Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

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MTC, have some cookies! :D

To be honest, I did go through a stage of wanting to beat him senseless. Yes, I'm aware it's only a TV show but it's a real thing, guy cheating and breaking your heart. Kinda takes you back to that sick to the stomach feeling of - Did he actually, really do that?!

On the other hand, I do think that under the circumstances it wasn't acceptable, that's not what I mean but it's better than just a random hook up, you know?

DL in therapy? :lol: I'd pay extra for that DVD. :rolleyes:

Caveman Messer? Yes, yes I'd like to see that. Get your own Montana! Lindsay torn between I'm gonna beat you senseless & doing that pathetic swoony thing us girls do. Twirling her hair and getting all girly. Then getting annoyed at herself for falling for it.

Ooohh, let's have some frustration getting worked out in the gym, you know punch bags? Of course in my warped mind, Danny just wouldn't be able to resist a hot, messy, wife beater clad Lindsay.... :devil:
*facepalm* peaches...what am I going to do with you? :p

Lindsay in a wifebeater?? I'm assuming Danny is too right? Anyways, I'm wondering if my love for Flack right now is because I feel that Danny has been changed and not for the better at all! :( I still love Danny and especially Carmine. But the main reason I got into the show was because I love the character of Lindsay and her chemistry with Danny.
but has anyone's feelings changed toward the character after what he did to Lindsay this year?

I didnt like Danny that much in S1 but it changed with Lindsays arrival. but after the episode from hell I cant seem to like him anymore. I mean, I want them to be happy and together and fluffy/smutty and all kinds of awesome cause they deserve it but I cant seem to muster any kind of compassion or positive feelings towards Danny as a character ever since the strike ended.

the funny thing is I didnt find Carmine that atractive up until Ive seen NWILL. then I was like Wow, when did this happen? but after the whatever he did I dont find him attractive anymore. might be the resenment I feel. or the hair :)

DL in thereapy? one on one or as a couple? well that is an idea so worth pursuing. since TPTB are insistent on delving into Dannys private life they may actually do it. but it would be nice to hear both sides. you know, like story line A - the case, story line B - Danny and Lindsay talking about their issues, fears and relationship with a shrink.

Peaches, I see it right in front of me: Lindsay in a wife beater and shorts beating into a punch bag while Danny pretends to lift weights but in reality is drooling over his Montana

mmm, I love me some gutter in the morning :)
I amy just have to run for cover after this post!

To be completely honest I am just totally disappointed in Danny. This however is not do with him "cheating on Lindsay" as I still have a feeling that they were not in a full and commited relationship. But, I am also disappointed in Lindsay (and to some extent Flack) for letting him go off and deal with it own. I am disappointed because that is the only way he felt he could deal with it, pushed everyone and they let him do it. I know he was grieving and feeling like it was his fault so his head is/was all over the place, but I feel that his friends should have been more forceful with him and not taken no for an answer. :shifty:

This is why when I saw last tuesday show I just wanted to grab Lindsay and shake her and tell him to go after him. I know that she is not good at these things but :scream:.

*Goes and hids behind the sofa.*

I also think that the pair of them need therapy. It would be quite interesting to see The Team all having to talk to a therapist:)

*fans self* at the thought of a sweaty SMM gettung all hot and bothered as he watchs Lindsay in one of his wife beaters working out on the punch bags. Me thinks he may have to sponge her down!!!!!

I didn't say it was one of his wife beaters but hey, that just adds to the appeal altogether! :lol:

How I even start these discussions, I will never know.....

The other problem with that episode is we don't know what she does after she leaves Mac - to me, the exchange between them and the way she touched his arm indicated that she was saying, thanks for the advice and she was going after him. Oy! :rolleyes:

I'm in agreement with Carly, if they are going so far with Danny's personal life then they probably will sit down and chat and get it all out. One can only hope anyways.

Since you put her in shorts, let's have her kicking the bag too. I think this just adds to the appeal. :devil:
Ahh, pissed off Lindsay! One of my favorite. I don't think we have seen much of that or at least enough of that in regards to Danny. So I am all for the gym scene! Or how about Lindsay is walking into the gym, sees Danny getting out of the pool, wet Danny...:drool:

I DO think we should get to see the talk since we have delved into Danny's personal life, I just don't see it happening until half way into the season. So...yeah...
Woo, so many new posts since I was on here for the last time. Actually wasn't planning on coming here, but Meg made me to, so here I am, once again. :D

Oh yeah, the gym! I read some fics about that. Pretty hot idea if you ask me. ;) Pool doesn't sound bad either. ;) Would give us an opportunity to drool again.

