Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Happy Monday morning my shippy dears! *Mo bounces in, loving the fact that it is indeed Monday and she has slept in and can pop in here whenever she wants, God bless national holidays!* :lol: How are we all this fine day? It is absolutely gorgeous outside by me right now! Total blue sky and sunshine, it's amazing! Bitter cold of course...but still! Lindsay just informed me that it's pretty much the same over in NY and somehow she and Danny both managed to get the day off today so something was said about a picnic in the park in their winter coats or something fun like that! :D So that's where D/L is if y'all are wondering! :lol:

Modie my bad about the vid, I couldn't remember what the rule was about links in here...sorry!! :D

Heehee, I knew that Dutch! ;) Sorry Lynny but yeah it was her idea for that title in the first place! :D I do love it by the way Dutch hon...it's very fitting for our couple and I'm fairly sure it's the winning title at the moment...I'll leave the poll up a bit longer, but it's looking like the winner for sure! :D

Yeah I think it was nice to have Linds have to see just how her going undercover in NWILL really must felt to Danny, like you said Dutch...not to give her a taste of her own medicine, but just because it really does reveal how much you feel for this person and how desperately you want them out of danger! She do a good job keeping fairly cool though which was good...she had a little moments of worry though, which was nice! :D

And yeah I still love the "goofing off" scene, I think Danny only said that because he knew if she kept looking at him with that look on her face and in her eyes for a second longer he would be grabbing her and kissing her senseless right there in the lab! (which let's face it, none of us would have minded that Messer!! :lol: )

Alright I'm off to enjoy my holiday! :D Happy MLK day to those who get to have it off/celebrate it! :D

*Mo grins and tosses cookies out to her buddies as she shimmers away in her fluffy bubble!* :D
I love how fast you guys post.

It's probably been many threads since I last posted in here but I thought I'd pop in to show the D/L support.

And I don't have anything else interesting to say so I'll be going now.
^ Probably the...
...were Danny is sending Lindsay away when she shows up at his door, because he is either not in the mood to talk to anyone and/or expecting someone else, but for now that's all anyone really knows and the rest is all speculation based on that info and what has been said by writers, directors and some cast members

We just have to keep in mind that at this point nothing good or bad is certain untill the episode(s) have aired... :D

Mo said:
because he knew if she kept looking at him with that look on her face and in her eyes for a second longer he would be grabbing her and kissing her senseless right there in the lab! (which let's face it, none of us would have minded that Messer!!)
Yeah, that was my first impression when I watched that scene too ;)...she was making him feel quite awkward and he did not know how the handle the feelings that were stirring inside of him when she kept looking at him like she did... :devil: *checks the broom closet tapes from right after that episode* - aha, so that was what he was trying to avoid happening :devil: ;)

I'm off to bed now...it's Tuesday already here :cool: and I've just been driving for an hour in the most horoble weather...it's storming here :(...but my favorite title suggestion is still #1, so I'm :)
1CSIMfan said:
1CSIMfan said:
^^Please keep in mind that posts in shipper central must contain three lines of on topic discussion.


Everybody needs to be following this. I shouldn't have to keep coming in every few days and reminding everyone that there needs to be actual discussion in here. ;)
thanks :)

Is this so hard to understand? :confused: This rule applies to anybody who posts in Shipper Central.

Most of you do great following the rules (and I appreciate it;)) but there are still some of you who pop in here with one single question or one single answer. That is not discussion. It can wait until you have at least three lines of discussion. Also, three short sentences on three separate lines is not considered discussion. There are plenty of long, thought out posts in here. Everyone needs to contribute to the discussion.

thanks :)
Yeah gypsy & Carmine_lover those "rumors" the only thing we know is what Dutch said, that a whole lot of speculation! I'm just psyched we finally get the eppy this week, so that we can see what really happens!! :D And yeah since we don't know if it's "good or bad" yet, I'm gonna go with good and just stay optimistic and fluffy and happy...cuz that's what I do! :D

Lol, yeah if Linds had looked at him like "that" much longer in that scene in The Deep Dutch...all the lovely activity on those broom closet tapes of ours would have been not just a private show for us but would have been copied for the world to see! :devil: You know he would have jumped her if she'd kept it up for two more seconds! ;)

I'm off to bed now too...but it's only Monday night for me! :lol: Have a good night y'all and I'll see y'all tomorrow! :D

*Mo sprays fluffy pink fog over the whole thread and then shimmers off in her lovely fluffy bubble!* :D
*"It starts in my toes...and I crinkle my nose...wherever it goes I'll always know...that you make me smile...please stay for a while now" Stuffy bounds into the thread, excited that it's almost Wednesday and that means a new episode!* How are we today my lovelies? Fine and dandy I hope! :) it's a winter wonderland here, and I loves it! I can imagine Danny and Lindsay having a grand time out there, throwing snowballs and making snowmen and snow angels. And of course, there's nothing like a good ol' cup of hot chocolate to calm the soul on a cold winter's night, all snuggled up by a crackling fire...

