Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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what is your favourite comical moment between Danny and Lindsay?.

I love their scenes from 3.19 - especially the "Mont-aaana" and the "we are more then buffalo burgers and beer, Messsser" ones. his smile after that one was soooo adorable. like he was saying proudly to Adam - "Thats my girl"

then there is the wink and the "Da." from 3.21

and their first meeting was pretty funny too, especially his carita-de-yo-no-fui (how the hell do you say that in english?)

And it's not that I totally dislike the phone smex scene, it just would have been more effective later on...say season three.

it would be really interesting if the conversation took place in late S3, it would be so much hotter. I think we would have been running the danger of setting a whole lot of TV and computers on fire with that one :)
Good morning everyone! Yeah, Friday! :D

There are so many funny moment to choose from, but, although I do like the 'love handles' part from CS, I like the part with the slingshot even better. Just so funny how Lindsay is being little 'Dennis the Menace' :) and Danny is pouting because she won't let him shoot, and then he tries to outsmart her with the 'squirrel' comment which she perfectly counters with her 'used to shoot boys'...That scene is so funny. :lol:

Auda said:
Sandra the cowgirl! I love that one, Dutch
Yeah, I loved it too, ;) and I'm hoping it's a good sign for what'll happen in that ep... :D

carly said:
especially his carita-de-yo-no-fui (how the hell do you say that in english?)
I don't know either , but I guess it's something like 'trying to look as innocent as a new-born baby'? - I understand what you mean, though :D

Txs for making that poll Mo...I'm really hoping that 'the future's in the bag' will win :eek:...I loved that quote ever since I realized what they were really saying...

Off to work...later... :)
Okay I have to make this WAY quick! *Mo sprints into the thread after looking at the clock and realizing it is way later than she had realized!* Good morning my buddies! HAPPY FRIDAY! Yay, yay, yay, I LOVE Fridays! I'll come back later and sing the "Finally Friday" song :lol: but right now I wanted to do a quick poll update! Great job on the voting y'all...we're rocking the poll, well done! So that said here are our top 5 choices...so now we vote on these and that will be our new thread title...and speaking of our new thread to come, has anyone claimed making this new one yet? Did we promise anyone they could make it? I don't remember....help me out if it's been promised to one of y'all...otherwise I always love to do it ;) but I don't want to steal it! :D

Okay here's our lovely poll...let's get to voting! :D

Oh and you all rock, cuz I feel like I haven't said that enough lately! I LOVE shipping this ship and while it's due of course to our lovely couple...all you fellow shippy buddies in here definitely make it so much fun and so worth while! :D *Mo giggles and hands out cookies and blows loads of delicious pink fog on everyone in the thread!*

Okay seriously gotta go...so yeah, vote! :D
*"He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar...the only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star...he's the song in the car I keep singing..." Stuffy bounces into the thread, feeling somewhat better but thankful for Nurse Danny and his snuggles* Our Nurse sure can make one feel better :D

what is your favourite comical moment between Danny and Lindsay?

There are just so many! Okay let's see here...well I love the exchange in DOWAR, mainly 'cause we got to see their banter again that we missed for the first half of the third season. I also love the "too long to be pubes" chat, because Lindsay's face and the way she snatches up the bag from him is just priceless.

In terms of this season...well, there's this squee-tastic scene from You Only Die Once


I loved their bickering :lol: just like the good ol' days.


Love handles! *squee*
*"He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar...the only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star...he's the song in the car I keep singing..."

Stuffy you know I love ya, but I'm changing the music channell, I hate that girl!

aww Mo: why couldn't you be nice to me and put ONE angsty suggestion on there, those are all fluffy, so evil to me. lol. *looks at Dutch* what did you vote for?
Oooooohhhhh, I do love a good poll! Although it was a tricky choice, and now I cannot remember which one I went for :lol: :lol: Great pics Stuffy!

anyway, "The Deep" is airing whilst I write but I am recording to watch later :D Ready to pause on the Danny and Lindsay exchange in the lab re Hawkes being lucky that Danny was there! I have to admit that it is kinda strange to watch brand new episodes that include a few scenes that I know very well thanks to Youtube.

But there is no way that I could wait until it aired over here before finding out what happened to our ship after 'Snow Day'!! And i don't mean to be negative but surely we can have something by mid-series???
***ducks before sharp objects thrown at me for being so negative***
Howdy my dears! *Mo skips into the thread, passing out bowls of mint Girl Scout cookie ice cream and giant spoons because the only way to eat this ice cream is in big delicious bites!* :D

Stuffy I love those pics hon, they are so perfectly happy in those! I love the smirk on Linds' face in both pics, she is so adorable! *Mo sighs and grins!* I love this ship! :D

Lynny babes, you goofball...you know it's primarily fluff in here with D/L! No angsty suggestions...we want happiness for our ship! Even Dutch with all her angsty desires does want happy wub for our ship! Ain't that right Dutch hon! ;) And I'm guessing you voted for "The future's in the bag!" am I right Dutch? ;)

Bella enjoy "The Deep" it's good hon! :D

Alright so I'm thinking of making another vid...I have again been biten by my muse! She can be vicious like that sometimes...sometimes she kind and floats the idea by me, but usually she hits me over the head with it, or like today, bites me and somehow causes inspiration! Anyway, long rabbit trail for a short point! :lol: I'll post the link when it's done and ready... :D

Have a fabulous Saturday evening my dears! D/L just left for a candlelight dinner...I made them take a break from work and go have some fun alone time! :D

*Mo grins and showers the whole thread in a big cloud of pink fog before shimmering off in her fluffy bubble!* :D
Chel-bell pops her head through the door... cautiously [s/p?] looking around before shouting SURPRISE!!!!!

