~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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I believe Voice is also from the DC board as I reconize her Tagline both in here and on the DC board since I am the one that first started using it.
Thanks BulletGrrrl for that pic. Now I am really starting to get excited for the new season and yes I also think he looks healthier than last season. Adam looks different too but in a good way.

Welcome Voice, hope you like it here.
I can't wait to see him in season 5. How will the others look. Now that they have had steady jobs for the past 4 years...well actors appearences tend to change don't they. They no long lean and hungry for jobs. I will accept the more 'healthier' Horatio!
Rebecca_V said:
Is it me or does David Caruso look more healthier? Always thought he was a bit too skinny.

I always thought he looked good thin. :D Since FF he's looked haggard looking, but still good looking. :lol:
I have to say that I liked the Season 2 and 3 H the best physically. In Season 1 he was a bit too slim, and I thought he put on a little too much weight in S4. Only a bit though. He's still gorgeous! :D
BulletGrrrl, thanks for the picture (I won`t even ask where did you get it),
it means the ` ve already begun filming, that` s great!!!!
it makes me want to see season 5 right now!!!!!! aaarrrrrrrr
oh....the waiting for season 5. Well they got to film it first I suppose. I hope in this season they will stay more true to the Horatio Caine charactor. I would like to see him less angry but I guess that won't happen for a while as he will need time to 'address his greif and deal with why he is in Brazil.

*Spoiler Space*

At least my other faveret charactor Calleigh will get to run the lab while Horatio is away. Cool!
I've added some spoiler space to your post Rebecca. Please remember to allow spoiler space or use the Spoiler code when discussing aspects of the show that are yet to be aired in the US. Most of our threads here don't have a spoiler warning in their title, so we need to allow fair warning in such threads, for those who don't wish to be spoiled. Thanks. :)
I appologize for the boo boo. I was not thinking about that information being future information and thus a spoiler.

After Horatio who would be most senior member of the team? I get confused who are the more senior members. I know Ryan Wolf is the newest member.

No one could replace Horatio though. If David Caruso desided to get out of CSI:M and they replaced him with another actor/actress I would probably be very upset and stop watching the show. I am pretty much use to all his quirks, intensity, and general caring ways of his.
Rebecca_V said:

No one could replace Horatio though. If David Caruso desided to get out of CSI:M and they replaced him with another actor/actress I would probably be very upset and stop watching the show. I am pretty much use to all his quirks, intensity, and general caring ways of his.

as I remember from an article he said he stayed with "Miami" till the very end and I was glad to hear that :) ` cause Horatio is the real hero, love him or hate him, he is what he is and that` s in him I like the most :)
Im very glad to hear that as well, I wouldnt turn the tv on CSI Miami anymore if he wasnt there! I love all his trademarks.....like the hands on his hips, his sunglasses, the slanted head and his smile ;). That just makes me happy.
^ as he said once "I found my niche" and that`s true, because of DC` s Horatio Caine I don` t like CSI: Vegas anymore
i can't even imagine csi miami without dc ... he is the most important person in the show

i adore your banner Horatio_Caine !!
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