Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

she's sweet with the funny accent. I have a teacher who's english, and I love her accent :) ok, would you know where I could download the extras from? I don't think omaetoy.net has them :(
Re: Dislike A Character

I can't dislike any of the characters from CSI, because I think that they are all important to the development of the series and the storyline.
But anyway, with this I don't mean that I wouldn't dislike them as people, specialy Ecklie, with that personality.
So, in conclusion, I do like all characters, because they all togheter make this series such a big show, but I probably wouldn't go along with some of them...Well, we never know, but...
Re: Dislike A Character

How can you not love Ecklie? :O Haha.

xfcanadian said:
someone mentioned sophia's accent, and I also thought she talked funny, but i was watching the season 6 special features, and she had her real accent....I had NO idea that she is actually british! that is why she talks funny, she is putting on an american accent...
WHAT! Is she really British? That's damn cute, haha. In her first few episodes I hated her, but now she's my favourite character along with the rest of the cast, lol.
I dont really silike any characters as i believe they are all present for a reason. i do however have a problem with (especially in the earlier series of the show) the way every single time a child was involved with a case Catherine would say something like "oh i understand ive got a 12 year old daughter". It used to really irritate me how the writers (for some unknown reason) thought we could not understand that catherine could relate to the victim unless they had her say this
well. i like every character in different ways.
SOFIA- i think she's a pretty cool laid-back girl. is it her fault that she kinda flirted with grissom in previous seasons? in fact, a lot of girls flirted with him. so we shouldn't really dislike her for that.
BRASS- his sarcasm. enough said.
SARA- even tho i like her good energy, it kind of annoys me when she expects grissom to like her for everything she does. cut griss some slack. he's had a rough childhood, and he loves his job. he's risking his job for her.
WARRICK- he knows how to control problems without blowing his head off. i think that's pretty cool.
NICK- everyone loves a hard-working devoted CSI, dont we?
GREG- cute. smart. funny. 'nuff said.
GRISSOM- even though he can be 'blind' towards his friend's feelings and emotions, he's still a respectable man. as i mentioned before, he's risking his job to be with sara. he's been there for her, especially during the ep where sara and griss went to the mental hospital or something like that and sara almost got killed and had a mental breakdown.
CATHERINE- we might know more about her personal life then all of the other CSI's combined, but maybe there's a good reason why. catherine is more...'open' than any other CSIs. do we know a lot about grissom's personal life? no. is grissom an 'open' person? no.
ECKLIE- i only started to like him a little after grave danger when he started to be more friendly with the team after he let them get back together. i think the reason why he might have been a little harsh on grissom in the earlier seasons is due to his 'competitive' side. and i think after grave danger he realized how immature he's been towards others and the damage he caused for breaking up the team.
HODGES- every TV show's gotta have a rude character. he just happens to be the one. you've got to admit that sometimes he can be funny.

all in all, without each character and their personalities, CSI would not be one of the most watched shows in the nation. we're always thinking 'who's gonna kiss whom in the next ep?' or 'who's gonna get hurt or shot?' (etc).
i hope that i made my point clear here. you may 'dislike' one or more characters, but you've got to admit that that's one of the reasons why you keep watching the show.

the end.
I really really love all the characters except for Catherine, I mean she has her good sides (sometimes she's really funny) but I think all the drama in her life kind of destroyed her character for me. Especially the season 7 openers did the rest to me... I mean Marg is an amazing actress and played Cath so great in these episodes, but I still can't help but think of Catherine as a drama queen... and I don't like drama queens...
and she's mean to Sara sometimes so that doesn't make it any better...
i figured out what my problem is with sara. lately (the past few months) i have developed a rather extreme dilike to her, and couldnt quite place my finger on it. now i realize that it is her smile. it feels fake to me. very very fake.
sometimes i don't like sara. she just seems either too involved or not involved enough. like over involved in Too Tough To Die, and under involved in built to kill part two .

if a coworker told me they may have been drugged and raped. i would have asked if they were okay at least.

i just think she lacks an in between point with certain cases. it may just be me.

[ and i didnt know if that was a spoiler so yeah ]
Let me help out here, if the Episode has already aired in all three time zones in the United States then it is no longer considered a spoiler. ;)
Destiny said:
There are lot of people who go into other threads stating they dislike this or that character to the point of arguments, which is totally not on topic of that thread.
Hate is such a strong word, so I use "Dislike".
As you will see I didn't specify a character and therefore Any character (Grissom, Catherine, Sara, Nick, Warrick, Doc, David, Sofia, Ecklie, Brass, or a Janitor even, your getting the picture) can be talked about from this show.
I have decided to reform this a bit, if you want to discuss why you dislike something about a character and what you also like about them thats cool to, lol.
But if you come in jumping up and down shouting I love (Name) for the sake of it, or have a shipper discussion you might try one of the threads dedicated to that person or shipper Central. :D
Also lets remember this is just a persons opinion of a character and not a bashing so there really isn't a need to defend the character.
Example: I dislike/disliked this character because... or
Example: I disliked this about the character but I also like this about the character.
But There are 3 rules for this thread.
1. keep it on topic
2. don't attack others if their opinions differ from yours
(Some might come in and say I like so and so), its fine but lets not (To anyone) bash okay.
3. Don't bash a character (Give a good reason for disliking them without resorting to name calling ie slut and so on).
I thought this would be another good thread to revive for the new folks and even the regulars, alot of times you start out liking or disliking a character and as time goes on you change your mind. ;)
I really disliked Sophia. I'm glad she's gone. I can't really pinpoint what it was about her, except I don't think she had any chemistry with the rest of the cast. She just never fit in, in my opinion.
unlike CSI Miami (where I have grown to dislike most of the main cast apart from Horatio), there just isn't anyone to dislike in LV!

Ecklie is great cos he is so slimey and horrible -that's what makes him what he is. He's a perfect character.

Greg as a CSI is probably my least liked main character, but I don't dislike him. He was just a whole lot better as a character and for the show when he was a lab tech.

But the Vegas characters are mostly so strong, and well thought out, and very well acted. Miami should take note ;)
I love them all, I wouldn't watch a show, where I found nothing but negativity and put downs and didn't like the whole cast, for me, to nit-pick and insult certain CSI cast members, would be not my cup of tea! their all unique and different and beautiful, the greatest cast on TV, they all add something different to the mix of this fabulous show ;) an ENSEMBLE that fits!

I'm not a big fan of Sara, she was quite alright in the first two seasons. Getting into later seasons, to me anyways, it seemed that she was giving off the attitude that she knew all about the job and therefore deserved to have everything go her way. Working with a team is meant to give everyone a chance to be a part of the case, there is no I in team.

And then there is Ecklie with his holier than thou, bow at my feet and his nose in the air. He needs a good kick in the arse to also realize that no one wants to listen to his senseless drabble and empty threats. Someday I would love to see an ep where he gets his just desserts.