~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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Rebecca_V said:
My mind went to the gutter. I had to save that pic on my hard drive..now I can call it up when ever I want. However I will not make it as wallpaper cuz my roommate would have a stroke if she turned on the PC and saw that pic. She HATES David Caruso. Other than on line I don't know many people that like him. Its kinda sad.

moust of my friends too don't like David..but one friend i find who likes too! :) my cousin say dumb things about him all the time. :mad: and my mother too don't understand me. :p
I will admit I did not like him at all when I first would watch the show. I did not watch it on a regular basis so all I saw was the agressive, controlling, nasty new yorker. As I began to watch the show on a regular basis and got ahold of the first three seasons I saw the charactor contained more depth and began to like him a little bit here, a little more here. Then...it happened. I still have no clue as to when I began to find him well...sexy and he began to warm my toes. Its gotta be the eyes. His eyes are incredible. I have never been one to be attracted to pale red headed men. LOL. But this guy has got somethin' that just SCREAMS sexuality. Its also gotta be that voice of his. *melts*
well i couldn't describe it better! :lol:
i feel the same... eyes, voice.. and can't believe myself, how i got attracted to redhead! :D
when i saw him first time i understand him at once :) and that was kinda wierd.. i said myself: 'cmon, he is redhead, what you are thinking' :D but for now...he got me with all 100% .. :rolleyes:
LtKitty said:
moust of my friends too don't like David..but one friend i find who likes too! :) my cousin say dumb things about him all the time. :mad: and my mother too don't understand me. :p
Yeah, I understand how you feel. :( My friends really cannot see the hotness. :lol: More fool them. ;) In fact I spent an awful lot of money purchasing a signed photo of David Caruso - my sister was shocked. :lol:

Each to their own! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and David Caruso has some real beauty going on. :devil:
I have noticed a lot of negative stuff out there on David Caruso. It was bad so I had to stop my research (I wanted to know more about him because I had to 'figure out' why I liked him) I have found positive sites out there but they are not very many. I kinda felt really bad cuz I think its hard to have negativity pushed at you so much. Because of this I felt compelled to write him a letter letting him know people out there (including myself) appreciate his work on CSI: Miami. I just felt it would be good to send some positive messages out there to the guy. I sent the letter a few weeks ago. They say he answers his mail but I did not send a self addressed envelope in with my letter because its not that I wanted a response from him I just wanted to do something positive. Hopefully this act will involve some positive karma to flow my way a bit. I also felt that he needed to know he was appreciated and not everyone hates him. I know its kinda weird to write a letter to someone you don't know but at least he may open up a piece of mail and read something nice for once.
Hi Rebecca. I wouldn't worry too much about any negativity you find out there. David gets alot of fanmail and knows how much his fans think of him. Also, any actor gets used to some negativity - they expect it and I would imagine it's like water off a duck's back for someone like David. ;)

I wrote to him a long time ago now - 18 months if I recall correctly and I received a very nice reply a few weeks later (a note and 2 signed pics). I didn't send a SAE either. Just how excited was I when I saw a handwritten envelope postmaked Manhattan Beach (where they film CSIM) on my doormat! :D He does treat his fans very well and really appreciates them.

I must admit, I tend to steer clear of the negative websites. When I first joined Talk CSI, there was a fair bit of negativity here too (there still is at times, but not nearly so much), but I made sure it didn't put me off and I kept posting positive things! :D

If you are yet to discover it, there is a wonderful website dedicated to David, which is davidcarusofans.com. Everything you need to know about him is there, plus there are great articles and pictures etc. There is also a Fan Forum, the David Caruso Message Board where everyone is really lovely, and unpleasant negativity is actively discouraged.

Hope this helps. :)
Thanks Lucy for the heads up for fun Caruso sites. I have those sites already bookmarked and visit them a lot. I am a bit disappointed that they are not accepting new members for the David Caruso fan club. Oh well I guess I don't need to be in a fan club to appreciate him. I will just do that all my lonesome. Even though I do not expect a response to my letter if I do get one I will let you all know. To be honest writing it was rather cleansing for me. It was refreshing and to mail it completed the process for me. This probably sounds kind of confusing and weird but for some reason writing the letter was very emotional for me. I was going though some very stressful events so I guess writing it released some needed emotions. The letter is actually rather normal and not very long but I guess the act of writing it and mailing it was needed for me. I guess its hard to explain without going into detail about this all.

Do you post on the DC message board? I am horatiocalleigh on it. I made the log in from my two fav charactors on the show.
I understand where you are coming from. :) Also, I think it is worth keeping the letter short! Mine was pretty short and as he's got a very busy schedule, I think it's better that way.

I'm the rather unimaginatively titled LtCaineFan on the DC Board! I don't get alot of time to post there anymore as I'm usually here, but it's a nice site that I enjoy.
Well Lucy & Rebecca V now I know who to look for when I'm on at the DC board. LOL. Couldn't resist what can I say. LOL Have a good day Ladies.
Welcome Rebecca. And it's ok.. I've been DC fan since his days in Blue and don't even belong to fan club. I survive :lol:

I am (surprise) Ducky and we've probably met at the fan board, glad you decided to come also here :)
I look forward to seeing you all on the DC message board and also enjoy conversing with you here. I am one lonely panda here as no one I know like David Caruso/Horatio Caine.

I am in the process of re-watching season one though three. The re-air of season 4 is way to confusing because they are not showing them in order. This frustrates me because I did not see them all when the season started. I will probably discuss my thoughts of what I am watching on the other message board.

I can't believe I have to post 100 messages before I can put up my avatar. Its a really nice David Caruso one too. Its a side shot showing a wonderful profile. I happen to think he has really nice.....ears. He has this look on his face like he is thinking of something that makes him happy. I also found this really nice pic of him that I called "take me pose" its a nice shot of him well....relaxing I guess.
Hey Rebecca I didn't become a CSIM/H fan until the 4th season. It was the ep FF that hooked me. I just love DC/H. I've read alot of neg. things about him also which upset me quite a bit but, I've gotten to where I don't let it bother me. Just wish people would put themselves in other peoples shoes & see how'd they feel if it was them. Anyway, don't worry about it. A HUGE welcome here. Glad you joined.
At times I will shake my head and ask myself "Why.....why do I like this man so much when everyone else seems to hate him?" I just chalk it up to myself always going for the underdog. I tend to be friends with people other people don't like or don't have use for. Its very sad and angers me that people can be this way. I like the episode where Horatio takes Eugane under his wing then took care of him and his remains. That endeared him to me that much more. I wish there were more people like him in this world

Thanks for the warm welcome katpin!
Hey welcome Rebecca good to hear your thoughts :)

My housemates just laugh at me whenever I go off on one about DC, I just smile sweetly back and they laugh some more, I'm happy in my own little world ;)

I have to say I only picked up on DC as Horatio first so I hadn't heard any of the negative press, it's only since I say how much I like him people are always saying how they can't stand him :( Doesn;t bother me too much, I just don't fuss about reading the rubbish and am happy to chat to folks round here who appreciate him :D
Doesn't bother me too much, I just don't fuss about reading the rubbish and am happy to chat to folks round here who appreciate him :D
Same here. It all comes down to personal taste. If people don't like him, they just have different taste to me. I don't take it at all personally. To each their own. :)
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