I think a talk would be nice. No matter which kind of talk. I wrote a fic about that myself. I think a conversation between them is necessary and I don't think it'd take too much time away to show that on screen. Other scenes have been shown as well. So yeah, give us a talk.
brina!! So good to see you here again :D

I can't believe we are still are talking about whether we should be able to see the conversation between the two. This is something that has been way too long in the making and I am getting a wee bit frustrated!

so it seems like the m5 song that was picked was Goodnight, Godnight. Not what I had in mind originally, but I think overall a good choice ;). What are your thoughts?
Messer wet? Why didn't I think of that before? Oh wait, I did - except in my scenario it was due to the rain and he showed up at her place and Boom! He'll catch a cold wearing those wet things - get them off!

Sorry, as much as I wanna see him out of a pool, there is the added appeal of him being stripped of his clinging wet wifebeater by his other half. I'm sure Lindsay can come up with a way or three of warming him up. :devil:

I don't think I know that song actually. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to download it at some point :D

Let's just cut straight to it and have some heated, angry make up sex. Competitive style - who's gonna satisfy who more? :lol: That'd be an awesome way to spend your weekend.

Of course we'll need to finish it all off with some cookies being shared. Or twinkies. Depending on which Fic you're reading ;)
LME i agree with you yet again. what you said on the other page about being mad at Flack and Lindsay for just letting Danny go off and sulk by himself and get into the mess he's in now was bad on their parts if they're all friends.

Danny is stubborn but even stubborn people need to be saved and helped.

i'm just anxious to see how the writers are gonna get themselves outta this hole they made with D/L. i wish they would just admit they made a mistake with these two and the f-ing "bump".

i really wanna know what their definition of bump is b/c D/L's bump seems more like a friggin mountain!!!!
i really wanna know what their definition of bump is b/c D/L's bump seems more like a friggin mountain!!!!
Amen you said it! I personally thought it was the size of Jupiter but yours makes more logical sense :lol:

Sheesh peaches you taking the credit for everything guttery moment? And who said anything about Danny not wearing his wife beater in the pool? :p Maybe he can wear one of those tight swim suits a la Michael Phelps? :drool:

Took me a full day to recall the twinkies....:alienblush:
In total agreement here, what just what do TPTB classify as a bump!

MTC - LME i agree with you yet again.


I know that we saw Lindsay cover for Danny when he went AWOL and she sent Flack to go look for him. That shows how much she (and Flack) feel for him.

Little_Peaches - The other problem with that episode is we don't know what she does after she leaves Mac - to me, the exchange between them and the way she touched his arm indicated that she was saying, thanks for the advice and she was going after him. Oy! :rolleyes:

Maybe Lindsay did go after Danny (I really hope that she did). Who knows, it just seems to have been left to our imagination some what.

Does anyone know if CP was before or after the Writers strike? It seemed to me that he wasn't really having the trouble coping with his grief until the strike had finished.

I wonder if tptb have a big make up plan for DL (please oh please oh please oh please) *closes eyes, crosses fingers, toes (hell everything!!) and wishes really hard*

I would just love to see any happy, light heart, romananic or gutter moments for DL this season.
LME i agree with you yet again. what you said on the other page about being mad at Flack and Lindsay for just letting Danny go off and sulk by himself and get into the mess he's in now was bad on their parts if they're all friends.

I dont know about Flack, but from the talk in PF Ive got the feeling that Lindsay approached him again but he pushed her back. and maybe Lindsay gave him his space because thats the way she would be dealing with it and she hoped he would come to her when he was ready. except that he didnt

and he really seemed in a competely different state of mind after the strike. because in PwM it seemed as he was coping but after DOA he seemed to be wallowing in guilt and self pity more then anything. the first time I really saw him grieve was PF
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Chloe xx
Hey! Nice of you to join us here! :D

You need to have 50 posts and been on for two weeks before you can get an icon ;)

Once again welcome to the DL thread!
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