Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

I think they are a very unique couple. That's at least how I'm feeling about them. There is this special tension right there when they meet at the zoo. The nickname and bantering was perfect for the start and it was a great way to create chemistry between them and get them closer and closer together. Like you said, it would have gotten old with the time; they needed something new. And I think getting them together and then married really makes sense. I agree with you, they still do their bantering and yes, I think they are also still flirting. Not in a super obvious way as I guess that'd be unprofessional and I don't see them as characters who would openly flirt in front of everyone else. Like you said, they do it in a way a married couple does it, and I find that really cute. :adore: Like when Danny told Lindsay they didn't have a honeymoon, and that while they were looking for evidence. :lol: That's so them to do that! Or Danny's comments about Lindsay loving fast cars. ;)

:lol: Totally cute! I love how she watches them so closely, how she tilts her head to the side and then makes this face. I have to say they also did a fantastic job with casting the child! She really looks like a mix of them. That was great work!
Yes they are very professional when they are at work but they are a lot more open about showing affection for each other in public since they have married. I think that perhaps it is because they married they feel a lot more secure and settled. Another reason is perhaps because the team (and the department) are okay with it (reason number 1,234,956,944 why i see this team more as a family than as just work collegues).

The affection they show seems so natural and that is a very hard thing to do unless you do really get on the person in real life.
:lol: Yes, I fully agree on that; the team really is like a family. I mean, they also all showed up at the hospital, and that was such a lovely scene. They didn't just congratulate Danny and Lindsay on being parents, they all had their fun as well and now Mac even became the godfather of Lucy. I think it really makes sense that they chose him btw. They really are both close to Mac. Mac also knows a lot about them I guess. He knows a lot about Danny's past, he knows a lot about Lindsay's past, he knows they had their problems in their relationship, and when he talks to Danny about why he and Lindsay should get married, he also shows what he thinks of the both of them. Which I love btw. He is their boss, so he's the one who you'd expect to be the one who'd be the most hesitant about a marriage, but he really encouraged them. Plus he also is the first one who found out about Lucy (well, officially, which of course makes sense as he is the boss). So I do think Danny and Lindsay both have a special connection to Mac and it fits well that he is the godfather of the child.

I agree with you. In season 4, when they were together already, you didn't see any of those moments. Now they are giving each other nicknames, they exchange all those looks and smiles etc. I guess it's really because the team knows and is okay with it. There is no reason to hide anything.

I think so, too. It's amazing.
Yeah I think that they do have a special relationship with Mac that go beyond him being their boss. In some ways I think the team are Macs surrigate family. So it is easy to see why they picked him to be Lucys Godfather. I thought perhaps that Flack maybe have been a godfather as well because he is a close friend to Danny (and Lindsay).

One thing that has always pleased me is how accepting the team were of Danny and Lindsay relationship. Other than Mac saying to Lindsay "What is or is not going on with you and Danny you can not let it effect your work" not one of them has said anything. I could very well be wrong but I tend to think that is because they could see what was going on between them (probably even before they did) and can see how good they after together.
I didn't really expect them to pick Flack, to be honest. Somehow I expected it to be Mac because of the reasons above. Like you said, they definitely have a relationship that is far more than co-workers and their boss.

I really like that actually, because I think that this shows the closeness of the team. They are like a family. They know the two of them will be professional, and indeed they are.

I just watched Epilogue. It aired here for the first time. First of all, the dubbing was indeed good. lol But this episode is so wonderful. To me, it shows so perfectly how much Danny and Lindsay love each other. All those scenes are so lovely; their looks, what they say, how they interact. It's simply perfect.
So pleased that you got to see Epilogue.I think it really shows just how close they have become since they married. I think that going through and experience like that is either going to rip your relationship apart or bring you closer together. Given everything that they had been through I had not doubt that this would stengthen their bond.

I think that any doubts that Danny had left have gone following the 10% talk. He knows that she loves him just as much as he loves her with or without the use of his legs.
So fans when is the premiere? and we'll find out what's going on with the freak-show in Lucy's room and what happened right? It'll be awesome to see
them again and what was going on that horrible night:(
DW, the season premiere is this Friday the 24th at 9pm. And yes it will show the resolution to the cliffhanger.


Pam Veasey has written some great D/L episodes. NWILL and SD just to name two. She also wrote The Party's Over from season 5. Does anyone think there is a hidden message in this sign from that episode?
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Epilogue was so fantastic! I still squee when I see it. I even had to make myself some new icons. It's so full of lovely scenes, I love to rewatch it. It's one of those episodes that shows their love and connection so wonderfully. :adore: Plus the speeches are so perfect. It's so great to see how much they trust in each other now. I think that's one of the most important things of their relationship.

We're getting closer and closer to the date. ;) I hope that after the premiere, we'll meet here again and discuss it together. That'd be cool!

I love this picture! Thanks for sharing it with us. :D
Nice picture MS1213, Pam has certainly given us some of memorable DL moments of the seasons.

I totally agree with you Brinchen, it Eiplogue really does. There are some very good examples of that in season 6.

is it friday night yet! lol Given where Vacation Getaway left off I an keeping my fingers crossed for a good DL scene in 34th Floor.
espcially seeing as Lindsay shots and kills Shane Casey. You would think we would get a quick family moment.
Can't wait, wow finally, and thank's for all the *spoiler* news:bolian:

This will certanly be a powehouse episode, how do all you older fans feel about the move to Sunday's?
Friday you mean. ;) I don't know how much that affects shows in the US. Over here, Friday nights are quite good places for a show. I hope it will be good for the show.

Didn't she also write Snow Day? Oh goodness, I still remember how I saw a clip of that episode somewhere and I couldn't believe that they actually kissed and even had sex! And that we got so many scenes! I had just started shipping, so that was a wonderful surprise! That was my favourite episode for a long time. Now I have a lot more favourites though. And yep, Epilogue definitely is one of them. I love how Lindsay kinda reads his mind and then tells Danny what he needs to hear. I guess this shows how good they understand each other now.

Aww yes, I want to see a family moment as well. Lots of family moments. lol
Snow day is such a good eipsode, I really wanted to the first eipsode of season 4 after that. They way they did it was great, I was like "HELL YES! AT LAST! its about time!" all that build up was amazing and almost couldn't believe it when i saw them. I would have liked another DL moment with maybe Danny with the EMT or something but hey what we got was amazing.

Is it Friday yet!
Guys a reminder. The premiere is tonight and to keep all discussion of Danny and Lindsay in spoiler tags until the episode has aired entirely throughout the U.S.

Thanks :D

Back to Danny and Lindsay
Thanks for the reminder. :)

Oh, I so agree, LME! When Snow Day aired, I really thought we'd get some romance then. But hey, at least we got the condom spray scene. That was really funny. I still love how Lindsay puts the condom spray into his coat pocket and how Danny looks at her.

I have to say I'm still amazed by how they changed from season 4 to season 5. It happened so fast, yet it is so believable to me. I mean, there are so many wonderful shipper moments now. I'm really happy season 6 is airing over here finally. It sucks to be so far behind with the episodes. :lol: But at least I know there are many wonderful DL moments.

Only a few hours and the new episode will air! I can't wait until we'll discuss it here. :D