Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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*Mo skips into the thread, blissful and giddy for several reasons...it's Friday tomorrow, we had a good eppy last night and....Mo pauses, see's Dutch's post and starts shrieking...!* DANNY ON HIS BIKE!!!!!!!! I'm not even gonna attempt to be calm about this, seriously I wanted those caps all day today and I knew, I KNEW you would get them Dutch and you did and....GAH! *Mo starts drooling and swooning and breathing irregularly!* That has got to be the hottest sight...just oh, wow! :devil: Oh.Wow! :devil: Thank you honey, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! :D :D *Mo huggles her fabulous pic providing bud!*

This can only be topped by a shirtless Danny on his bike...
*Mo pauses pictures that in her guttery mind and promptly falls over in a dead swooning faint at the sheer hotness of that thought!* :devil:

My brilliant caps-addictive-as-heorin-provider Dutch nodded:
but I have the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that there will be a D/L moment next week, but that it'll have something to do with this week's 'missing' scene...
Yeah I know, I had the exact same feeling...still have that feeling. The more I think about it the more I think that if they are gonna have the scene in an eppy it will fit next week better than it would have this week....which would suck and I don't want it next week, but I just can't help the feeling that it will be there...which would really suck because our next eppy is our last unless the stupid writers get their acts together! Sorry for the ambiguity to y'all who don't know what exactly we're talking about...we'll see if we're right when we get our next eppy...either way you'll know, by the shrieks of joy or shouts of anger! :lol: Anyway, I'm done being pissed now...promise! :D *Mo borrows the pink fog hose that Stuffy is waving around and gives herself a really big helping poured directly over her own head, soaking herself in fluffy pink fog!* :lol:

Fluffer forever Stuffy wuffy asked:
Speaking of which...was anyone else disappointed that there was no pool table in Danny's apartment when Flack went in there? Mayhap it was off getting some new velvet!
Well now see I'm a bit confused...I looked at your lovely pic there with the arrow and all Dutch and are we sure that's the room where the pool table was? Not that there are a whole lot of rooms in his place granted, but what if there was the bedroom and then the next room over was the pool table...guess we might just have to watch that scene in SD over and over until we figure it out! ;) Tough job! :lol: But I definitely do not think D/L would get rid of their pool table...too many delicious memories on that pool table! :devil: ;)

Oh, she has so ridden on that bike before mer
Oh you naughty minded girl! Or maybe that's just me reading that comment totally naughty :lol: Either way works heehee, and yeah she most definitely has ridden that bike before! :devil: :D

Angsty Niece Vexxy dear grinned:
It's apparent that they both love each other.
Couldn't have said it better myself hon, that's what it all comes down to! They love eachother and that my friends...as they say, is that!! :D :D

I believe it was Modie who said our next/last eppy is on February 6th! :D Keep the fingers, toes and anything else possible crossed that the writers will end their strike asap and we will get more eppies! :D

*Mo nods, grins, waves and skips off to her fluffy bubble, clutching copies of the delicious caps Dutch gave her and drooling as she shimmers away!* :D
"One summer at a festival holding on real tight, on the back of a Harley, he took me for a ride in the sky" :D Mo dear, trust me, making those caps was as much my pleasure as it was yours...just playing that file frame by frame to make some great caps was quite the treat... :devil:

Angel with the great priorities asked:
is that the same room from SD?
From the look of it I'd say yes, but when it's not we can assume that the pool table is not gone, but in a room that Flack didn't check because he was distracted by the laptop and the missing gun...like Mo said:
but what if there was the bedroom and then the next room over was the pool table
Yes, that could be...we never saw his bathroom either, but we can assume that's located somewhere too :rolleyes:...I think I like the idea of the pool table still being in his (not shown in this week's ep) 'play'-room even better than the idea of it being replaced by a bed :)...or it must be like Vex said:
I guess it was "used" so many times!
after all, how can you explain the worn felt and the broken leg to other people... :eek:

Stuffy said:
anyone else think she was a bit shaky whilst firing that shotgun? Seemed to me that she was thinking of a certain someone..
I at first thought she was a bit shaky, because the sound of gunfire is still a bit unnerving to her, but I have to say that I like your suggestion better :D...Of course she was thinking of Danny and the trouble he could get himself into... :)

Vex asked:
As much as he looks good on that bike, where is his helmet?
You're absolutely right, but in this case I'm just being completely shallow and just enjoy the view...and what a view it is... :devil:

