Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami
I think it's time to bump this thread up

This thread is for discussing and debating the pros and cons of the various ships from
CSI: Miami only.
There will be some ground rules. If the rules are followed, we should be all right.
Ground Rules
No personal attacks/flames on individuals or groups (ex: "Those Ryan/Calleigh people are jerks" or "All Eric/Ryan shippers are whiney babies"). You have to respect each other.
2) No homophobic comments when discussing slash.
3) No trolling. (ex: Don't jump on and say "This ship SUCKS!!!") This is a discussion thread, so
present a reasoned argument.
4) No polls. We have TONS of poll threads. This thread is for discussion and discussion only.
If you use this thread to flame or otherwise abuse each other, we'll warn the offenders and lock the thread. When in doubt, check the
Board Rules.
Before starting I'd like to remind also this:
Just a quick word about shipping in general. There are people who prefer YoBling to Snickers, E/C to H/C, SMacked to Grillows... different ships for different people. A touch between 2 certain characters could send some into hysterics, and others just go, "So what?" Shipping is about individual opinions, people united in devotion for their favourite couples. Disagreements can happen, of course, but it shouldn't be bitter or venomous. At times, I do find myself irritated by certain ships(I won't name them, I can't be mean!), but it all comes down to the opinion and personality of the fans themselves.
Just needed to say that.
Thanks for listening. This debate's going to bring up some good talking points.
I'd also like to remember that shipping is all about a fictional show and it also means it's all about fictional characters and ship, so, please, do not try to argue about shipping as if it were a War Military Camp:lol:
Thanks for reding this.
Ok here are my thoughts

Horatio/Calleigh. I don't know. I've always seen them as a possible "father and daughter" couple in the show, maybe because of the difference between their ages. And maybe because I've already seen a relationship like this in LV with a CSI going out with her boss. I don't like this kind of relationships.
Anyway, the more I saw them, the more I liked them. I think that it was a solid friendship with Calleigh respecting Horatio & viceversa.
Whenever one of them had some troubles, the other one was there to help him/her except for very few moments like 107 when obvioulsy Horatio was busy with his family

I think their friendship always grew up and had some important moments like the best one IMO which was the hug Horatio gave Calleigh in "Lost Son".
When Marisol arrived things changed in Horatio's life and obviously also in Calleigh's life. Her boss was always busy with Marisol, but was never very distant from Calleigh. Same thing for Calleigh towards Horatio. When Horatio got married I enjoyed how Calleigh was there with a bottle of champagne wishing H all the best for him and his family.
S5 began very well in term of Ducaine especially with "Going Under" when Horatio picked Calleigh. I adored that scene but then it seemed like they were distant. I wasn't able to see any kind of connection between them especially after an episode like "Stand Your Ground" where Horatio never talked to Calleigh, although she was just threatened with a gun and almost killed off. But still he didn't talk with her.
I wouldn't like to be together but I would like to see a little bit more of their friendship, which in my opinion was one of the best

Horatio/Yelina. Well they're born to be a couple although they always tried to deny it.
And when they were able to face a possible romance between them, Raymond came back from death and Yelina went with him in Brazil.
I think, that, from that moment things changed between the two and none of them wants to start a possible relationship, or even think about it.
This is such a shame IMO 'cause I think it would have been the best couple of the show.
Tim/Calleigh. Well this one was my first real couple although I understood it right when Speedle died *:brickwall:*.
Whenever I watch reruns of the first 2 seasons I can't get over the cuteness of this couple:adore:.
Tim was a strange guy, very sarcastic and cynical. It was a constant shadow.
Calleigh, on the other hand, was such a cheerful girl who always enjoyed life. She was the sun.
I just love how they were different but at the same time they like aww :adore:.
Plus I could see that Calleigh really cared for Tim and his gun knowing the possible consequences of not cleaning it and, obviously, not wanting to face them or to loose Tim.
I think that the dialogue they had in "Dispo Day" kinda explaines it.
I felt so bad for her when she discovered Speedle was dead because of his fault with guns and, then, during the funeral.
As for Tim he knew about her tatoo:devil:. So there must have been something going on between those two.
Calleigh/Ryan. I've never liked this couple 'cause at first I didn't like Ryan. Even when I learned to love this guy I've never like this couple just for one reason.
I'm pretty sure Ryan loved her for different reasons (she was his mentor, the one who taught him everything about CSI life) but I've never seen her loving him. She never showed any kind of feeling for him.
Yeah she can get mad when he screws up, or she can be proud of him when he makes a good thing, but I'm not able to see her having any kind of feeling for him.
I also think that Ryan is a little bit too immature for Calleigh

