Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Miami

Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

CaRWash: I definatly see something between them, and always will. Before I even knew who they were I noticed they worked so well together and had great chemistry. Ryan would treat Calleigh so well and she deserves someone like that. When I watch their scenes I can't help to think that something is there.. But maybe thats just me. I have only seen the ending of driven and I didn't just see a friendship, but I agree. I guess it depends on how much you like a ship. Either way I think there ment to be. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

Jessica237 said
I would have loved to see something like that; and there's also been a couple times I've wanted to write a fic out of something like that, but I just never got around to it.

Ah, I've been there as well. But I really think that could have been a great potential storyline, and it would involve all three characters, and both ships. (And plus Speed and Delko fighting over Calleigh? Whoa now that would be...Whew :devil: )

sandersidle, you make very good points. Sometimes is does seem like there is something more, and it really depends on how you view things. That being said, I still wouldn't mind if they were a couple, but I just don't feel too strongly about the ship. (Something still seems to be lacking...) :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

Jessica237 said:
That's what I got from that scene too. I've always seen Calleigh as being the one Ryan can run to easiest for advice. Sure, he may be attracted to her, because, come on, it's Calleigh; but I think he just looks up to her an awful lot. I also see it as just Calleigh taking him under her wing, so to speak, since Horatio is busy and stuff, and Eric clearly isn't that fond of Ryan, given everything that's happened. So to me, Calleigh just seems like the natural person to mentor him.

(I just love Talleigh more. Wouldn't that have been an interesting love triangle? Hee)

Yay, I'm not the only one who thinks that! :D I would have loved to see something like that; and there's also been a couple times I've wanted to write a fic out of something like that, but I just never got around to it. Besides, I wouldn't be able to decide in the end who I wanted Calleigh to be with! :lol:

Yeah, out of all three, Calleigh is the most approachable too. I know she'd be the one I'd go to for advice.

And as for the love triangle, that's and AWESOME idea, almost as good as the Calleigh/Eric/Rob Lowe thing we came up with in the Hip Hug thread ;). You shouldn't give me these kind of ideas. This is why I never end up finishing anything because I get inspired by something else. I would consider writing it, but it would be an angst fest.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

Sometimes angst is good. :devil:

You know, there's a few threads I forgot to mention and that would the Slash threads. Granted most of the Miami Slash Fan Fiction I've seen have been all 'Speed/everyone else' but they're great!

I also love the Horatio/Stetler ship. I'm not sure why, but I've always been into those two. :p And then there's the Horatio/Speed slash thread. I think of them more as Teacher/Student (much like how I see CaRWash) but those ships are truly great nonetheless. :)
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

Horatio/Yelina: Yes, defenitely. Their scenes have been brilliant! Everything felt so pure and natural, and the entire story actually makes sense. I really hope that the writers will put these two together, forever. But happiness doesn't exist on Miami, so I don't know about that...

I'd like to express my feelings about the Calleigh ships.
Calleigh/Eric; I never got this. Really, there have never been any scenes which made me think that they would be cute together. If the writers would put them together, I don't think that I'd care though.

Calleigh/Speedle; now that's something I liked. These two hit it off, mostly because they are so different. They constantly tease each other, in a gentle way. I'm not a Die Hard shipper or anything, but this couple actually makes sense to me.

Calleigh/Ryan; Yeah, I don't know. I wouldn't mind if TPTB would put them together, but I can't say that I have seen some amazing shippy scenes between them.

Calleigh/Horatio; Nope. They hit it off on screen, but I don't feel like there is some connection that could turn this relationship into romance. Not at all.

I'm too tired to talk about other ships on Miami, maybe later.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

Hmm...ok where do I begin.

I think that anyone who knows me knows that I am one big Talleigh shipper. I just think that when they had scenes together it was cute and playful. And she always covered for him when he did something wrong. She went to him first before going to Horatio or someone else. And that right there shows a possible something. And I also agree with speed cochrane I don't think its fair that us Talleigh fans only got one good episode (blood moon).

A lot of people think that I don't ship Carwash because its not Speed and Calleigh and what not. But its not. If people want to ship Ryan and Calleigh together then let them. I just don't think that they have anything except for that whole teacher/student type thing.

I also don't ship Ducaine because i think its to father/daughter type relationship. I can't really say anything other then that.

And now the whole hip hugger thinger. I can see Eric and Calleigh together but not so much anymore. I mean yeah sure they flirt every now and then but I just think that with Eric's whole reputation persay with the ladies I think Calleigh cares to much about her job to get involved in something that could harm the way she works.

