Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

I would have to say if there was any character on CSI I disliked it would have to be Sofia. Maybe I just liked it the way it was not sure I just can't seem to like her character.
Re: Dislike A Character

why does everyone hate Sofia???? i don't get it!! :confused: she is great!! well, i have to admit that at first i wasn't sure if i like her, but as show goes on i think she is awesome!! she's not only intelligent (after all she was a csi), but also kicks a$$ as a police officer!! aaand...she flirted with griss which is a HUGE plus (i would do the same!! :D ) from all the characters i obviously don't like ecklie, but i think the actor is born to play mean guys, and he is great at it!! :)
Re: Dislike A Character

I think that some just click with certain characters, some have a hard time accepting additional characters, and some just can't get into their role.

I have found alot who dislike the character but love the actress, or vice versa, even to the point of some liking or disliking both.

Take Marc Vann (Ecklie) he was brought IMO on the show to be the character that you love to dislike, while his character can do some good at times, there are times when you just want to smack him upside the head. :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character

i dont like hank... because he was mean to sara. and i dont like ecklie.. i dont even like to hear the sound of his name. and he is way to mean.and some of sofia. omg who would ever hate greg? i mean he is like soooo awesome and sooo hot.
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't like Hank either.. He was mean to Sara, he slept with some Elaine, grrrr.. I don't like Cath sometimes.. she's mean to Sara too, but sometimes I have moments I just adoooore Cath..
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't like Tina, you can probably guess why...(I have a crazy obsession with Warrick).
Catherine used to annoy me when her and Warrick used to flirt... for the same reason as above.
I don't like Ecklie because he's the 'bad guy' of the show and he's mean, and isn't all about the science if you get what I mean, and also because he isn't as smart as Grissom.
Re: Dislike A Character

Mougie said:
Don't care for Ecklie or Hodges. You just want to smack both of them!! LOL, Hodges is such a kiss-a** that Grissom should keep a towel handy!!!

i disagree with you ( even though this message was written long ago, i just didnt see it until now)
yes, i am biased because i love him, but i think that hodges has made a great improvement over time. in seasons 5 and 6, he has toned down and i think that the other characters are starting to tolerate him more.

i dislike ecklie. i think that he is against the team. i dont know how to explain really what i feel about him, i just think that he has bad vibes and disrespects almost everyone.
Re: Dislike A Character

I loooove Grissom :D, but I just can't stand Ecklie :devil: :devil:

He's just so ... MEAN and EVIL! :eek: :p
He doesn't like Grissom -and the rest of the team, he is scornful, competition-oriented, and I suspect that he loves being kissed ass. He has a very manichean vision of the world: day shift vs graveyard shift. His goal: beat graveyard shift :rolleyes:

Another reason why I don't like him is because he 'hired' Sofia to nail Grissom giving the pretext that he was not following the procedures... but since he couldn't find anything on Grissom, he broke the team.
He did this for no particular reason, and enjoyed watching Grissom suffer from the situation.
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't like Eckly, Hodges, or Sophia .. or Hank for that matter, but he wasn't in a lot of episodes.
Re: Dislike A Character

Catherine annoys me sooo much sometimes. It's her whole "I understand exactly where everyone is coming from" attitude that annoys me!! Cause that's impossible to know!
Re: Dislike A Character

Among the main characters I really can't stand Ecklie for what he did to Sara in Nesting Dolls (otherwise I would not mind him) and for the same reason I can't truly forgive Catherine... I mean, I quite like her, but she just messed up with the wrong character (who casually happens to be my fav one). :D
Re: Dislike A Character

`I agree sargris4477 with not liking Hank - who does?

Ooooooh, I wanna join the SHC!!! plz plz plz??!! Obviously, you now figure that I strongly dislike Sofia. I...well, I just don't have respect for her. Ever since Formailities.

But yeah, that's all I got. I'm not too huge on Calleigh either from Miami - but I thought Emily Procter was great in Big Momma's House 2. I just, well, I just don't care for her all that much as Calleigh. I don't dislike her though.

Re: Dislike A Character

Adzix said:
why does everyone hate Sofia???? i don't get it!! :confused: she is great!! well, i have to admit that at first i wasn't sure if i like her, but as show goes on i think she is awesome!!

I agree. In formalities, I thought Sofia was awsome, she was different then the others, which made her cool.

Okay, I know I am probably going to be hunted down for this one, but I don't really like *Goes and runs behind that rock* Grissom. He is just sort of there to me, just another character, nothing special to make me either hate, or like him. Take, for example, (I know this isn't an LV character, but I really hate him) Horatio, he I have reasons to hate, he never does any work, but always ends up being the hero. Or Greg, I absolutly adore him, he is funny, weird, and hott. But Griss is just there, he never really has done anything for me to like/dislike him personally, which is why I dislike him, his character doesn't have much to it.
Re: Dislike A Character

I actually dont care for Grissom myself either
I obviously have my own selfish reasons for not liking him (*Smiles* for a clue look at my avi and banner and what I ship) but He just bugs me