Hello shipper buddies!!!! i am here to apologise for my lack of appearance through out most of this season :( firstly i have had major issues with my boyfriend.. which may have or may not have been resoved lol and secondly i just havent had time to come on, what with not bein able to watch the episodes on Innertube :( lol but, im here!!! and im plannin on stickin around now! lol
althought i watched the deep after it aired in US, i loved watchin it last night.. just the look of terror on lindsay's face when hawkes was in trouble and she didnt know how danny was, just did it for me!! and the goofin off scene was the best so far! lol just the whole look he gives her sent shivers down my spine! lol cant wait for next weeks episode... this season is gonna be a bit of a surprise for me this time around, seeing as i havent watched many eps!! :(
anyway, ill be back later but ill say 'hey' to Mo, dutch., Stuffy, aliff, angel, psg, aud, catey,... and anyone else ive missed!! lol also, welcome to any newbies i have missed!!! lol

Chell La Bell! Yea!! I'm so glad you're here and still shipping D/L! We missed you so much. :)

Did I hear D/L candlelight dinner?? Sounds good to me. But today it's war!! I say they'll be fighting over playoff teams today. Of course, Lindsay will end up being right---she knows somethin' about football. ;) But they're just using that as an excuse to make up later. :devil:

One of my favorite pics. We're goin' old school today!



Have a lovely day, y'all. :cool:
that was a great scene,everetime danny says how you doin ,i always thinking about joey in friends.
that was so scenes.
i hope that we get soon a great love scene,but im afraid that we have to wait for a long time.
but ill say 'hey' to Mo, dutch., Stuffy, aliff, angel, psg, aud, catey,... and anyone else ive missed

chelly: You forgot me :(

Lynny babes, you goofball...you know it's primarily fluff in here with D/L! No angsty suggestions...we want happiness for our ship! Even Dutch with all her angsty desires does want happy wub for our ship! Ain't that right Dutch hon! And I'm guessing you voted for "The future's in the bag!" am I right Dutch?

I bet she didn't! I bet Dutchy voted for the love handles one. Just cause its hilarious! Wait, I'll vote for that one!

But I still hate that song though.
"Sunny day, chasing the clouds away, on my way to where the air is sweet!" :lol: *Mo giggles and bounces into the thread, spraying pink fog, whipped cream and cheese whiz on everyone she sees!* :lol: Hi my dears! Yeah not sure why, but the Sesame Street song was stuck in my head...so happy day for you all! Besides it fits, the air is sweet in here...lots of fluff and pink fog, definitely sweet! Plus all the lovely D/L love floating around in here just makes is lovely! :lol: Yeah clearly I'm in a cheesy mood today...yay for that, gotta love a little cheese! :lol:

Chell!!!!! *Mo tackles her long lost bud, hugging her and plastering a cream pie on her face for staying away so long!* Hi honey bun, yay for you coming back and yeah you can't go away ever again! :D Yeah isn't that scene in The Deep good! I love what Linds' says to Danny...but I think even more than that I love the look on her face, I paused it on that look and I swear if that look isn't "LOVE" I don't know what is! :D

Aud Hi my fluffy wub! :D Lol, yup last night was candlit dinner! ;) Lol, tonight can be football rival fights...but like all good fights that'll be resolved in the bedroom :devil: D/L's favorite way to make up! ;) Heehee! Love the pic too hon...love at first sight...good times, good times indeed! :D

Lynny I love that you're hanging out in here again, have I told you that yet? Yay! :D

Okay my dearies, my muse came through! I made another D/L vid! :D This one is to Phil Collins' song "You'll Be In My Heart"....a fabulous song that I have wanted to make a D/L vid for for a long time! It just fits them to me in my head, and my muse finally made it work! :D So yeah, it's uploading as I type....so check it out and let me know what you think, pwease! It's under Moriel21 at Youtube! And now I'm done singing my own praises! :rolleyes: :lol:
"You'll Be In My Heart"

Have a fabulous Sunday my dears! Ohhhh and we get a new eppy this week don't we! YAY! I really, really, really want us to have some good D/L in the eppy! I just, really really hope so! *Mo crosses her fingers and toes and sticks a pink fog IV in her arm to stay optimistic!* :D

Alright later y'all! :D

*Mo grins and waves and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble, spreading pink fog and fluffy goodness everywhere as she goes!* :D
So there I was, watching CSI NY on Five US tonight, and who should pop up in the ad breaks reminding us about CSI Sunday than the gorgeous Mr Giovinazzo!!That definitely made my Sunday evening seem a little brighter!! Hope other UK viewers saw him.
1CSIMfan said:
^^Please keep in mind that posts in shipper central must contain three lines of on topic discussion.


Everybody needs to be following this. I shouldn't have to keep coming in every few days and reminding everyone that there needs to be actual discussion in here. ;)


Please keep in mind that fan videos need to be posted in the Fan Video thread pinned to the top of the forum and not in the individual threads themselves. ;)

thanks :)
Sorry Lynny, but Mo was right...I voted for 'the future's in the bag' :D (I even suggested it :p)...I think it was quite bold and totally to the point from Lindsay to say that...and even a little funny... ;)

Chell Good to see you again...and 'The Deep' was indeed a great ep for our ship...I think Lindsay suddenly realized how Danny must've felt when she went undercover in NWILL...You can just stand there and watch and there's nothing else you can do :(...She did great when she didn't totally freak out when the image became blurry...

And that goofing off scene is sweet too...Lindsay is clearly relieved to have him around again and their smiles are too sweet.. :)

Txs for the great pics everyone...it's a bit crazy over here, but I'll try to keep up and read all the fics and watch the vids...later. :)
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