I do ship Yelina/Horatio. Not as much as I do Talleigh but I do ship them. I think that David and Sofia had such a great chemistry together. And Horatio was always looking out for what he thought was best for Yelina.

I don't do any of the slash stuff. I might read it occasionally because I'm bored out of my mind. But I just can't see any guy with eachother on Miami.

I also dont' ship Alexx with anyone. I think she's to much of a mother figure to be shipped with anyone.

So, I think that about covers it.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

The only two ships I like from this show are Horatio/Yelina and Calleigh/Ryan.

Horatio/Yelina: Yes, defenitely. Their scenes have been brilliant! Everything felt so pure and natural, and the entire story actually makes sense. I really hope that the writers will put these two together, forever. But happiness doesn't exist on Miami, so I don't know about that...

Basically agreeing with this whole statement right here... nicely put Fabian

Calleigh/Ryan; Yeah, I don't know. I wouldn't mind if TPTB would put them together, but I can't say that I have seen some amazing shippy scenes between them

In this statement... I wouldn't really care either if they went canon or what-not. I've seen some decent shippy scenes, not too many fantastic-holy cow-what a couple scenes though. But still they're fun to watch.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

speedmonkey2 said:
And she always covered for him when he did something wrong. She went to him first before going to Horatio or someone else. And that right there shows a possible something.

Yeah, didn't she cover for him like that twice during Dispo Day alone?

Speaking of Dispo Day...I love the little exchange they have in the breakroom; about Speed shaving before going to IAB...her trying to change the subject and be all sunshiny, and his sarcasm, like it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard, heh. That always makes me smile. Also, last time I watched that episode, when Calleigh was asking him to clean his gun; I just thought when she got to the "next time it could be you and I'm just begging you..." part that she seemed kinda panicky. And Calleigh doesn't get panicky; she's usually completely together. I suppose it could be argued that she didn't want anything to happen to him because they're friends, but I still don't think I've ever seen her like that with regard to anyone else. I don't know; that scene just stands out to me. Not to mention the few tiny subtleties sprinkled here and there though the first two seasons; things that I missed the first time through because back then I was only open to H/C and E/C.

And now the whole hip hugger thinger. I can see Eric and Calleigh together but not so much anymore. I mean yeah sure they flirt every now and then but I just think that with Eric's whole reputation persay with the ladies I think Calleigh cares to much about her job to get involved in something that could harm the way she works.

Even as an E/C shipper I have to admit that I see that. On another point, with Calleigh knowing Eric's reputation and all that, realistically, I highly doubt Calleigh would be willing to put herself in that position. What was that infamous episode, Killer Date? You could tell she was disappointed with his handling things by going out and having anonymous sex with strangers. She's smart; she's cautious, and I don't think she's going to jump into something like that unless Eric went the extra mile and proved to her without a doubt that she wasn't going to be just a one night thing.

...And that is where the wonderful world of fanfic comes in. :lol:
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

Yeah, but you could also argue with everything that happened recently Eric has/will become more mature. Calleigh told him outright that she had dissappionted in him and I think Eric learnt from that. You could tell he was upset to have her say that, I don't think he would have minded so much if it was anything else.

Plus, later in the series, Calleigh does say she trusts him 'with every fiber of her being'. I think it would take some doing, but I she would/could trust him enough to make a go of things if he showed her he really cared for her, which he totally does, hench the overprotectiveness in the Hagen thing etc.

I cannot see Calleigh letting about but Eric in, letting her guard down. She's known him the longest besides Horatio, you really wouldn't go to for somebody to talk to, and they clearly have a very strong bond. And unlike the how I see her relationship with Ryan, she sees him as an equal. Plus, have you noticed how they always happen to be with each other when big things happen? Hagen, Marisol etc.

Did I just type the same thing I did before? Most, likely but I can't be bothered to go and read it :D :p
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

This is true...he could grow more mature, or he could revert back to season three Eric. I guess there's really no way to tell until the new season starts. But you know, I'd like to think that after Calleigh actually voicing her disappointment; I'd like to think he wouldn't go down that same route again, simply because he values Calleigh's opinion, possibly more than anyone else's.

Plus, have you noticed how they always happen to be with each other when big things happen? Hagen, Marisol etc.

I've wondered if that's intentional or not. It's almost happened too often for it to be a coincidence, but then again, it could be just that. Either way, there's a lot that can be read into it.

I still love Alexx's quote to Eric in 10-7. "Maybe you can get through to her."