Oh, they were so in the broom closet after that episode dutch! I know it...they rendezvous there quite a bit :devil:

I loved her smile in that episode :) I believe he wasn't mad at her - I think he was just trying to push aside her compliment. Some people brush them aside, but inside they're blushing at the remark ;) I think Danny was doing just that.

Eh, I'm not concerned about tomorrow. I think this tragedy had to happen to Danny, to make him realize what he has. Obviously the death of a child is terrible, but I believe it was necessary. Aiden was murdered, Lindsay was almost killed, and now Ruben was slain...I think Danny had to go through this in order to truly see what he has with Lindsay. Hopefully TPTB will actually show us this aspect *prod TPTB and gives them a big, yummy cookie*

My belief still stands regardless.

And I need to stop staring at my banner *mumbles under breath, "Like that's ever going to happen."* :p

ETA: Fic pimage :D

Never Gone - Chapter 3
Mo I'm glad that we finally get to see 4x13 this week too...so many questions will be finally answered :D

And I partly agree with what Stuffy said...I don't think it was quite necessary to let Danny suffer so much :mad:, but I do believe that in the end it will help him to see that despite all the sorrow there is still love to be found too :), and that when everything seems there will always be that special someone to turn to. Even when Lindsay doesn't know what to say or do to help him, her mere presence and love for him, will help him and them pull through. :D

And since I'm in a serious mood now :rolleyes:, time for another question...We've mentioned all our favorite funny moments, but..

What D/L-moment brought tears to your eyes and why?

I have a couple of those, but I really teared up (yeah Lynny sometimes I'm a real cry-baby :p) over this scene in 3x14 'The Lying Game'



It's so sad how Lindsay is leaving to face her past and is unable to discuss her feelings with someone she's in love with; it must have ripped her apart to watch him walk by and then walk away. :( And the fact that he's unaware of her being so close, but yet farther away than ever is heartbreaking. :(
What D/L-moment brought tears to your eyes and why?

Well, I have a few of those moments,Dutch. The Lying game is one of them(that exact moment, good pics Dutch), but I also find Love Run Cold to be a heart breaking/tear inducing moment. I felt so bad for Danny when Lindsay walked away from him. She had her reasons, but the look of disappointment and heartbreak from him truly bothered me. He was so good in that scene, you truly believed that he did care about her a lot, and was heartbroken.
I would have to say that the saddest ,heart-wrenching moment so far has been 'Love Run Cold" when she walked away from him. You can tell that it hurt her so much to do that. And the most recent is "Child's Play" when Danny left the morgue and Lindsay was upset that she didn't know what to say to Danny. The confiding in Mac spoke volumes.
*Mo comes in all set to sing, but incapable of it due to the fact that she is laughing so hard she can't breath as she watches all the people in America who can't sing worth beans parade across her television screen on American Idol!* Wow! Hi my darling shippers! Yay for a new eppy tomorrow...rock on, I'm so excited we finally get a freaking new eppy! It is SOOOOO about dang time we got a new eppy and I am so keeping my fingers and toes and arms and yeah it's all crossed for good luck and good D/L tomorrow night, oh please, oh please, oh please! *Mo is willing to beg the PTB if necessary, I'll be on my hands and knees and be totally okay with that as long as it gets us our good D/L!* :D

My fluffer nuffer Stuffy always happy wuffy nodded:
I think Danny had to go through this in order to truly see what he has with Lindsay. Hopefully TPTB will actually show us this aspect *prod TPTB and gives them a big, yummy cookie*
Okay first of all hon, good luck stopping staring at your banner!! It's freakin' addictive hon! ;) And can I say again how much I love your optimism...you make me happy! And while I feel really bad for my poor Danny and I wish he didn't have so many hard times, I do think that it is showing him more and more just how special his relationship with Lindsay is! And that can never be bad! ;)

My Netherlands queen of fashion Dutch grinned:
Mo I'm glad that we finally get to see 4x13 this week too...so many questions will be finally answered
Yeah I know, first of all it feels like it has been FOREVER since we've had a new eppy, and then yeah add to that...all the speculation that is going around about this eppy and certain "bumpy" aspects and possibilities and I am dying to finally see it and get confirmation one way or the other! :D

