~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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Ok, Here we goooooooooo! :lol:

On ET tonight, Monday..DC talks about his Love scene! :eek:
( I just died on the floor!, thud!)

I hope so much we get to see some of the same stuuff JK was made of. :D Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I hope I hope! :devil:

H is sensitive too, I hope they show that side of him, oh please! :lol: I can't wait! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D :D :D
I'm wondering if David was just joking about that. I remember when Rebecca was introduced on the show, he said something in jest about a love scene in an interview. It would just be so unusual for a CSI show to feature a love scene. They usually leave it to our imagination! ;)

As much as I don't warm to the H/Marisol relationship, it would be fitting to see a little tenderness between them at least. I don't think we're talking JK type scenes though! :eek: :lol:
Lucy said:
I'm wondering if David was just joking about that. I remember when Rebecca was introduced on the show, he said something in jest about a love scene in an interview. It would just be so unusual for a CSI show to feature a love scene. They usually leave it to our imagination! ;)

As much as I don't warm to the H/Marisol relationship, it would be fitting to see a little tenderness between them at least. I don't think we're talking JK type scenes though! :eek: :lol:

That's exactly my thoughts too, would be very un CSI like to see that happening, plus I'm not sure I want them to go that way anyway :rolleyes:

Yeah I've seen these interviews before and he says a lot of tongue in cheek type stuff then laughs it off :D

Besides I have my fill, NYPD has just found it's way back into my DVD player ;) Not sure I want H to do a JK really would ruin the character a bit :(
Not sure I want H to do a JK really would ruin the character a bit
I agree. I like the subtle CSI approach to this kind if thing. A little implied romance/intimacy is fine, but seeing it would be way out of place on a CSI show.
In the middle of another NYPD marathon, so having fun with DC at the moment, I found the shot of rather scruffy and stubbly DC but then left it on my other computer, will look it up to post at some point :rolleyes:

Have a couple of other shots, just for the end of the weekend ;)


Oh this one always makes me cry :(

Yeah I always chuckle at how young he is in Blue, and I'm sure his eyes are bluer too *faints* ;)

Yeah Ducky I've rewatched that scene like 5 times in that last two days, I love it when he says: "I don't know how to help you" and his voice is really cracking, it really does make me sad, and I don't cry easily ;)
Great pics Liz. That scene makes me feel really sad too, almost to the point that I don't want to watch it again. Like the end of CSIM's '10-7'. I don't think I ever want to watch that again either. :(

Like films like 'The English Patient' or 'Shadowlands'. Wonderful films, but they don't exactly make me feel good about life!

Well Zippy it's actually quite a long and complicated story but the upshot of that scene is....

[Sticking a spoiler space for those who may still be waiting to watch NYPD....
Basically Janice has got into a bad position where she is working undercover for a dodgy police cheif who has her running errands for some mob guys cause she killed two of them cause they asked her to kill John Kelly (DC)
Janice and John are together and she is getting in too deep and he wants to help her but she won't let him and he is really upset that he loves her but can't help her.
He basically says:
"I don't know what to do, I don't know how to help you" and is almost crying cause he can't help her and shes in trouble.
She says "Oh Johnny, I love you" and strokes his hair, kisses and hugs him and he wraps her up in his arms.

Very bad description of scene sorry, but just a really emotional scene over all, great acting by DC and AB :D
I caught the last two eps before David left. Am wanting to buy it but hate to buy S2 just for what 4 eps maybe? Don't know how long he was on S2. Not long from what I remember. It was good though.
I don't know if someone posted these before...if so I'm really sorry. I don't check the DC thread that much.
Here are 3 pics of David when he was in Cannes.
April 3, 2006

I don't think these have been posted here before - thanks so much for posting them BulletGrrrl. Very nice pics. Notice how attached he is to his sunnies, even when he's not in character. Hee! :cool: :D
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