Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

zupa_fly said:
The scene with Sara in Nesting Dolls really bothered me - I thought it was a low point for both their characters, and that they both could have handled the situation better. Catherine, as the supervisor, should have had that conversation with Sara in private.
I agree. Nesting Dolls sucked big time because of that. First, it made Sara condescending towards Asian women, where she has been anything but supportive to all women up to that point. Then, it made Catherine bitchy to want to fire Sara just for that. They've worked for years and I'd like to think their friendship and loyalty would go beyond that. I hate it whenever they turn Cath and Sara against each other. Women can get along you know.

I just realized, they've turned Sara against almost every major character:

Season 1: conflict with Warrick
Season 4: conflict with Nick and Grissom
Season 5: conflict with Catherine and Ecklie
Season 6: conflict with Sofia (sort of)

maybe next season they'll make her fight with Greg lol.

I wonder why they kept making her character disagreeable. I still love her though.
Re: Dislike A Character

well, i love everyone differently. but if i have to pick flaws, i'd want...
sara needs to be less emotionaly involved with cases
grissom is perfect-o :)
nick needs to watch his truch damn it.
greg is too hot :devil:
sofia is too high strung. she needs a guy. coughnickcough.
ecklie is too bald.
hodges is too in love with his microscope :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character

Actually I love them all. Yes. Even Ecklie or the Sheriff guy. I only dislike the random hookers that hit on Nick. :)
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't really like Sara.She acts like a royal B most of the time.She acts like she is better than everyone else.
Just a reminder of how this thread works
Destiny said: There are lot of people who go into other threads stating they dislike this or that character to the point of arguments, which is totally not on topic of that thread.
Hate is such a strong word, so I use "Dislike".
As you will see i didn't specify a character and therefore Any character (Grissom, Catherine, Sara, Nick, Warrick, Doc, David, Sofia, Ecklie, Brass, or a Janitor even, your getting the picture) can be talked about from this show.

I have decided to reform this a bit, if you want to discuss why you dislike something about a character and what you also like about them thats cool to, lol.
But if you come in jumping up and down shouting I love (Name) for the sake of it, or have a shipper discussion you might try one of the threads dedicated to that person or shipper Central. :D

Also lets remember this is just a persons opinion of a character and not a bashing so there really isn't a need to defend the character.
Example: I dislike/disliked this character because... or
Example: I disliked this about the character but I also like this about the character.

But There are 3 rules for this thread.
1. keep it on topic
2. don't attack others if their opinions differ from yours
(Some might come in and say I like so and so), its fine but lets not (To anyone) bash okay.
3. Don't bash a character (Give a good reason for disliking them without resorting to name calling ie slut and so on).
I just realized, they've turned Sara against almost every major character:

Season 1: conflict with Warrick
Season 4: conflict with Nick and Grissom
Season 5: conflict with Catherine and Ecklie
Season 6: conflict with Sofia (sort of)

With the exception of Warrick and Grissom, it's interesting that the women always seem to have a problem with her. Catherine lied to Sara on her first day, and then proceeded to tell her that she was too much of a snob to buy her daughter a birthday present.

I think the fight she had with Nick was pretty even, though. And fleeting.
I don't particularly like Sofia. It's the accent, I think. She's kinda hot with that gun, but.. AND She tries to take Grissom. But she's cool! I love her with that damn gun! Geeze!

And I also have a love/hate relationship with Catherine. There's times I adore her, lovin' her motherly side and all that jazz, and there's times I'm just like, uhh! You w****! I wanna shlap 'er! Jus' shlap 'er! But she's too cute! Funny, sarcastic, and those eyes! Jeeze! <3
In catherines defence she did try and tell Grissom she has a thing with a suspect but he was all 'not know i'm busy need to get to the lab' so she did try he never listens sometimes he seems to much of a robot 'i..have..no..human..emotions..' still like him most the time though he was much better in series 1. They need to bring back the human element to him otherwise he's just dull and boring. Would you want to be friends with him in real life all he does is work and read about bugs ooo fun!
i dont like sara. i wouldnt admit it in the past. it was hard for me, but yeah, im not crazy about her. i feel that she is too competitive and tries too hard to be perfect.
she is a very good csi, and i restpect that, i just sort of have trouble with her personality.
im not exactly against her realtionship with grissom...i dont know...
what does that mean off the island? she got on my nerves since the beginning, but i was in a situation that i felt that i wasnt allowed to admit it, so im admitting it now.