Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

Hmmm...dislike a character? Err, Ecklie? Need I say more?...

Actually I feel I ought to, as I just read on the previous page of this thread about how people post saying they 'hate so-and-so' and 'leave it at that which isn't quite cutting it'. Sorry, whoever's post that was, I'm in a hurry here and no time to quote :) but I'm hoping I can get away with not explaining my feelings toward this character, as I am sure you guys are fully aware why I dislike this character :D I just want to say that I don't hate him - like one of the mods said earlier in this thread, hate is too strong a word for some people and I'm one of those people :D but also I'm in UK and am about 7 episodes behind in season 5 so haven't got the full blast of Ecklie yet that you guys in the U.S have (though maybe I should think myself lucky for that) :lol:

Also, I don't mind Sophia - yeah, she's a new character which is a bit worrying cuz you never know what they're gonna turn out like, but I don't mind as long as she doesn't upset any of the regulars. And I confess...I'm a big GSR shipper too, and I agree with what one of the mods said about her not actually upsetting any of the ships on the show, though I can see why some people might think she's a threat *glances at fellow GSR shippers*. Whatever people say I think I'm gonna carry on giving her a chance...cuz I'm nice :D

Ok, gotta dash now...
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by jkraatz:
I'm the same. I've been watching CSI from the beginning, and Sara really bothered me at first. Probably because when she came on she was trying to get Warrick fired.

Then in the episode where her a Warrick are working a case together, and she's supposed to find out whether or not he was gambling and she asked GRissom to take Warrick off her case and kind of berrated Gris for not firing Warrick...I really didn't like her!

I love her now, but really didn't like her in the beginning. Maybe we weren't supposed to.

In season 4 she grumbled a lot, too, it also was kind of irritating, but you (I :)) like her nevertheless.
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by gregsandersfan:
Posted by jkraatz:
I'm the same. I've been watching CSI from the beginning, and Sara really bothered me at first. Probably because when she came on she was trying to get Warrick fired.

Then in the episode where her a Warrick are working a case together, and she's supposed to find out whether or not he was gambling and she asked GRissom to take Warrick off her case and kind of berrated Gris for not firing Warrick...I really didn't like her!

I love her now, but really didn't like her in the beginning. Maybe we weren't supposed to.

In season 4 she grumbled a lot, too, it also was kind of irritating, but you (I :)) like her nevertheless.

Well, I don't really know many people who don't have bad moments. My good friends can annoy me at times. You have to look past it. :D

Sara is almost...bipolar. I don't mean that she actually has the mental condition, but she's either really funny or kind of a downer. She sometimes bugs me when she gets moody, but most of the times I love her.
Re: Dislike A Character

ya in I-15 murders Sara was a bit annoying. Jorja said in some article that she was so opposed to behaving that way to Warrick/Gary cause they're very tight, but those freaking writers made her do it. She said she hated it.

But no way... i've never been annoyed by her. Even if she did act annoying, i find it normal and Jorja fox portrays every expression so damn well, I just can't find any flaw in it.
Re: Dislike A Character

cont: does anyone live in winnipeg, on or around sherburn st? i like to talk to people of similar interests by email only! my absolute favorite csi charactors are greg and sara. grissom is slowly slipping from my favorites list.
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by rmckay:
grissom is slowly slipping from my favorites list.
Why? You've seen through him? :lol: or you've got tired of him? He's getting old? :lol:(sorry, i asked too much questions) :D
Re: Dislike A Character

actually, he was in my favorites list for so long, i had to let someone else have a turn plus i am losing interest in his charactor :)
Re: Dislike A Character

I like all of the characters! The only characters I really dislike are the ones they bring in who are stock villains--like the sheriff they had at the beginning of the series.
Re: Dislike A Character

Hate me all you want, but I'm not a very big fan of Sara . . . and I dislike Sophia and Ecklie . . . :rolleyes:
Re: Dislike A Character

Catherine, hands down. I don't know if it's just the character, or the way the character is acted. But the character's attitude has slowly turned into this "I AM QUEEN BEE, HEAR ME BUZZ" over the year. I've watched every episode, own every season on dvd, and everytime I watch an episode with Catherine in it from Season 4, I gnash my teeth. And she's been even more obnoxious in Season 5. I loved that eepisode where Sara got suspended, and she called Cath out in the hallway about using her sex appeal on her cases!!! As much as I dislike Sara as well, she earned a few points with me in that episode! And in "Committed" too. Why doesn't Catherine get buried alive instead of cool characters like Nick?
Re: Dislike A Character

This may hack a few people off--but Catherine is a total skagg. Why doesn't she get buried alive rather than Nick?