:lol: Man, you know you ship too much when you can take all three of your pairings and argue them either way. I think I just completely contradicted the point I made last night, heh.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

Aww, we still love you and your indecisiveness Jess, keep flying those flags ;).

At first I thought it was coincidence, when I started noticing little things like they were sitting together at the funeral (silly little thing, I know), that he got very overproctective of her with Hagen and the ep where she accused him of undermining her. Then she was the one that Eric spoke to about his badge, and she was the one who told him what to do and that she was dissapointed in him. Futhermore, he was there for her right after Hagen shot himself, and even Alexx pointed out he was the one she needed.

But the one that sold it for me was that in a season where they were barely in the room at the same time, Calleigh was the one Eric spoke to about Gloria, and then she was there when he found out that Marisol had time. It's hard to see all that evidence and still think it's just coincidence, or maybe it's just my shippy mind hoping the writers are on my wavelength ;).
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

I believe you are converting me to Hip Huggers CSI_Ali :lol: So much evidence, so little time. ;)

But that's okay, I can ship Hip Huggers and Talleigh all I want. Then I'll get my love triangle and everyone wins. :p

But I guess Fan Fiction is where great minds think these up. As for the show, I wouldn't mind any couple but I'm still having some issues with CaRWash. *sigh* But only time will tell.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

so, I read the thread for a while and now I have to write my opinion.
warning: some parts will be familiar, because I wrote my opinion about ships in some other threads too. ;)

Do I want some romance on the show?
please no! this is CSI after all, the cases should be the main parts, not office romances. I also don't trust the writers, they would ruin it, I'm sure. I like shipping and I read a lot of romance fanfics about nearly all ships, but I don't want to see it on the show.
with one expection:

H/Y: my fav ship. they're so perfect for each other. they care about each other deeply and they went through so much problems. if they got together on the show we wouldn't see a difference than before. they would still care about each other even when the writers would break them up.

E/C: not a fan of this pairing. they had some sweet scenes in season 1 and 2 and I also like the 'hugging' scene. I like them as friends more.

CaRWash: I ship them because they have so many scenes in the last two seasons. you can interpret them as friendship scenes or you can interpet it in another way. this is what I like about this pairing. the possibilities.

H/Cal: sorry, I couldn't see it. I only see friends who care deeply about each other and they trust each other.

ryan/natalia: ok, I haven't see season 4 yet, and maybe I don't have the right to write something about that. and I'm not on the 'i hate natalia bandwagon'. I'm neutral (for now), I only know the episodes from recaps and caps.
but this was so wrong and mean. ryan was the rebound guy for her, she used him and this is not ok. ryan has/had a crush on her, I'm sure. It was strange that they didn't mention the date in some other episodes.

ryan/valera: my first Miami ship. (shipping is addictive, no one warned me about it :lol:)
they're so cute. their personality is so different and ryan cares about her. we saw it in 'killer date'. their scenes are always funny.

and now, my slash pairing:

Eric/Ryan: my secret passion. :lol: the only ship which would never ever come true.
they fight so much that you have to think about a love/hate relationship between them. ryan was soo jealous in 'silencer'. the 'nailed' ending scene is so cute and there are so many sweet scenes.
on the show, I would like to see more friendship between them.
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

speed_cochrane said:
I believe you are converting me to Hip Huggers CSI_Ali :lol: So much evidence, so little time. ;)

But that's okay, I can ship Hip Huggers and Talleigh all I want. Then I'll get my love triangle and everyone wins. :p

But I guess Fan Fiction is where great minds think these up. As for the show, I wouldn't mind any couple but I'm still having some issues with CaRWash. *sigh* But only time will tell.

YAY! You're more than welcome to climb aboard our humble ship, the more the merrier! As long as you can sense the porn Bat Symbol, which is a requirement in our thread. Right Jess ;).
Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami

Yeah, didn't she cover for him like that twice during Dispo Day alone?

Well she covered him once in Dispo Day. She told Horatio that she hadn't began processing it yet. That it was "on going" when in truth she had already looked at it. Just like in Lost Son Stetler asked her if she had processed the evidence from the jewlery store and he goes on about how it happend once before with Speedle's gun and she says that "I haven't started examining Speedle's gun" when in truth she had!

Also, last time I watched that episode, when Calleigh was asking him to clean his gun; I just thought when she got to the "next time it could be you and I'm just begging you..." part that she seemed kinda panicky. And Calleigh doesn't get panicky; she's usually completely together.

I also agree with that, she did seem a bit panicky. And yes it could be argued but everything could be argued on the show. I guess it just depends on who you ship and what you like and what not.