I don't think we should jump to conclusions yet. There are a dozen theories right now - from
Dutch's he's going to pull away at the last minute theory, to my Lindsay's dreaming theory. It could happen anyway the writers want it to and all we can do is stay optimistic that the writers are doing this for better of the characters. Involving Rikki with Danny sets up far too many complications with the other casts from Lindsay's reaction, to possibly Flack's. Personally I don't think Flack likes her at all for doing this to Danny. It's immature.
With that being said, if it truly were to happen, and Danny does kiss Rikki, and Lindsay finds out. She must understand that it mean nothing, because it came out of grief and guilt - not love or any other emotion. Although Lindsay shouldn't be too hard on him, she shouldn't be all happy with it either.
What's amazing to me is that when a man is shown to love someone so much that he'd forgive infidelity, he'd be labelled as a really good guy, but if a woman does the same thing, people think she's stupid and foolish. Why?
If Danny did something wrong, he should man up to it and tell her. She knows it's not personal, it was a moment of weakness that every human being has at some point in their lives. Lindsay knows this and hopefully she's forgive him.
There's supposed to be a moment in 4x17 too. Perhaps showing Danny's side of the previous conversation as he tracks Lindsay down to talk to her. They need to work it out.
I hear there's going to be some tension between them in 4x18, and the source of that is Rikki. That proves to me that both of them still care about each other because they're working it out. If they didn't, what purpose would it serve? The fact that they're working it out means they're trying to make the relationship work and it could very well be that by 4x19, they've settled their differences and can concentrate on being happy and moving on together.
Either way, we should remain optimistic and not jump too carelessly to conclusions. For all we know, after all this hype it could be an entirely different setting that takes place. I don't know what but the writers will definitely make it interesting. It seems we may be getting 3 DL episodes in a row, each one building up towards a better and stonger relationship between the two as they work through this mess together