~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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I had just started watching Nypd Blue right before David left. I cried when he did. :( I'm thinking about getting the 1st season. been busy getting some of his movies. Got Deadlocked which is good. Then Body Count & Black Point. Haven't watched those two yet. Got Session 9 coming (which I've already seen) & the one with Catherine (CSI) Can't remember name of it(Gold Coast I think)? Looking forward to seeing those. Have seen KONY(was ok), MDAG which I didn't like & KOD(was ok). So looking forward to seeing these others.
I just bought my S 1of NYPD Blue and have been in John Kelly heaven the last few days.

When I saw 'Personal Foul', I wondered the same thing about DC and b-ball. But dang! He's got some skills to twirl that ball on his finger like that, and that three-pointer shot!

And his priest friend calling him a "meat-tube"..*snort*

Not entirely sure, but I think that was a diss. Had me chuckling for sure!

I can see some Horatio-like traits in Kelly. But Horatio s controlled, he weighs the consequences of his actions a lot more than big Johnny. But, there is something to be said about Johnny's temper. Wow.

And I swear, that man gets more ass than just about any cop I've see, in the first few eps! Jeebus! I'd forgotten all that! *wink* ;)

I like Horatio's calm-collectiveness - but a big part of me wonders...

...what would H be like if he ever lost control? And.. could he stop himself?

Food for thought.... :p
Ah yes I remember when I first bought the DVD's I had watched the whole series in about a week, and what a wonderful week it was ;)

I do enjoy a good JK fest :p

As for H losing his temper, but reigning it in before damage was done, I believe that is what he was trying to show in 'Freaks and Tweaks' when he 'collars' Chaz, and when he is chatting with Eric after not getting that guy in 'Ashes to Ashes' :eek:
Yeah, I'd hope everytime he saw Stetler he'd pop him a good one. Only time I ever saw him lose it somewhat with him was when Yelina told him to get lost and H bumped him when he past him on his way out the door. Was hoping he'd kick his butt. :lol: That's just my opinion but, no doubt keeping himself under restraint for his team. Shows he has good quality leadership. Gotta love & respect him for that.
Footyliz said:
Ah more JK fun, just got through 'Personal Foul', another fav eppy of mine, we get to see JK in a t-shirt playing ball lovely :D
There's a bit right at the end where he makes a really big basket and I was wondering if he really hit the shot, then I read DC actually wasn't a bad basketball player :) I still wonder how many takes it took for that shot :lol:

^I guess we have same schedule because I watched that too yesterday :p and MAN I had even the same thought! So I strongly believe it was really him, I mean, wouldn't it matter for the end was the throw good or not? :p

You know, on thing I liked in early seasons of Blue was some of the lines. I mean, Sipovicz must have the best lines in TV history. I always laugh so hard. Dennis Franz was so great and JK wasn't bad either with his lines :D

One wonderful line in "Personal Foul" was said by Curly (priest) to John, if I remember right it was " - - stop acting like a toothstick"
I think it was that. I don't have subtitles (damn import dvds!) so I'm not sure did I heard right.


Oh, I tweaked my avatar a bit... I think it looks bit better now.
Yea it looks better now Ducky. DC playing basketball...hmm...you guys are tempting me. I think a perfect gift for myself will be NYPD Blue S1 DVD set. DC was only in one season right?
He is in the whole of season one and a few episodes of season two, but I'm not sure exactly how many. :) I'm yet to purchase season two. :eek:
He was only in 4 first episodes of season 2. I've been planning to buy it, since I've watched the show even DC left and I really liked Jimmy Smits too so I wouldn't mind even it's only 4 episodes of that redhead hotness :D
Love the avvy, DaWacko! I think I need a JK marathon but stupid real life is getting in the way. When I'm on a break from uni, I'm going to watch season one all in a row *fantasizes* ((And then I'll end up speaking with a bad NY accent and calling everyone Douche Bags, but hey, everyone has to make some sacrifices.))
I was kinda hopeing when H shouldered Pricky!Ricky - that he was just pushing him to start something. But as far as Stetler goes, I think if Horati ever REALLY lost it on him , it may take Frank, Delko and a few others to pull him off.

But H's cool and collectedness is one of his big turn-ons for me. But I always thought of him as standing next to a dormant volcano - one that given the right circumstances, could errupt. But, you're right, he was trying to rein it in in Freaks and Tweeks - and I love that Frank was standing there, going to let him throttle that Chaz! ("I didn't see anything!")

But he pulls it together, and isn't he just so hot for that! *grin*

I do feel sorry for that file folder he crushes when he finds out about Madison, though...
I do feel sorry for that file folder he crushes when he finds out about Madison, though...

Oh yes that one! And in Lost Son too there was that moment of anger. But then again, it's H. He let it out for a moment but then controlled it again. Like I said somewhere else, he's like a deep sea, calm on the surface, roaring emotions beneath.
Yeah I think that is right it does take a stronger character to keep yourself under control :)

I thought that line in 'Personal Foul' was "Tubestick" :confused: Oh I don't know, dodgy New York accents :lol:
And Ducky you know what they say..'great minds think alike' it's about time :p
Footyliz said:

I thought that line in 'Personal Foul' was "Tubestick" :confused: Oh I don't know, dodgy New York accents :lol:
And Ducky you know what they say..'great minds think alike' it's about time :p

You think I'm sure of it? I swore it was toothstick... *cries* How the hell I know, me not native speaker of american :( *sobs*

Could be tubestick... I mean, it was late, no subtitles and couldn't keep it very loud.
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