But I have to say that, whenever I see them together, I alwyas laugh because of them. They crack me up (like the scene with the gator in "Under the Influence):lol: and love all their scenes just for it.
Calleigh/Eric. She's sexy, he's..he's, he's:drool: and without knowing them I could imagine them having sex everyday:devil:.
Unfortunately,I know them too well to be able to see them as a couple.
To me they always looked like brother and sister always joking and having fun.
They do have something in common. They changed completely: they're both a lot more mature than they were in the first three season. That's because of the events which occoured to them.
I think that these events kinda moved them away especially during s4.
He had a serious relationship (the one with Natalia) and she was having a sort of hiatus with boyfriend.
During s5 they were in the same situation of s3 but I didn't see any kind of feeling from Eric for Calleigh or viceversa. They've always been best friends.
"Man Down", IMO, was the episode which opened the doors for any kind of opportunity about a possible hiphugger relationship.
Eric Delko was just lying on a bed (almos unconsciouss) with a bullet in his temporal lobe. The first person he was able to see was Calleigh.
Then Calleigh always helped him, but he had and still has some trouble with his memory (ie. he didn't remember Marisol died one year before and he's suffering from a lot of memory lapses). He also suffered from hallucinations.
I think this is a normal thing also because he has a bullet in his brain.
The only thing it's not normal is his reactions towards Calleigh.
He suddenly fell in love with her, he's always there whenever she has some trouble, and he even declared his love for her.
But, I can't see any kind of love feeling from Calleigh towards Eric: she always helped him 'cause he's her best friend, she said "I trust you with all my life" for the same reason as before, but she never kissed him in the mouth, she never hold his hands while going away from the MDPD after the new pending rule - Stetler's law:lol:.
Also during the ending of "All In" he practically declared his love for her (there couldn't have been a clearere declaration) but still they're not having a relationship and Calleigh never showed her feelings for him....all she showed was a very little grin/smirk.
"Down to The Wire", IMO, is the episode which summerises the situation in the proper way: Eric came back to work too soon and maybe it was a bad idea"
If it hadn't been for the bullet ( if we had had all these last episodes without "No Man's Land), (maybe) I would have believed in Eric's love for Calleigh

Eric/Natalia. This, IMO, was the best relationship Eric has ever had in his life.
Before it, Eric was very immature guy always enjoying women and having sex with them, even without knowing their names (aka Toothing).
When Natalia arrived things changed. He was a very mature guy and I do think it was because both Natalia and Marisol.
His sister illness helped him a lot but, sincerly, I can't see how Natalia didn't help him.
For the whole s4 he was such a serious guy, I've never seen this level of maturity in Eric before
Calleigh/Jake. Well I fell in love with this couple immediatly, since "Going Under, Jake's first appearence.
I always thought Jake was a refreshing character for both the show and Calleigh.
Thanks to him we've seen a completely different side of Calleigh, the one we never know it could exist (especially after s3-s4).
-She can go on holiday

. Wen I learned she went to Antigua I was "OMG" the world is going to explode, Calleigh Duquesne just went on holiday.
-She's breaking the rules for a guy. After Stetler's law in "Deep Freeze", we saw her walking with a smile, a little child could have while eating a candy,holding hands with her boyfriend Jake...a cop. She is hiding her relationship

. For me it's such a lovely thing to see:adore:, I don't think I'll be ever able to get over the cuteness of that scene:adore:.
As for Jake, he, sometimes, can be a little bit cocky or rough. But I think it's part of his personality.
As a lot of people say he's the classical "bad boy" like James Dean. He can appear rough, cocky, self-confident and selfish but I'm pretty sure there's such a nice guy who cares about things and people.
I do think he loves Calleigh with his hear 'cause he showed it:
-he killed the man who just shot Calleigh and, then, he went to see immediatly if she was ok with a such a concerned look on his face.
-in "Deep Freeze" he looked so reluctant, like a person who doesn't want to do it but he has to do it. He had to ask Calleigh for a little break.
-their break last what? One week?? We saw him holding hands with Calleigh. IMO, it showed he doesn't mind his job, he cares for Calleigh...he loves her.
-"Stand Your Ground" he did a mistake with the reciept but then, although Calleigh got mad at him, he helped Calleigh. He also didn't want her to know it. If he really was that cocky guy he looks, would he help Calleigh without her knowing it? No, I don't think so. If he had been really that cocky guy 1) he wouldn't have helped her or 2) he would have helped her but, at the same time, he would have called Erica Sikes (the journalist) so that the world knew what he did:lol:. This is not Jake.
Jake is a lovely guy who, sometimes, can appear, cocky or rough because of his attitude.
To me he's like Speedle, I do think they are very similar in a lot of aspects