a while, but he's lurking! :)
^Then I will have to reiterate my advice: Carmine, if you're ever offered a part as a male stripper with a heart of gold, take it.

I think I also said something eating vegetables the first time around, but I'm not sure. I only remember the important parts of my advice. ;) :devil:
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