Dislike An LV Character?

ahh, got it. i would too. shes the only one id vote off. im not crazy about ecklie, but he gives color to the show. alot of it.
I go back and forth about Sara, I don't like her and I do like her, she can be annoyed when she around Grissom but when she is around Nick, she is not, she relaxed. I do exactly something about Catherine, I do like her or I don't.

One thing, I will always like Nick, Greg and Grissom.

Nick- I will never stay mad at him when he did something wrong because I love him.

Greg- He can be annoyed but I still love him. Nick and Greg, those two love to have fun.

Grissom- He sometimes make me mad when he hurt or not listen to Nick. Nick does got a good idea about a lot of thing.

Warrick- I didn't like him when he acting too macho but he is around Nick, he's relaxed.

Sofia- I didn't care about her.
I don't like Sara.. I mean Catherine haas problems.. but she was born into a mess of problems.. sara kinda bugs me with her problems.. they are kinda.. random.. she reminds me of Melinda from "speak" When something went rong in her past, she totally excludes herself from the world.. untill both nick and grissom told her to get a life. lol. =] Other than that I love em all. <3
Re: Dislike A Character?

The only character I've ever really disliked is Sofia, and I couldn't stand her from minute one. I just found her annoying, and it's not just because I can't stand it when anybody who's not Sara flirts with Grissom, because I never had any problems with Lady Heather and it's arguable that they did a whole lot more than flirt...
So I don't really know why I dislike Sofia so much, but she just irks me, and she's always seemed so pointless. And she's the only character on the whole show who I really don't like. I don't even really dislike Ecklie because he's the kind of character you just love to hate, so he has a purpose. But I don't even like to hate Sofia; I could just do without her completely. Though that's nothing against Louise Lombard as an actress at all; I just plain don't like the character.
Re: Dislike A Character?

i used to not like her. but the i decided that she really is ok. weird thing is, that thats around the time that i started to really dislike sara.
i dont even know why i had a problem with sofia in the first place. now that i think about it, really there is nothing wrong with her (IMO)
Re: Dislike A Character?

Ok, I haven’t really justified my reasons for this but I absolutely hate Nick with a passion. Everything about him, especially his smile and his voice and that teenage boy torso that the writers keep making us look at. No, there is no logical reason for this, so I’ll stop before I get flamed and extend my apologies to the mediator in advance.

S_Bright said:
I've disliked Griss ever since his evaluation of Nick based solely on a riddle

He's the worst boss immaginable

Thanks to that Sara's character suffers too - she's ok when she interacts with Nick or Warrick but when she gets all bossy with Greg or minionion-like at the side of boss Griss I wanna slap her.
Yes, I absolutely can’t stand Grissom. I do like his weird morbid personality (you know, his “little fetal pig” and what not) and I could actually enjoy this character but his disregard for other people and his attitude as a boss really make me dislike him. As for the riddle (I’m assuming this is the milk thing) I believe Grissom had already made up his mind about how advanced he thought Nick was, he wasn’t basing his opinion solely on the answer to a riddle, he was just using it to show Nick that he wasn’t ready. Not that I agree with giving stupid riddles out in order to show your employees the level of competency you think they’re at.

I also absolutely do not agree with that that whole Grissom recommending Nick over Sara for the promotion because “he didn’t want it” or some such nonsense. Even the most simple of people can see that that that is possibly the stupidest reason for offering a person a promotion. Isn’t the whole basis of promotions to promote ambitious, skilled people who want to get ahead, Nick showed that he is not ambitious and from the evidence we’ve been given on the show we know that he is not as skilled and makes many more evidence and procedural related mistakes then Sara who was up for the promotion to. I can think of about a dozen mistakes Nick has made over the years to show his incompetence (I’ll list them is anyone wants)

And on Sara bossing around Greg, I’ve never gotten that opinion from watching the show that she bosses Greg around, infact throughout season five CSI went to pains to show that she was one of the only people who actually seemed to notice that Greg, as a new CSI is in need of training and was helped him. We saw many examples of Sara working with Greg and teaching him forensic procedures and stuff. We didn’t really see that from anybody else (except to a certain extent Sofia). Grissom on the other hand, well, they made sure we knew that he had been neglecting his duties as a boss in overseeing Greg’s training, they showed this with that season seven scene (not sure which ep) you know, the one after he yells at Greg about the music I think and then Greg goes and shows Grissom all the things he’s learnt without his help and Grissom is left standing there a little dumbfounded.

