Dear Writers...

Yes, how about Suzy, Madison, and Yelina? Maybe even Ray Jr? Seems like you totally threw out H's old family (immediate and extended) for Julia and Kyle. Now we don't hear anything about the first, and WAAAAAY too much about Julia and Kyle.

Since you're having the males show a little more skin these days, how about letting Rick Stetler get in on the act? The only glimpses of glory we Stetler fans ever got were the breakup scene in Whacked and the T-shirt scene in Pro Per. Under those obnoxious ties and shirts, the man's got some guns! :drool: (And that Rick Rug's not bad either!)
Yay OMG!!! mondays episode was THE best I love frank and calleigh's scene together , that frank knows how to make me laugh.

Btw I have one thing to say i know everyone is in title to their own opinion i'm all for it and respect it. I just have one thing to say in regards to eric and calleighs relationship. I wasn't really a E/C fan. I started to watch csi miami during season 4 and I believe thats when jake and calleigh were together. BUT eric and calleigh's relationship has been building since season 1. I never really seen the connection people were talking about so I went off and got season 1-6 all at once and the $320 were so worth all 6 seasons. I FINALLY see what all the E/C fan talk about. I see how for the past 2 years you the writers have been building a even stronger relationship and made them a couple FINALLY. Mondays episode was another great example that they can be in a relationship and work together. i don't think their relationship is getting in the way of the meanin of CSI MIAMI or "taking over" (if anything i take this season as a season that was based on the characters personal lives, and E/C was added to it ) but science work and lab work was still being done. I know you all can't please the fans, you might loose some and win some.

Don't get me wrong no relationship is perfect and not all relationship last FOREVER. But by far from the 3 CSI shows I believe this one is one of the best couples , just the way they know how to seperate work and personal life is GREAT. A long lasting relationship that later on leads to building a family etc. always start off with being friends to later best friends and being the only person they trust. But again I went from a non E/c fan to a HUGE e/c fan in a matter of 3 or so years. I love it. It reminds my husband and I of our relationship. But anywho keep up with the wonderful story lines. And I hope the 7 years of building and making E/C relationship stronger keeps going even with their ups and downs. I'm just glad you are all continuing to make csi miami a GREAT show.
Dear writers,
Would still love to see more balance with the charaters screen time.Natalia has has 1-2 scenes lasting just moments the last few episodes.Ryan had a great episode and immediately returned to a few scenes,same with Frank.Please remember that these characters have a fan base as well.
Dear writers,

1 - Please, balance screetime for each character, I love Horatio, Calleigh and Eric, I really do, but I also love Ryan, Natalia and Frank, I would love to see more screentime balance.

2 - More various interations between CSI's, not always Calleigh/Eric ; Ryan/Natalia ... Important, I'm not saying to break up E/C relationship, only more various interactions ;) I'm a E/C hearted fan :D

3 - Less SuperH, I want to see Calleigh/Eric/Ryan/Natalia/Frank being the hero too :D

4 - Do not break up with E/C, we waited 7 years for that, they can't just break up

5 - Keep up with all the explosions and action :D I LOVE IT :bolian:

6 - Put Calleigh colorful, not only black or white ;) And maybe more casual, not only suit and that stuff, I'd love to see her in jeans :D It would still be professional ;)

Yeah, I know I'm asking too much, but that are my Miami's dreams :lol:

OhMyGosh, I forgot, TEAM SCENES!!! We need to see this team like a real team, I miss it in this CSI :(
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6 - Put Calleigh colorful, not only black or white ;) And maybe more casual, not only suit and that stuff, I'd love to see her in jeans :D It would still be professional ;)

I'd love to see her in turquoise, purple or pink. :)
6 - Put Calleigh colorful, not only black or white ;) And maybe more casual, not only suit and that stuff, I'd love to see her in jeans :D It would still be professional ;)
I'd love to see her in turquoise, purple or pink. :)

Maybe they need to take baby steps with her apparel. They could put her in brown (which is close to black), and then in dark blue, then in green (but I'm not saying "emerald green", nothing crazy), then in light blue, then in pink! See, they'd already be to "pink" in 4 easy steps!
Only if it's Ryan, Natalia & Calleigh singing "We are family"!! :p
-- oh my -- I just had a hilarious image of Ryan pretending he's a girl singing high-pitched & being a big dork :guffaw:
Jon could do this, but not Ryan, though, it definitelywould be finale we never forget :guffaw: I just image H's face, he shook his head and thinking "I don't know those people" :lol:

ROTFLMAO! I can see Ryan being a little silly, but not that silly. Maybe they could all get together and sing to the Mafia "We're Not Gonna Take It". :lol: And DAve would join them and he'd have his hair out of the ponytail... and Ryan could have a Twisted Sister like wig on. :guffaw:

Seriously though, I just want to see this team doing something fun together like the Vegas team with their go-karts. :lol: Maybe they could investigate a death at a skating rink or something and then after they've solved it, they could all go skating. Of course Horatio would just stand there watching them. Kyle could skate with them. Frank could be the one not able to to skate and the girls (Cal and Nat) could be helping him... and the guys (ERic and Ryan) would be chuckling at Frank. And one of them could say something like, "Take it easy there, old man." or something... probably Ryan cause he's always teasing Frank. :lol:

Ditto that. Or Ryan and Eric have some kind of a bet going on, and loser has to do the Twisted Sister thing.

