Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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I love the "Dennis the Menace" scene. I love "Communted Sentences". Especially the scene with the slingshot and the squirrels.

Gotta love this couple! :)
Howdy hey my people! *Mo drags into the thread, tired and out of it!* So yeah I think I am coming down with whatever bug has been going around lately! :p "Nurse Danny? Where'd you go babe? Cuz Mo's in need of those healing hands of yours!" :D

Soph I love that article from Anna about D/L! I love that they "got it" right from the beginning like that, that's so fun to see! It means we shippers were not "just seeing things"...we were right after all! YAY us! :lol:

Yeah Vexxy CS was an awesome eppy for D/L! :D The flirting and fun was back, add to that the knowledge that they are CANON and it was magic! ;)

Okay I'm off to bed now...Nurse Danny you coming to tuck me in? ;) Heehee! :lol:

Alright my pals, sorry for the short rambling post...but I gotta go to sleep now...*Mo yawns...*

*Mo grins and waves tiredly to her lovely shippy pals before shuffling off to shimmer away in her fluffy bubble!*
Happy Hump Day every one

Live or Let Die was on yesterday here and what a lovely DL moment it was. it was so cute how he was hlaf listenning to her conversation with Adam - she was so cute getting all impatient :) , but the moment she mentioned the phone calls she had his full attention. you think they ever tried it? phone sex, I mean

Im not even properly awake and my mind is already in the gutter. the things DL does to me

Good morning and Happy Hump Day!! *Mo pops into the thread a bit more awake this morning, due perhaps to the mondo cup of coffee currently clutched in her hands!* How are all my shippy buddies this fine morning? :D

Carly I love that your guttery right away in the morning like that! ;) It's such a swell way to start the day! :D And after that eppy, yeah I'd say they tried it :lol: After she askes him the question you can totally tell he's turned on by the idea! :devil: LoLD is a great eppy too, good D/L in that one! :D I love that Linds askes him that, it never fails to make me grin when I rewatch that eppy! :lol:

Okay so no new eppy tonight, not even a repeat which is kind of sad. :( But we do get a new eppy next week...so next week is 4x13 and then we've got one more new one left...So...the writers have to INSTANTLY dissolve this strike and get back to writing because our season is NOT going to just abruptly end like that...heads will roll!! :p

*Mo shakes her pitchfork and stomps on her soapbox!*

Alright I have to scram off to work...but I hope y'all have a swell Hump Day! Last I checked on D/L they were starting off the day right, with a little broom closet time together! :devil: :lol:

And keep trying to think of fun thread titles! :D

*Mo grins and waves, tossing Hershey's kisses to all her fabulous buddies as she jets off to her fluffy bubble, leaving a trail of pink fog behind as she shimmers away!*
*Wearing her Snow Day PJ's, Stuffy shuffles into the thread, a glass of apple juice in one hand and a box of tissues in the other*

Ugh - you and me both Mo. Methinks Danny will be quite the busy nurse today ;) :devil:

carly LoLD is a fantastic episode! I like the return of Pratt (aside from Sonny, my favourite baddie), and Lindsay's phone sex question to Danny was just priceless. After their little exchange in Train to Nowhere, I think they have been having intimate phone conversations in the wee hours of the morning!

Mo darlin', when are you going to create the poll for the thread titles? *nudges her buddy and offers her a sly wink and cough drop*

Okay so no new eppy tonight, not even a repeat which is kind of sad.

Yeah, that's not good. I mean, we're being cheated out of the remainder of the season - you think we would get a repeat or something eh? Ah well. Chin up an' all that :)

heads will roll!!

Yes indeedy! *toys with dagger*
Yo Peoples!! I think I gave Mo my germs. We share a twin brain that's why. :eek:

Just a few thoughts to add today:

Any name for the next thread is fine with me. Going back through the posts makes me feel like I've missed a lot. Bella made a good suggestion about their love being 'in the bag'. It's a given!! ;)

I love the screencaps and hope for some more D/L caps before the season ends. :(

I guess I'm probably the only shipper that didn't care for the scene in LoLD. :runsawayfromtheshippersandtheknives:

Big congrats to Vexxie on her new position!! What a great shipper you are! :)
Thanks for the screencap Stuffy - It is such a cute little scene between our favourite couple. I miss those kind of scenes ;) They seem to have missed golden opportunities in season 4 IMO. Naughty writers!!

So a question to get everyone posting in the absence of a new episode, what is your favourite comical moment between Danny and Lindsay?.

We seem to have discussed shippy and angsty in the past so it may be nice to discuss some fun scenes :p

Anyway, my answer would have to be the Commuted Scenes 'love handles' scene :lol: It was as close to definite confirmation of our canon couple that we have had. I love that they are so relaxed in each others company. And the "stop fighting" line always cracks me up.

