Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami
CSI:Miami High.
I like it. It's so fitting.
It's sad that the Boa Vista/Eric/Ryan triangle was the only actual ship to be explored in the history of CSI:Miami. (Besides Horatio/Yelina/Stetler. But that one was handled tastefully)
I think it would have been extremely funny to have Calleigh/Eric/Speed but that's just me. Can you imagine that 'clear for landing line'? ...I probably would died laughing. Not to mention "I'm late" "For what?" Oh Eric. He's not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to biology.
I think the only ship that could work out at the moment would be Eric/Calleigh. I'd go in depth with it, but it could take a while. (Since my Talleigh dreams have been crushed to pieces )
And no, I didn't forget CaRWash. :lol: I just prefer E/C.
CSI:Miami High.
I like it. It's so fitting.
It's sad that the Boa Vista/Eric/Ryan triangle was the only actual ship to be explored in the history of CSI:Miami. (Besides Horatio/Yelina/Stetler. But that one was handled tastefully)
I think it would have been extremely funny to have Calleigh/Eric/Speed but that's just me. Can you imagine that 'clear for landing line'? ...I probably would died laughing. Not to mention "I'm late" "For what?" Oh Eric. He's not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to biology.
I think the only ship that could work out at the moment would be Eric/Calleigh. I'd go in depth with it, but it could take a while. (Since my Talleigh dreams have been crushed to pieces )
And no, I didn't forget CaRWash. :lol: I just prefer E/C.