Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

The only characters I've ever really disliked are Ecklie and Grissom. I realize that Grissom has more experience than the rest, but that doesn't give him the right to hold that over everyone's (see: Nick's) heads. As much as I like Grissom, I like Nick more and cannot stand to see him disrespected by Grissom as he has been on more than one occasion. Hopefully after GD Grissom will realize what a necessary part of the CSI team Nick is and he will respect him more.

As much as I adore Sara, I also dislike Sara's bearing of a torch for Grissom in past seasons. Luckily, I think she has grown out of it as of late. It's a good thing too, because I was nearly ready to reach through my screen, slap her and say "GOSHBLAMMIT GIRL, GET OVER IT!"
Re: Dislike A Character

Ecklie for very obvious reason and sometimes Catherine, I can't explain it but I dislike her on some episodes....
Re: Dislike A Character

Since "Grave Danger" is the first CSI episode I ever saw, I caught Ecklie and Hodges on a good day, so I can't really say I dislike them. Although I have since watched a few other episodes, and I can see why other people would find them annoying and infuriating.

The only character I really have any sort of active dislike for, however, is Catherine. She really isn't very professional. I don't know what kind of dress code they would have in a CSI lab, but she'd get sent home to change most days if she worked in a regular office.

This has less to do with the character than with the writers, but I think there is also too much of Catherine's dating life than I care to see.
Re: Dislike A Character

I HATE Ecklie i just think he is the biggest dick on the show, and i hate hodges cause he is to cocky in Play with fire. hes like "You know how much Grissom depends on me, so you want to get rid of me" or something like that! ARHG i hate both of them
Re: Dislike A Character

There are no characters that I currently dislike on the show. I used to not like Warrick because Grissom favored him over Nick for no reason. Yes, I know that makes no sense because it's not Warrick's fault and I should really have blamed Grissom, but I didn't. However, I've come to really like Warrick - especially after watching his concern for Nick in GD.

In Season 4, I thought Sara acted like a complete witch for the most part, but I think she's regained some of her charm. At times, Catherine can annoy the heck out of me. I don't like her as a supervisor. I think if she were mine, I'd have serious issues with her.

I don't even hate Ecklie. (I disliked Sheriff Mobley more than him.) I've just come to expect crappiness from his character.
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't like Ecklie or Hodges but then they are meant to come across like that, although they could be worse.
Re: Dislike A Character

I've never cared for Hodges, however, he wasn't so bad in GD. Catherine irritates me sometimes with her overbearing personality, but I don't dislike her.
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't really dislike anyone, except for Mobley, who was an insufferable jerk with no redeeming qualities.

Ecklie has his moments, and I know he's just there as a catalyst (drama needs one). His priorities are just a bit screwed up. I like characters that are a bit flawed, because they're fascinating and scary and they bring about the best moments in the characters who have to deal with them.

You have to admit, Colombo is more interesting than Perry Mason.
Re: Dislike A Character

The closest I've ever come to disliking a character was in one of the season 5 episodes(the name escapes me), when Catherine was late to an autopsy, and snapped at Sofia to "stay out of it" when she apologized for going ahead without her. I thought that was totally uncalled for.
Re: Dislike A Character

Ecklie because he is a pathetic excuse for a human being, seems like he is just out to drive a wrench into peoples lives just for the thrill of it because he has no life himself.

and Hodges (but he's growing on me) because he is a butt kisser and has a bad attitude.

I agree about Catherine being "Overused" although I still like her she is borderline on the dislike line.

I used to dislike Sara but she has lightened up a lot since she's been working with Greggo.
Re: Dislike A Character

I'd also like to add: I DO NOT dislike the character of Sophia. If you'll remember in Mea Culpa she did come to Grissom's defense and as a result Ecklie demoted her. She also gave some very good advise to Greg in Spark of life when he was upset about the burned victim. Think about that before you decide to hate her just for taking up screen time.
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't really dislike any characters. Ecklie has his jacka$$ moments, but I don't really dislike any of them.
Re: Dislike A Character

I have some moments where I dislike Grissom (When Greg's just trying to be funny and grissom snaps at him)
and that woman who almost let Lindsay die in the car, I hate her. and Ecklie has been an @$$hole up until Grave Danger (please become good!) XD
Re: Dislike A Character

I dislike Ecklie and Catherine (well I've disliked her only in the 5th season)