Next ep is indeed on February 6th and not next week :(...was there no promo? What do we know about 4x14 - wasn't there some D/L related Ausielo question regarding this ep? :confused:
Wow Dutch! You're the best! And you guys are absolutely right: Danny on a bike is the hottest thing there is! :devil: Maybe my husband wants to buy a Harley and grow a lottle beard :confused: :p:

I like all the 'pool-table' talk. I'm sticking with 'used too many times'. Maybe that's why we're aren't getting enough Danny/Lindsay scenes...they don't have a new pool table yet ;)

I'm off, checking youtube for some vids. See you!
awwwwww, I loved last night, I just was sad that Flack didn't tell Danny at the end that Lindsay was worried about him, I thought that would be just AWESOME!!!!

And about the bike, I didn't even know our Danny owned one of those, where have I been? :confused: :lol:
Thank god it's the weekend!! :D :D which means CSI:NY is on tomorrow. I'm not sure what is airing tomorrow (naughty Bella) but i don't care because it's been a long wait for S4!

Dutch asked
What D/L-moment brought tears to your eyes and why?
I know it is a belated reply (which is usual for me) but it was too good a question to miss. I do love a bit of angst and a good cry is sometimes good for the soul ;) The first scene that springs to mind is the famous corridor scene from LRC. It broke my heart to see Danny standing in the corridor, watching Lindsay walk away and despite the fact that she 'rejects' him, he still offers his support :( It still gets to me every time I watch it!!

Its a shame that we did not get any DL in this week's episode but everyone seems to have enjoyed the episode. Thanks to Dutch for posting the pictures of Danny on his motorbike :devil: And another comment about our beloved ship from Mac :eek: But does that mean that only he knows? Because it would make sense that they tell him as he is their boss. But I would have loved to have seen a comment from Flack ;) What do you guys think?
Hey all...

Thanks for the pics, dutch. They're amazing. Danny is so hot.

I absolutely loved that episode, and, of course, my favorite line was Mac's "Make sure you don't catch what he's got." At least we know that their secret is not so secret. I think I like it better that way.

I was a little disappointed when I found out that there was no actual D/L in the episode, but when I actually watched it I was pleased to see that they were hinted at. I thought the concerned Lindsay was kind of cute. It reminded me of Danny when she went bcak to Montana for the murder trial.

Does anyone know if that was the last new episode we get until the end of the writer's strike? I can't remember, and I don't exactly know where to go and find out myself or I would.
smi!! *tackles her shipper buddy and gives her huggles* I knew you would come back matey :D

That Mac line is now one of my all-time favourites from the show (the others being "He calls you that 'cause he's got a crush on you" and "I like you. A lot.")...he so knows about them! *giggles insanely*

Does anyone know if that was the last new episode we get until the end of the writer's strike?

No - as Modie stated a while back, we have one more on February 6th. That will be the "finale" until this strike is resolved (hopefully sooner rather than later) ;)

was there no promo?

Apparently not, but there should be one next week.

*looks at Mo with innocent eyes* mer started the naughty comments. Or maybe it was dutch with her DLicious pictures :devil:
dl_shipper34 said:

Does anyone know if that was the last new episode we get until the end of the writer's strike?

No - as Modie stated a while back, we have one more on February 6th. That will be the "finale" until this strike is resolved (hopefully sooner rather than later) ;)

I'm really happy that we have another on, but I really wish that we wouldn't have to wawit that long. I know, I'm selfish. Hopefully the writer's resolve whatever they are having problems with and then we'll get tons of new episodes! That would make me very happy.
"It's finally Friday, I'm free again, I've got my motor runnin' for a wild weekend! It's finally Friday...!" :lol: *Mo grins and bounces into the thread, giggling and giddy that the weekend is finally here!* :lol:

HI my buddies! Welcome to Friday evening...happy Friday, oh thank goodness that it's Friday, I love Fridays! :D Cuz it means the weekend is here, which means I get to sleep in and chill in the morning, which I LOVE! :D Heehee! :lol: Plus the weekend is when I know D/L is having their "fun"! ;) Not that they don't have "fun" all the time...but they can have "fun" :devil: all night long and then sleep late on the weekend! ;) Heehee! :devil:

My delicious naughty thought sharing bud Dutch winked:
Mo dear, trust me, making those caps was as much my pleasure as it was yours...just playing that file frame by frame to make some great caps was quite the treat...
Oh I bet hon! Anything that involves staring at Danny Messer in a leather jacket on a motorcycle...just...*Mo stops to take a breath so she doesn't swoon, again, at that thought!* Yeah just...seriously, I have figured out why we haven't had many D/L scenes lately...because all the eppy would be, would be D/L jumping eachother...all the time everywhere! They are so freakin' beautiful and hot that we can't see them together because they would not be able to keep their hands off eachother! That is the case, I have solved the case of the missing D/L scenes! :lol:

