Really good episode. I thought the tie in with the holiday was pretty clever, considering that Americans in general do tend to overeat on a regular basis according to medical experts, but even moreso during the holidays. However there's mirroring life and there's taking things to the extreme. But who'd watch if it was just mirroring life?
Everyone was great in this episode and it was nice to see something lighthearted after last week's adventure.
Catherine was cute getting excited over the pretzel bag. Although the kind she ordered sounded disgusting.
Cranberry sauce does not have a smell no matter how good your nose is. :lol: Loved Brass's Thanksgiving comment. Was wondering how the guy got into the dumpster in the first place? Did he crawl in there looking for food? In which case he would have been found face down instead of face up.
I don't do strawberry rhubarb pie but I felt bad for Doc Robbins that no one wanted his baking.
I agree with whoever mentioned that Warrick's "my lady" comments are getting old. Yes I understand he's a newlywed but he makes it all seem so forced if that makes any sense.
I must be weird because I wasn't grossed out at all by the stomach contents scenes. What I did find to be gross was the way he was eating right out of the buffet line. In the real world, he would have been kicked out on the spot (they wouldn't take that much time to get to him) and the restaurant area shut down indefinitely. I know it was dramatic license and I'm all for suspending my disbelief to a certain point (WP himself even said it's entertainment, not science) but there is no way a guy's stomach contents could be seperated as neatly as was shown, down to seperating the liquids into their appropriate colors, especially after sitting for 2-4 hrs and when Hodges first dumped the contents it was all one color? How does that work?
Still not a fan of Nick's mustache but it's starting to grow on me.
Hodges was strangely endearing as usual. His mom totally got rid of the hamsters. :lol:
Greg was cute when he kept looking like he wanted the floor to swallow him rather than listen to Grissom's story, and then wanting to be reimbursed for his expenses. Curious what became of all those hot dogs after the experiment. I hated hot dogs before this ep and I hate them worse now if that's even possible.
Sara and Nick's story was good. Couldn't stand the girl in the interrogation room with Sara. The divorcing couple was ridiculous in their behavior. Not unheard of but still. Either way, no animals should be manipulated or abused the way they were.
Felt bad for Jerry's sister in the hospital and I liked Catherine's gesture of giving her the newspaper.
The boyfriend was a prick to say the least. On the one hand I can understand how he felt bad that Jerry was being trapped there but it was for his own good. Which also makes you wonder if modern medicine couldn't have helped him if Grissom was able to pinpoint in medical textbooks what the disease was to begin with. But what was really unacceptable was the way the boyfriend was taking advantage of Jerry's condition, whether he realized it or not, which he had to have.