As for Sara, I don’t hate her (actually, I have a five year long obsession with her) but this relationship with Grissom is really, really putting me off. I always loved everything in relation to Sara, but only as long as it had nothing to do with Grissom and her weird father issue type crush on him and that absolute shipwreck of a relationship (isn’t it fun using ship metaphors)

And, this is sort of off point, but seriously, all the people who hate Sofia just because they think she’s some sort of GSR threat, please knock it off already! I don’t know how that could possibly be a valid reason anymore.
Re: Dislike A Character?

And, this is sort of off point, but seriously, all the people who hate Sofia just because they think she’s some sort of GSR threat, please knock it off already! I don’t know how that could possibly be a valid reason anymore.
You were doing good posting logical explainations for your thoughts up until this one. Like you everyone has the right to their opinion and you have the right to disagree with them, but that could be mis-understood. Again this thread is not to defend your fav character or any character/actor but rather to read and give opinions. Keep this in mind in the future. :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

Oh Sofia...
I don't even ship GSR and I really, really dislike her. I almost feel bad about it. I think if she'd been introduced at a different time and in a more...fluid way then there probably wouldn't have been such a violent reaction against her. Instead, it was just "bang. Here's a screenful of overly-pushy femme. Deal with it." And that's unfortunate, because Sofia is intelligent, funny, classy, and beautiful, but the way she was introduced made her completely unlikeable from the start.

There were 8 main characters and not enough time to showcase each of them as it was, and at 43ish minutes per ep... (*does math*) there's not really a lot of time left to focus on the characters the way some fans would like them to (spoken like a true Greg fan). And when yet another character was forced into the mix, it was someone who didn't really contribute to the ensemble (my opinion). It changed slightly once she became a detective, but still... she was never necessary.

Also, and this is my personal, possibly irrational issue with her, she's squeezing herself into the team as if she always belonged there. I really hate the way she's being portrayed as an all-knowing sage. For example, in Post-Mortem, she's there giving Greg advice like she knows everything, and while that may or may not be the case, it was really annoying. I'm bothered by the fact that this character is taking up screen time without adding an element that wasn't already there or could be supplied by someone we already know and love. Wouldn't Brass (who killed someone last year) or Catherine (who I vaguely remember killing someone at the end of season 1) have been a much better choice for comforting him? Not only because they've been there, but also because they're generally more likeable and have a solid history of friendship with Greg, and the audience for that matter.

As for the Cath/Sara thing, I think both characters have the same problem. They seem to have split personalities, and the writers flop around from one to the other with little thought to continuity. Sara will either be patient and understanding with a sly sense of fun, or mopey and bitter. Thankfully, we're seeing more of the pleasant version of Sara recently, but I'm just waiting for the day when something causes her to go overboard again. I really don't want that to happen, because Sara's not a cardboard cut-out, and she shouldn't be able to just flip from one 1-dimensional side of her personality to the other. She has the potential to be a fascinating character. They're at a good place with her now: they've managed to simmer the workaholic from the earlier seasons with the love-lorn persona from the middle seasons to create something good.
It's the same thing with Catherine. She's a character who has a lot of flaws, and who learns from them, but we're just tired of hearing about it. Over-exposure, folks. Also there's the whole 'doesn't take responsibility for her actions' thing. Thinking back to the end of S4, she goes in for her evaluation with Grissom, and it goes pretty well until she tells him about the check from Sam(which is good). When Grissom gets upset, she signs the evaluation as quick as she can and scampers away before he can make revisions (which is bad). She's just inconsiderate far too often.

Wow... that's really long :D thanks to people who are still reading, I love a good fanwank.
To sum it up, I really do love Sara and Cath, they just need to pick one of their multiple personalities and stick with it. Sofia... is another story. sigh.
Re: Dislike A Character

I've got one word for youse people.


That is all. :lol:

Nahh, I don't really like him because of his attitude, but I like every other cast member, even hodges has his 'cool' moments.......Sofia if my fave atm...:D

and I'm not bashing any users on here at all, I'm just saying..... 'I hate so-and-so' clubs are really immature........and besides, have you ever thought of what the actors/actresses would feel and/or say if they found out about that sort of thing? I for one would be offended, but move on just as quick :)
Re: Dislike A Character

I can't stand Ecklie. Mostly it's his goddamn behaviour and his german voice just intenses it. But I quite lilked him in Grave Danger. That was okay.

Hodges...yes..it's difficult with him...sometimes I just hate him and his sayings/behaviour but sometimes he's kinda awesome. Very weird! :lol:

But besides those two I like every other character. :D
Re: Dislike A Character

someone mentioned sophia's accent, and I also thought she talked funny, but i was watching the season 6 special features, and she had her real accent....I had NO idea that she is actually british! that is why she talks funny, she is putting on an american accent...