But as it always a difficult choice, the runner up would be the 'boom - instant condom' scene :D
Happy Hump Day everyone! :D

Aw, all such great memories, and Sophie thanks for bringing up that interview with Anna again...I still think it's quite funny how the idea of D/L came to be :); and back then, who would have thought that it'd turn out so great (rhetorical question :rolleyes:)...I would love to read another interview to learn how she feels about D/L and all the commotion it caused, now... :D

Oh and Carly talk about being in the gutter early...When I arrived at work this morning they were just putting the -finally arrived- pool table in the break room :cool:...I've been smiling the whole day and couldn't stop laughing when it was finally lunch time and I heard someone say that it was time to initiate it :devil:

*pokes Auda gently with a knife* That phone sex convo cracks me up every time...You can almost hear Danny's thoughts - he can not believe they are actually having that conversation and at the same time he is so turned on by it, that he doesn't want it to end... :D

And I just read in the cast list for 4x14 that there will be a Cowgirl-named-Sandra-character :lol:...that has to be a good omen :D...I'm confident that she can teach Lindsay a thing or two about riding cowboys *ahem* I mean horses.. :devil:
*pokes head in thread to see what happening*

Hiya guys *waves*
Finally pluked up the courage to contribute to this thread(bit shy sorry).

Not too late to join is it?
^ Of course it's never too late ;)...Welcome! :)

And feel free to contribute whatever you like about D/L (to follow Shipper Central rules, make sure it's three lines or more, though :D); what do you like about them, your favorite eps/scenes, since when do you like them?

Just take a deep breath and inhale the rather addictive pink fog that is swirling around in here, and pretty soon you'll be just as D/L nuts as we are... :)
"It's 5 o'clock somewhere...!" *Mo grins as she pops in singing along with Jimmy Buffett and Alan Jackson...* :D Howdy fellow shipper buddies! :D Who wants cookies? Cookies, milk and tequila? :lol: Yeah it's a weird combo...don't ask! :lol: *Mo passes out her "comfort" food to her buddies!* :D

Aud!!!! *Mo snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* Hi wub, there you are!
I guess I'm probably the only shipper that didn't care for the scene in LoLD.
Awww don't run away, lol, we won't throw knives at ya! I love that scene, but I know you don't and that's okay! I do gotta say I think it's one of the classic D/L scenes...funny in an awkward totally hot kind of way! :lol:

shippy bud with the great question Bella bud asked:
So a question to get everyone posting in the absence of a new episode, what is your favourite comical moment between Danny and Lindsay?.
Ohhhhh, great question hon! I have such a hard time with these though...I can never seem to pick just one favorite! :lol: The Commuted Sentences "love handles" moment was pretty classic! I love the "Batmobile vs. Speed Racer" scene too...that one was totally fun and really cute! "Stuck on You" in Season 2 had several really cute moments where Linds made a couple sarcastic comments that made Danny laugh...love those too! :D See told ya I can't pick! :lol:

Deliciously naughty shipper bud Dutch winked:
I'm confident that she can teach Lindsay a thing or two about riding cowboys *ahem* I mean horses..
Whoa...lol :lol: naughty naughty Dutch! :lol: (I love it! ;) ) Besides hon, I'm pretty sure Linds knows quite well how to ride her cowboy...I mean...um "horse" all on her own! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Stuffy, lol, okay honey bun...I'll make a thread title poll! But first just so we know, we've got some new thread title rules...per Modie:

"When it's time to vote:
~ No more than ten choices can be voted on.
~ The top five of the original ten can be taken from that list and voted on for the winner."

So the plan is...we've got our "top 10" here...and we can narrow them down to our "top 5" and then choose our new title out of those 5! Cool?! :D And for anyone who wants to add one...these are the first 10 I got...so if you feel your title absolutely deserves to be voted on...give us a reason and I'll see if I can add it! :D
comical D/L moments.... good question b/c you have me totally stumped!!!

this season with the few eps we've had have some pretty comical D/L moments both as a ship and their own characters.

"Commuted Sentences" was so much fun to watch. i bought the ep off iTunes the next day.

i crack up every time i watch "Zoo York" and Danny says to Lindsay "He likes to be called sir." just the way he says that line is so funny. and then she gets pissed at him lol.

who can forget the walrus documentary from "Bad Beat"? hahaha really good cheeky moment.
*First on the list**

Thank you, Aud! I will try my best and that's all I can do.

And of course, the show isn't on tonight :( . Oh well, we'll get one next week :)

As far as the next title, I'm for Batman and Catwoman. It's a cute one!
MTC yeah all those moments you've mentioned are good ones! It's seriously a tough question, especially since a lot of D/L's early moments are cute flirty teasing "funny" moments that make me grin and laugh when I watch them! :D They're just so swell together...I love it! :lol:

Vexxy congrats on the promotion I heard ya got babes, that's swell! You'll rock it, I know! ;)

Yeah new eppy next week...and just the fact that they show D/L's pics face to face in the promo has me excited! :lol: (Call me obsessed I know...don't care! :D )
Hiya back, Mo!:) And hi everyone as well! Sandra the cowgirl! I love that one, Dutch. ;) But maybe Lindsay could teach the urban cowgirl more about country girl stuff. Maybe? :D :lol:

It's really hard to pick one of those new thread titles!! They're all so good. It's also hard to pick some of the best D/L moments, because for the most part they are all great. And thanks for not chasing me with knives!! I don't even like paper cuts. :lol:

And it's not that I totally dislike the phone smex scene, it just would have been more effective later on...say season three. Just my utter opinion! :)

V-Day is coming!! I wonder what the ship will be doing then? :D
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