Dear Writers,
I would love to see Mac have more drama, but not so much about his dead wife. Maybe more focused on Reed if we have to have Claire drama. Something more original, maybe something with Gerrard.
Stella needs to stop being victimized. She is a strong character. I loved her so much in Season One, lets bring that Stella back. I highly doubt that she would have HIVs and would perfer not to have storyline about it. If you do make her have HIVs, please do it right. Don't play her character down anymore then you already have.
Lindsay could be a really good character if you gave her a chance. I'm pretty sure that no one goes from sad and mopey to happy and perky that fast because they start dating someone. We know that Lindsay likes Operas from Season 2, maybe have something where she shows off some knowledge of the Operas.
Danny has matured alot, and frankly I don't really like it. I loved the hothead Danny from Season 1. I would love some more background on Danny as well, but not about his family, that's already been done. Lets have something original that really gets under his skin.
Hawkes is a great character and Hill is an even better actor. I would love to have a better story on him. Here's To You Mrs. Azeral was a great example of his character, but it didn't go anywhere. He is a smart character, let's have him solve more cases the way he did in Silent Night by figuring out what a bunch of symbols meant. Let's have him decode something.
Flack is snarky and awesome as he is, but I would love to see him have a nemesis as well. I also love the drama that Flack and Mac have together and I would love to see more of those two working together.
I would love to have a bit more of the corners. I love what you did with Peyton, she has a really strong character already. Sid is very funny and we know he has a family and an the alergy, but that's it. I would love some more background on them. I do not want to see them in overkill and outside of their areas, just similar things to Peyton in What Schemes May Come.
Adam is a great character, but I do not want to see him outside of the lab. We already have had enough lab rats turned field mice, lets keep NY out of the loophole and keep Adam in the lab. We already have our transfer and that would be Hawkes.
The Danny and Lindsay situtation could have been done very well, but this is too soon. Lindsay just went through hell and the way you wrote her in the court scene made her seem like she needed Danny to function. I have said this before, Lindsay could be a great character, but both Danny and Lindsay need to settle the demons of their pasts more before they get serious. I don't want to see anything physical between them until after we get to know them more. Also I love that you don't have them working the same case together constantly because they are together, let's just keep it that way.
Mac and Peyton are working well in keeping it in the undercurrents and not making it the main focus, but I really like seeing Peyton interact with the other characters such as Danny. We don't have to have Peyton only on Mac's cases, let her meet the rest of the team more.
I would love to see you give male characters long lasting victimization. Don't get me wrong I love the men, but female victimization is highly overused. Why couldn't Danny being the one holding the glass and possibly being HIV positive? We know it can work because we saw the plotline with Hawkes, but you dropped that! I would love to have male characters go through long term drama. We haven't had Louie mentioned at all and that could have been a good plot line for Danny. Mac has Claire, but that isn't really involved much in the show. Just give the men a plotline, expecially for Hawkes or Flack.
I also would not mind a case of a burn victim of such that has them mention Aiden. You don't just forget a memeber of your team like that. I'm sure they would talk about it. Even if it is a case similar to NCIS that makes someone (perferrably Lindsay since she barely knew Aiden) say "That could have been us" and then one of the other characters sayd "Sometimes is has been". Something vague like that works, but please, give us something.
Season three has not been the best season, and I DO NOT blame it on Anna, since Season 2 was great. It seems like you are trying to pull out the strangest cases possible. I wouldn't mind just having a sniper, similar to Officer Blue, because not everyone dies because of some weird and crazy way. Not all cases need to be normal, but normal occasionally is good.
Stop just dropping characters. I don't mind having just Flack as a detective, but hey you could at least spend an extra two minutes to explain that Maka switched shifts or Angell got transferred. Jane and Chad? Some of us loved them and just wouldn't mind a bit of off case reference to them.
Occasional big name guest stars are cool, but two things. First it seems like you are trying to get more attention to your show by adding them. You show is great already, why do you need Nelly Furtado who couldn't act. That leads me to my second point, if you are going to have them as guest actors/actresses, make sure they can act. Sure you can go ahead and add in David Letterman (Which I would love by the way) because he can actually act and has experince. Nelly was horrid in my opinion and really should not have been on there. It pretty much ruined the who episode for me.
Much Love,
P.S. I loved Anna's hair straight so much better then the curly. Please bring that back.