I do believe that in the end it will help him to see that despite all the sorrow there is still love to be found too....Even when Lindsay doesn't know what to say or do to help him, her mere presence and love for him, will help him and them pull through.
Yeah I agree with that totally hon, I wish my poor Danny didn't have to suffer so much, but all this suffering cannot help but open his eyes to the good things around him, and in front of him...which is where his Montana will be, there for him! And yeah whether or not she knows exactly what to say isn't as important as the fact that she is there for him and loves him and will hold his hand through it! Gah I LOVE this ship!! :D

What D/L-moment brought tears to your eyes and why?
Mmmmm, great question hon! Eh, Vex, Catey...as hard as LRC was, amazingly enough it didn't bring tears to my eyes...I don't know if it's because I refused to look at it in an angsty way (talk about fluffy power! ;) ) but just the fact that Danny had finally brought their whole "chemistry between them" thing up and that Linds had told him that she really liked him...A lot...that just somehow made the whole thing okay to me! I honestly don't think there has been a D/L moment that has made me cry of sadness...although I agree with Dutch that moment in "The Lying Game" was the closest I came, my eyes were misty on that one, for sure! What does get me though, is Danny crying...he cried in RSRD and I had tears in my eyes and then him in "Child's Play" I was totally crying with him! The man has power over my emotions, seriously! And then when Linds was remembering her friends' murder in SoOH and she got all choked up that did it to me too...both of them are really good at stirring my emotions! Happy tears, sad tears...yeah they just float my boat! :lol: Heehee! :D Good question by the way Dutch honey! :D

Okay I gotta go my dears...time to get ready for bed, well after I mock more singers on American Idol that is! Heehee! :lol:

T-minus 25 hours and 22 minutes to our new eppy, YAY!!!!!

*Mo dances and grins her way to her fluffy bubble where she shimmers away in a cloud of totally optimistic pink fog!* :D
Happy Hump/New Epi Day :)

What D/L-moment brought tears to your eyes and why?

I dont think there ever was a moment that got me crying but there were few that made me really sad.

the scene in LRC is one of them, though it was also beautiful in a way. then definitely the scene in RSRD. and also several scenes in LG - Danny observing her hugging mac and Stella, Hawkes trying to persued her to say good bye to Danny in person and of course her stopping the taxi and then still leaving without saying a word.

on to merrier topics, Supermen was on yesterday. I just love it. I cant get enough of that scene
Danny: Don't tell me you know a little something about football, please.
Lindsay: Why? Is that so hard to believe?
Danny: No, just dangerous.

I might ask you to marry me

I cant wait to see the new epi and they better not dissapoint me. its our last episode or do we have one more? I kinda lost count

BTW, great avi, Stuffy

There's one more episode after tonight. Episode 14 - Playing With Matches, is scheduled to air on February 6th. then there's no more until the strike is over. :(
Okay so aside from the obvious, lack of sleep, I have decided that getting up early is not so healthy for my mental status! :lol: I woke up earlier than normal this morning and upon remembering we had a new eppy tonight (yay! :D ) I had this horrible brief moment where I was SURE the PTB were going to totally screw us over and completely mess up our ship tonight and make us all royally pissed at them....thankfully that didn't last and my refreshing and often overwhelming sense of optimism and fluff returned and now I am fine and dandy (though still tired! :p ) and totally stoked about tonight! Although I will be keeping a firm grip on my pitchfork and torch just in case the PTB do decide to be a bunch of.... :p

Okay enough of that rant :lol: Happy Hump Day!! Yay for a new eppy tonight, I am so stoked that we still have tonight AND one more eppy...a lot of my shows (our shows!) are done already, so us having two more seems so totally cool! Of course if the stupid writers would just....*Mo takes a deep breath and pauses....* Not gonna go off on that rant again! :lol:

Okay I gotta head off to work, but I am totally excited about our eppy tonight and I will be thinking good fluffy thoughts all day long, plus pouring pink fog in here and all over D/L just in case! :D

Oh and yeah Carly that scene in Supermen was brilliant! We got a proposal already in Season 2! Come on PTB if that's not chemistry I dunno what is! :D

Alright I'm outta here...I'll be back tonight, yay! :D

*Mo grins and settling back into her fluffy bubble, she opens her pink fog firehose and douses the whole thread in a thick layer of the fluffy stuff!* :D
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