*Liffy pops into the thread this fine morning with a big bucket of melted ice cream and splooshes it on kissmesweet for being gone for OH-SO-LONG!!*Cordy!! It's great to see you back here darlin' 
And to everyone else, a Happy HUMP Day! (and that's the gropin' and grindin' kind mind you!
*goes back to daydreaming about Messer babies....*
That's the only thing I'm afraid of right now, that either Lindsay doesn't know, or she finds out from someone else (i.e Rikki). That's going to hurt even more so than if Danny told her himself.

I really, really, really hope that Danny tells Lindsay tonight. But then, it could be in 418 - but that's in 2 weeks time and I'm going to be bald by then. :lol:

). :lol:
Aww...DL feeding each other pancakes...and I can see Linds reading through the newspaper and Danny's sitting beside her, with one hand rubbing the small of her back and watching the news on TV 

Then he needs to tell Lindsay - everything and wait for her to let him back in - then they can restart their relationship. 
And to everyone else, a Happy HUMP Day! (and that's the gropin' and grindin' kind mind you!
That's because no matter how much one of the screws up, they'll always find a way out of it - because they're just too darn perfect and cute together!kissmesweet said:Agreed!No matter what people are always coming back for more.
She needs to know - and he needs to be the one to tell her, no one else. Otherwise, Danny is going to have little to no chance of regaining her trust. I guess it's a difficult situation for Danny, and who can blame him other than himself for putting everyone in their current positions. He's about to lose Lindsay, but to get her back, he has to tell about Rikki and that is bound to catapult her away. Danny's going to have to face the music of either starting over with a clean slate with Lindsay - or move on with a handful of lies.I just hope that he makes it up and she begins to trust him again... once she finds out about what happened.
That's the only thing I'm afraid of right now, that either Lindsay doesn't know, or she finds out from someone else (i.e Rikki). That's going to hurt even more so than if Danny told her himself.
Yup - today's the day we find out what's going to happen - and I really hope that we see something. If it's unhappy DL - then that's good (I can't believe I'm saying this) because if Linds doesn't want to speak or even see Danny, that means he's told her (or maybe we get to hear him tell her? I would LOVE to see Lindsay's reaction).Dims said:Today is the day...isnt it? I get a bit confused with Us and Greek time differences!!!!
I really, really, really hope that Danny tells Lindsay tonight. But then, it could be in 418 - but that's in 2 weeks time and I'm going to be bald by then. :lol:
Yay! Congratulations to you!i finally also reached the required posts and i got the same avie (courtesy of the talented Gaelen) so we can all match!!!!!
I'm afraid, I think that's what we're going to get - and frankly, that's what I am hoping we get. I can't see Danny and Linds acting like last week never happened. She told him she's fallen in love with him, she needs to get a reaction from him (don't know what that is yet) and Danny slept with Rikki, HE needs to tell her if he wants to continue having her in his life. Whatever happens, I'm excited about tonight - and I hope that we see them head to head again - because this situation needs to be resolved fast. The longer they take, the harder it becomes.I so hope the new ep brings some peace to us shippers.....not anything crazy just Danny realizing his mistake or Linds finding out and giving the cold shoulder for awhile until he makes up for his mistake....
Given the spoilers for tonight's episode, we supposedly have a Danny&Lindsay moment, which ends with Lindsay walking away and leaving behind evidence - which is against protocol. Now, from what I know, Lindsay only breaks protocol when Danny's concerned, so I hope this means Danny tells Lindsay what happens and she just needs to get away from him.
The fact that Quinn (I think that's her name) sees this "moment" suggests Danny and Lindsay are together (in the same room) and therefore - we can assume some talking (or glaring and sheepish apologetic looks) which ends with Lindsay walking away - heartbroken
or something similar...anything else doesn't really fit in my head right now - so that's what I'm going with.
The fact that Quinn (I think that's her name) sees this "moment" suggests Danny and Lindsay are together (in the same room) and therefore - we can assume some talking (or glaring and sheepish apologetic looks) which ends with Lindsay walking away - heartbroken
I agree with that. They're going to need to rebuild their friendship, but more so their trust before moving on to the romantic aspects of their relationship. I think, if the writers pull it off well, it's going to be a lot of fun to watch their initial awkwardness around each other for a moment before they slowly become more comfortable with each other, and soon enough they'll be back to where they were once before - only with that much more experience with "bumps" (or shall we say mountain climbing?) under their belts.First is Danny realizing his mistake
Second is Linds taking her time to forgive him
Third is rebuilding their friendship
Exactly. If the writers are going for the "realistic" route - then anything else it too soon. They need to rebuild that trust first!!and for me the next season can a rebuilding of their romantic relationship....anything else is too soon...and i dont want anything rushed!!!!
But the presence of the basketball game is what's slightly confusing. If it really makes the cut (and I hope it does) I think that means they're going to fast forward until DL are at least comfortable enough with each other to go out together without that much hesitation on both parties. I guess it would make sense since this IS a crime show and DL can only ever have so much screen time. But as long as they stay true to that timeline, it's ok.
Does that give us an uber talk in 418 and they specifically tell each other they want their relationship to work? Eeee! I hope so!!
Does that give us an uber talk in 418 and they specifically tell each other they want their relationship to work? Eeee! I hope so!!
They were so happy when they woke up in each other's arms and I nearly died when he poked her nose. :lol: That was adorable - even for Danny. Mmm....I'm definitely a snugglewhore (here and in RLLittle_Peaches said:Snugglewhore? Aww, I like that idea, look how cute & happy they were when they woke up in SD.
Oh yes, Danny owes her a lunch (but doesn't Linds owe Danny dinner too?) How about we call it even and they just go out because the LOVE each other!Carolina said:Liffy, I just love your snuggling idea. DL feeding each other pancakes at the counter is just too sweet. and snuggling. there is never enough snuggling. and he so owns her a lunch. or two. or three.
We all pretty much feel the same way when DL is concerned in this thread - so we know how everyone is generally feeling - so if feels good to be fluffy with fellow fluffy shippers, and angry with fellow angry shippers, and sad with fellow sad shippers. But DL is oh so addictive - and I don't think I could ever give up on the hopeful romantic I am I dont give up on my ships easily. I was just soooooo pi$$ed at Danny. and there is not a better place to vent then this thread were people actually understand where Im coming from with what I say. well, most of the times anyway
Well, actually the first thing HE needs to do is wake up and realise what a prat he's been to everyone around himyeah, exactly. but it may take some time. he first needs to realize how deep he had fallen before he can start climbing up. first step would be to fess up so they can start with clean shield
I thought the "initial" Ruben storyline was very rich - we got to see Danny's more emotional side - and it carried through - unfortunately - into something not so nice. I just hope the writers doesn't cheapen the storyline. I didn't like it because - it's Danny - again - he needs a break from the drama!as for lady V returning. Im probably the only one who didnt like the Ruben story line in the first place so to see her in 2 eps was 2 episodes too much for me. but as long as she helps to unsink our ship I dont mind her that much. just a little![]()
Ditto - what is a V8 slap?OT: what is a V8 slap?
The press release for 421 has not been released - so nobody knows at this point.I just could have sworn someone stated Rikki was going to be in the finale.