Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects

Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

If only they would get over being stubborn and get it figured out, but then there is This, at the end of the article it states... "But even if a settlement was reached immediately, network executives say it would take weeks for the studios to ramp up production on new episodes of shows thrown off the air by the writers strike."

Talks, progress raise hopes for deal <-- me is hopeful.
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

PrettyEyes said:
An old Union ploy is to go into the negotiatons asking for way more than you actually want, so then, after the negotiations have occurred and all has been agreed, there's a good chance that you'll get the PTBs to agree to something nearer to what you actually wanted and not what was intially proposed.

I think that's why on many occasions when such things as this writers strike occurs, there will seem to be compromises being made, but in reality there hasn't been any.

( If that makes any sense at all :))
It made perfect sense. Each side always asks for more than what it wants. That way when a side makes a "concession" during negotiations it's not really "conceding" anything (or it's conceding a minor point). It's happy with what's agreed to. Usually, though, in contract negotiations, neither side wins nor loses completely.
Phew! Glad that made sense. I had to re-read it about a dozen times because I wasn't sure, but then I couldn't think of any other way of putting it - chuckle.

And, yeah, there's always lot of postering done by both sides, trying to win the bleeding hearts vote and what not, but in reality the Unions are as shrewd as the Corporations.

Still, in my opinion, the difference in this case at least, is that the Writers Union has my vote because what's being asked for is not so much of a dent on what the distribution Corporations/Networks make out of the shows that the writers write for anyway. In my opinion, it never is, to be honest, and it always feels to me as if it's the insatiable Corporate Greed that grinds everything to a halt and strings these things along.

I mean, I know they have to make a stand for their own rights, but the time that it takes for them to come to some sort of agreement would be more understandable to me if the requests made by the Writers Union had been completely unreasonable, but when you calculate just one show's profit margin for the Corporations involved up against what was proposed by the Writers Union, then what was proposed was just pennies in comparison.

All in all, the Writers Union may come out of this looking like bastards, especially if favourite shows get canned because of it, but they're not really because this could and I think should have been resolved some time ago by the Corporates.

...I mean, talk about "cutting off your nose to spite your face". Will the Corporates never learn that in all honesty it is a symbiotic relationship where neither can do without the other? I don't think so...

...Just an opinion...

Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

Della, your banner is a bit too big. The maxium size it can be is 220 pixels wide and 75 pixels high. Please resize yours. Thank you. :)
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

sandersidle said:
Della, your banner is a bit too big. The maxium size it can be is 220 pixels wide and 75 pixels high. Please resize yours. Thank you. :)
...No problem...
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

But even if a settlement was reached immediately, network executives say it would take weeks for the studios to ramp up production on new episodes of shows thrown off the air by the writers strike."

Unfortunately that's true. I read it somewhere that shows probably won't go back into production until they have about 5 or 6 scripts to film and it'll take time for the writers to get back into the swing of things. (assuming of course that they haven't been secretly writing during the strike)
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

Ceindreadh said:
But even if a settlement was reached immediately, network executives say it would take weeks for the studios to ramp up production on new episodes of shows thrown off the air by the writers strike."

Unfortunately that's true. I read it somewhere that shows probably won't go back into production until they have about 5 or 6 scripts to film and it'll take time for the writers to get back into the swing of things. (assuming of course that they haven't been secretly writing during the strike)
For me the biggest, scariest thing that might happen is a rush on the scripts to get some storylines filmed. I really hope that doesn't happen because even though I am chomping at the bit for a couple of series to start producing some new episodes, I'd far sooner wait longer for quality scripts than to have to sit through some hastily written rubbish.

Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

Thank's Jacquie for the up-date, ~PRAYS~ P-L-E-A-S-E, enough is enough :mad:
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

Well we can only hope that the childish antics have ended and both sides have decided to act like adults. Atleast if something is reached the writers can start working on something and perhaps we'll have an offical end to the season.
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

I just watched a news alert, on FOX with Geraldo Riviera, and and a spokesman for the GUILD , and the OSCARS are set to go, and he says' "that if this AGREEMENT is settled, they shows can start filming possibly by the end of next week" ;)
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

My husband just saw on the news that the strike is over. Can it really be true? Lets hope so.
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

From the "Contract outlined in Hollywood writers strike"

Sorry if this was posted, I am playing catch up and at this point doing poorly at it, I read Katpin's post and thought this might be what he heard?
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

Oh well.................thanks Destiny guess maybe I got my hopes up too soon. Fingers crossed though. lol
Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho

I completely agree with Hormiga. It would take three weeks to get the shows up and running again, and right around now is when the writers would stop working anyways, so what's the point?

Also, this was from earlier in the thread, but I have to comment on it because it's SO TRUE.

xfcanadian said:
i think it is hypocritical to force the golden globe awards to be cancel, but allow the SAGs, just because they were 'approved' by the union. Then on the show, they had all this stuff about the unions and stuff, ulg. They were using the award show to promote their strike.

I know, it made me sick. Just because everytime the WGA says jump, the SAG says how high, it does not make this okay. The writers' goal in this strike is to get what's fair, so how is playing favourites being fair?

xfcanadian said:
Also, for the love of god, when is the sopranos going to stop being nominated!!! ARG, i hate that they win everything...

LOL, thank you! I thought I was the only one annoyed by that. :rolleyes: I mean, how long ago did it go off air?!