My personal take on the skating rink thing? Maybe a Salute to our Heroes Skate Night. Or the team just still gets together and goes skating. Rick Stetler (ya know I had to) comes out and investigate the team playing around on the County's time. Ends up Rick can't skate worth a darn, so Kyle, Calleigh and Natalia (or maybe even Yelina and Ray Jr.!) hold him down, put skates on his feet, pull him to the center of the rink by his tie, screaming and cussing, and just leave him there to get out on his own. Horatio will be at the wall with the camera phone.

Heck. Those of us who still have jobs have to deal with the petty bickering and infighting in RL. In the last couple of seasons, things have just gotten WAY TOO SERIOUS. It would be nice for the team to just get together and play.
Has anyone else thought about a holiday-themed epi? Doesn't have to be Christmas. Maybe 4th of July, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, etc. Seems like a lot of shows used to do that back in the day, but they don't anymore.

I'd like to see Alexx open her home for everybody on Thanksgiving. Or a local Salute to the Heroes on the Fourth of July at one of the Miami parks. The firefighters, police officers and local military would be invited. Heck, I'd like to see our CSI's in competition against either the firefighters or another department in either a chili cookoff, bed races, or just something silly.

Maybe a Christmas in which Horatio and the team have had to travel to help solve a crime. But then a freak rainstorm or something has them stranded in a hotel somewhere in, say, Fort Lauderdale (20 miles from Miami). The hotels are jam-packed, and some of the team members want to complain, but Horatio (whose faith was important to him in the early days) reminds them that this was what it was like for the first Christmas. No room in the inn. Ends up somebody needs their help with something, and they quickly forget their misery. In gratitude, some guests start opening their rooms to the team.
6 - Put Calleigh colorful, not only black or white ;) And maybe more casual, not only suit and that stuff, I'd love to see her in jeans :D It would still be professional ;)
I'd love to see her in turquoise, purple or pink. :)

Maybe they need to take baby steps with her apparel. They could put her in brown (which is close to black), and then in dark blue, then in green (but I'm not saying "emerald green", nothing crazy), then in light blue, then in pink! See, they'd already be to "pink" in 4 easy steps!

They wouldn't even have to take all the steps, just remind themselves that they've done it before and she can dress in anything other than black. IMO pink isn't what looks best in her, but right now I'll take anything other than black.

From Broken Home...

I would love an episode related to Christmas or Thanksgiving, heck even Valentine's. A murdered elf or something that lets us know that there is christmas in the Miami universe.
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Heck. Those of us who still have jobs have to deal with the petty bickering and infighting in RL. In the last couple of seasons, things have just gotten WAY TOO SERIOUS. It would be nice for the team to just get together and play.

Ain't that the truth! Nitpicking, bickering, and political maneurvering go on all the time where I work.

I want CSIM to take me away from workplace drudge. I want the fantasy of seeing a team of people who like and respect each other and get along.

It used to be about the victim. I wish they'd get back to that.
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I was on another thread and seems that a lot of fans don't like CSI M due to super H.I enjoy it but I don't want it to become a joke.
I was on another thread and seems that a lot of fans don't like CSI M due to super H.I enjoy it but I don't want it to become a joke.

Oh... honey... I hate to break it to you, but Super H is kind of a joke. I mean, you can take him seriously sometimes, but if you try to take him seriously all the time then the show's just not gonna be as good. You have to be able to laugh once in a while at his constant intensity and melodrama, his slow, gravely voice, and the way he tries to make almost everything he says sound earth-shattering and deep yet clever.

And let's not forget the way he comically poses in every single episode with his jacket pushed back, his arms akimbo, and his head looking off to the side... like a super hero! Plus he's often the one to pull a "miraculous" solution out of his butt...

Hence the nickname "Super H"!
^ I know:lol::lol: I sort of love it becouse it entertains me but I can understand why so many people get annoyed with super H.Maybe just tone down a little would be the answer.But you are right becouse a character like super H fits in how I generally perceive CSI Miami.
Dear writers

.. please go back and look at season one and two and check out how much lab time H did. I'd really like to see him in a lab coat again more then once a season! Also, check out NYPD Blue season 1 and look at Caruso in these episodes, his intensity and his ability to really powerfully give more then just one line of dialogue.

I really enjoy the show and I have noticed a slight change in H's character in this season but it would be nice to see him back in the lab. He IS a scientist let's see him do some science!

k i've posted a couple of times writers are probably annoyed lol...BUT!! i Have 1 thing to say. Those that are again E/C and those that aren't against E/C have 1 thing in common we love both characters so please don't kill either or. I LOVE CSI MIAMI so any cast member leaving is such a downer. NOW , i think the e/c relationship is a great/wonderful relationship, but those AGAINST them , are more against the screen time they get so I thiink stick with E/C and just make time for everything I guess. Less E/C but we know their together (for those E/c fans) as much as I would love to see them working together I guess it's the route you can consider taking considering the non E/C fans think their love is taking over the show. We will never ever agree to anything so i think we should all compromise. Be together have some screen time YET not to many. This is a ying-yang thing. something to think about, trying to give ya some ideas lol...the last thing we ALL want is for csi miami to have no writers nd the show cancel all because not all of us can be please, but like i said we can all compromise ... LOVE E/C I hope they stay together:):cool:;)