Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

I don't particularily dislike Sophia. I just feel that she doesn't really add anything to show. If she were gone, it wouldn't make we want to watch the show any less.

Ecklie is there for the show to have some kind of antagonist. I'm thinking it would be no fun to have a show without someone to create some ruckus.

The new Lindsay anyone? Maybe it's just my dislike for children but her character is especially annoying. It's strange that I do not know ANYONE anywhere near her attitude in real life. I can understand that she's going through some changes, but that doesn't change that fact that she get's on my nerves.
Re: Dislike A Character

well of course the criminals are disliked, bu of the cast...Ecklie isn't that nice, but he would have to be the only o ne. everyone else i like. spepcially greg and hodges.
Re: Dislike A Character?

There are lot of people who go into other threads stating they dislike this or that character to the point of arguments, which is totally not on topic of that thread.
Hate is such a strong word, so i use "Dislike".
As you will see i didn't specify a character and therefore Any character (Grissom, Catherine, Sara, Nick, Warrick, Doc, David, Sofia, Ecklie, Brass, or a Janitor even, your getting the picture) can be talked about from this show.

I have decided to reform this a bit, if you want to discuss why you dislike something about a character and what you also like about them thats cool to, lol.
But if you come in jumping up and down shouting i love (Name) for the sake of it, or have a shipper discussion you might try one of the threads dedicated to that person or ship. :D

Also lets remember this is just a persons opinion of a character and not a bashing so there really isn't a need to defend the character.
Example: I dislike/disliked this character because... or
Example: I disliked this about the character but i also like this about the character.

But There are 3 rules for this thread.
1. keep it on topic
2. don't attack others if their opinions differ from yours
(Some might come in and say I like so and so), its fine but lets not (To anyone) bash okay.
3. Don't bash a character (Give a good reason for disliking them without resorting to name calling ie slut and so on).
Just a reminder.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I've posted before but I've had an epiphany moment on this subject.

Other then Nick-who I love 90 per cent of the time when he's not saying something dumb or sleeping with hookers.

I have a love-hate relatioship with the other characters. Some things they do annoy me, and other things they do make me stand up and cheer.

ie Grissom's treatment of Nick earlier season - I hate
now Grissom calming Nick down in Grave Danger- I like

So I don't dislike any of the characters, but I don't like how they act at times.

Even Ecklie..I love him because he's so annoying..the guy who plays him does a great job making us hate Ecklie so much.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I love to hate Ecklie--I have had bosses like him. :mad:(Ugh.) I also dislike Sophia...she just has some kind of holier-than-thou attitude that gets on my nerves. Everyone else is great!
Re: Dislike A Character?

I love to hate Ecklie--I have had bosses like him. :mad:(Ugh.) I also dislike Sophia...she just has some kind of holier-than-thou attitude that gets on my nerves. Everyone else is great!

I agree on all counts. I was wondering why he seemed so familiar. :p I couldn't ever put my finger on what bugged me about Sofia but that pretty much sums it up.

Everyone else I like, even Hodges.
Re: Dislike A Character?

The only one that really gets on my nerves is Sara and her behavior around Grissom and to some extent, even Greggo. She's a adoring pup around Griss. Damn, that irritates me to no end. And then around Nick she is a totally different person, human, emotionally apt and very likable. Maybe it's the Nicky-effect or something but Sara seems to relax around him and become much more human. And I love kick ass Sara but morose Sara - no thanks!

And Cath's manipulative flirting can irritate me, it's like certain writers have a hard time with female characters. Because damn, Cath kicks ass most of the time.
Re: Dislike A Character?

S_Bright.. I know exacly what you mean about Sara....I think you described why I don't like here aswell.. finaly I know why.. thank you :D
Re: Dislike A Character?

I know that most of you will deprecate me...but i dont like Grissom!!I cant stand him!!Sorry for everybody who likes him!!
Re: Dislike A Character?

in this thread you can disslike who ever you want.. each to his/her own.. everybody has different oppinions(sp?)... :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

I have a love-hate relatioship with the other characters. Some things they do annoy me, and other things they do make me stand up and cheer.

So I don't dislike any of the characters, but I don't like how they act at times.

Even Ecklie..I love him because he's so annoying..the guy who plays him does a great job making us hate Ecklie so much.

I agree with this. I generally like ALL of the regular AND recurring characters, but there are times when I like some less because of something they say or do in an episode. Even Greg, who's my absolute fave, grates on my nerves or makes me cringe on occasion. As for Ecklie, the actor IS great in making us dislike the hardass beaurocrat yet at times he's likeable (ie in Grave Danger).