Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

I like sara and grissom they are my fav 2 characters.I also likes greg and nick and warrick are ok! but I have a strong dislike of Ecklie.and sophia is ok I like her :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

I dislike the guy who does Trace. His character just gets on my nerves. I guess he's supposed to be the 'irritating' character but he annoys me beyond belief.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I don't hate any character, but I side with Grissom when it comes to Ecklie, I know I shouldn't but I do.

I was also cranky with Ecklie when he accused Nicky of murder, with out proving the evidence, which is after all something he should have done, not Catherine *clenches teeth*

Other than that I do like him, Hodges I've never hated, he's just amusing :D
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by OrangeCrushWEyeliner:
I dislike the guy who does Trace. His character just gets on my nerves. I guess he's supposed to be the 'irritating' character but he annoys me beyond belief.
Descript of irritating, annoying, nerve racking i am guessing your talking about "Hodges"? if so expect more nerve problems, the actor has been made a regular on the show. ;)
Re: Dislike A Character?

I can't believe I just read this whole thread. :lol:

Looks like I might be with the majority in that I dislike Ecklie. BUT I figure that's what he's there for. They need someone to bring some animosity to the lab. He's like the Yin to Grissom's Yang. So yes, I don't like him, but if I did, he wouldn't be doing his job.

I also (sort of) dislike Hodges. Yes he's an annoying suckup. But he's an amusing annoying suckup and he's growing on me. I'm pretty sure that I'd miss him now if he was gone.

Now, to the person I did have an actual dislike for..Sara. I started watching during seasons 3 and 4 reruns. She was okay. Wasn't my favorite, but I didn't dislike her. Then I saw the S1 eps, and IMO she came across as extremely arrogant. She came in to investigate Warrick, but she very biased against him. I would think in that situation, you would have to be completely unbiased. Especially, when you're the new person. I also didn't like how in the episode when they had 24 hours to find new evidence (sorry can't think of the name), and she became indignant because Grissom told her to put her own case aside. I can't imagine pulling that attitude with my boss.

But, she's gotten better in the later seasons, and I'm even starting to like her a bit this season. Maybe it's the Greg influence, but I enjoy the interaction between the two of them.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I know many hate Ecklie, but for the series I think he's a great jackass to play off of Grissom and stir things up. I must say this past season I've really disliked Catherine. She became so territorial and bitchy. Everything was mine, mine, mine. She's also quite the tease. Everyone thinks she's classy but really, she was a coke using, stripper who married a loser like Eddie, used the city engineer as a boy toy and almost jumped the manager of "Acid Drop" (i think) while working a case. Then there was the guy in ICED. She used the lab for her own personal test and let Sam get off a murder charge. She acts superior but is very low class and just a bully at heart. meow!
Re: Dislike A Character?

I still can't stand Ecklie, he can just go away and not come back. :D Hodges use to annoy me, but now he's kind of grown on me. His arogant personality is just too funny at times. Now Cathrine...I use to like her in the beginning, a working mother, struggling to get by. Now that she's pramoted, she became Queen B**ch.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I know that alot of people are gonna hate me for saying this, but I can't STAND Grissom!!! He is a heartless, selfish, cruel, big-headed little man. He makes me mad. He treates eveyone like they are inferior to him. Just becuase he is the boss, dosen't mean that he is better. :mad:
Re: Dislike A Character?

I don't hate you. I like Grissom myself, for the same reasons I like Sherlock Holmes. But it's refreshing to meet people who think he's just a dick. 'Cause if you think about it, he is. He's what Bridget Jones would classify as a "f*ckwit", in my opinion.

But I still like him. :D
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Destiny:
But if you come in jumping up and down shouting i love (Name) for the sake of it, or have a shipper discussion you might try one of the threads dedicated to that person or ship. :D

Also lets remember this is just a persons opinion of a character and not a bashing or threatening so there really isn't a need to defend the character.
Example: I dislike/disliked this character because... or
Example: I disliked this about the character but i also like this about the character.

But There are 3 rules for this thread.
1. keep it on topic
2. don't attack others if their opinions differ from yours
(Some might come in and say I like so and so), its fine but lets not (To anyone) bash okay.
3. Don't bash a character (Give a good reason for disliking them without resorting to name calling ie slut and so on).
So there is no need to be concerned that someone will hate you or otherwise, i tend to give this reminder, especially since there have been alot of new people joining, who might not look at the first post of the thread.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Okay well, I love Grissom, but he doesn't treat Nicky right... there I said it... he treats Warrick and Sara like equals and yet Nick who probably dotes on him doesn't get the same treatment... that's why I want Grissom to show angst and possible regret for his harsh treatment of his younger CSI in the GD episode.

*feels very guilty for saying that because I love Gris*
Re: Dislike A Character?

I also have a LOVE/HATE relationship for Grissom when it comes to Nick too, Hale. It really pains me to see the way that Grissom's treats Nick, and in the promo where they show a quick snippet of ASSUME NOTHING, it pains me even more. I mean enough is enough! Start treating Nick with the respect he deserves! With that said, I need to get off to work. I have rounds in an hour, I'll try to pop in around lunch. Bye :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

I have to say i HATE Ecklie because he makes Grissom's life miserable. I dislike Sofia coz I think she's trying too much to win the affection/trust of the original CSI team (like in No humans involved, where she chased after the suspect, w/c wasnt necessary.) Plus, I love those two girls, Cath and Sara.. they are soo my favorite and I dont think i could add another person on my fave list. :)
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by SheCzar:
Let me just say, that i mostly do not dislike the characters, but i can say that one of them irritates me the most and that is Sara. In season 1, she came off to me, as a self-righteous, and 'i'm better than you' expression. But as the season went on, i started liking her.

I am in total agreement with this. I don't out and out dislike any of the characters but Sara really rubs me the wrong way. Especially in the earlier seasons.

When she says things like" if anyone touches anything before I get to examine it, I break their fingers"
or "I'm the one that was handpicked by Grissom to be here"

She really had an I'm better than you, holier than thou attitude.

And the way she totally jumped on her high horse in regards to Warrick falling of the gambling wagon without know all the facts.

tsk, tsk....

She has gotten better over the years and I am slowly- very slowly- mellowing towards her.

I must admit I do like how she and Nick interact with each other. There is almost a sibling sort of feel to the way they tease each other.

One of my favorite cases they work together is the one with the woman who "drowned" in the bath tub and was later found to have been murdered by her husband for the insurance money. I wish I could remember the name of the ep.