Shippy bud ericsacutie shrugged:
I just was sad that Flack didn't tell Danny at the end that Lindsay was worried about him, I thought that would be just AWESOME!!!!
Awwww yeah bud, that would have been cute to see I agree! I mean I think Danny knows that Linds cares for him (loves him! :D ) and is worried about him, but yeah it would have been nice to have seen Flack mention that to him!

Smi!! HI honey, you're back in here, yay, I likes it! :D *Mo grins and huggles her bud!*

The fluffy Stuffy wuffy cute bug who's so NOT as innocent as she looks!
*looks at Mo with innocent eyes* mer started the naughty comments. Or maybe it was dutch with her DLicious pictures
Lol, yeah hon you stick with that excuse! ;) Heehee, me I'm going with the "you're-just-deliciously-naughty" excuse...which is fine by me, since being in the D/L gutter is totally the "in-thing" around here! :lol: It's inevitable...you can't really hang out in here for very long without falling into the Gutter! :devil:

Oh and by the way y'all...I'm calling our poll's end...our new thread title is officially...Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag! Your suggestion won Dutch hon! ;) And unless anyone claims it, I would love to start this next thread! Unless you want to start it Dutch hon since the title was your suggestion! ;)

Okay my dears...I'm off to have a chill evening! I hope you all have a fabulous evening yourselves...and remember keep your fluff levels and optimism high...because (say it with me!) D/L is CANON and IN LOVE!! That's right peeps...say it loud and proud! :D

*Mo grins and waving skips off to her fluffy bubble, shimmering away in a cloud of delicious pink fog!*

Psssttt...Aud wub, how is you? :D

ETA: Please for the love of all that is good, do NOT read the review of this last eppy of ours...or if you at least do NOT read the second to last paragragh...the part about Danny is great...but the D/L part...well to put it kindly let's just say I do not agree with the reviewer on it, at all! :p Yeah...rar! Okay I'm off to stay fluffy! :lol:
Please for the love of all that is good, do NOT read the review of this last eppy of ours...or if you at least do NOT read the second to last paragragh...the part about Danny is great...but the D/L part...well to put it kindly let's just say I do not agree with the reviewer on it, at all! :p Yeah...rar! Okay I'm off to stay fluffy! :lol:

To late i read it and yeah its pretty unfair to Lindsay and Anna. I just hate it when people judge her, i dont think she would still be on the show if she was a bad actress. Anyway the episode was nice but the season so far not so great, not enough moment between D/L for me!!
Also i wanted spoilers for teh last episode so i went the spoiler thread and they were talking about D/L! i swear it was all about those two i have no idea why(not that its not a great thing to discuss it just wasnt really the place lol)
Good morning everyone! *Stuffy hops into the thread, pushing a trolley of whatever drinks her buddies drink and whatever food her buddies eat for brekkers*

They are so freakin' beautiful and hot that we can't see them together because they would not be able to keep their hands off eachother! That is the case, I have solved the case of the missing D/L scenes!

ROFL - excellent job Mo! You have solved the mystery :D I figure they always head to the broom closet for a little alone time :devil:

*whistles nonchalantly* Well I'm sorry if Danny sitting on a motorcycle is rather drool-inducing, O Dearest Mo :p

I'm really happy that we have another on, but I really wish that we wouldn't have to wawit that long. I know, I'm selfish. Hopefully the writer's resolve whatever they are having problems with and then we'll get tons of new episodes! That would make me very happy.

No, you're not being selfish. We all want new episodes; it gives all the fans something to discuss ;) and I hope the strike is resolved soon as well.

Please for the love of all that is good, do NOT read the review of this last eppy of ours...or if you at least do NOT read the second to last paragragh...the part about Danny is great...but the D/L part...well to put it kindly let's just say I do not agree with the reviewer on it, at all!

Mo my lovely darling, you know I love you. You're one of my bestest buddies. But...why? :confused:

*readies the fog machine* What did I say about negative thoughts? :p this is a positive, happy place. No negativity now, y'hear? ;) only positive thoughts!
Hey, Mo. I'm here. :)

Hey everyone, I hate to be a bit bossy, but I think we'd better just concentrate on fun D/L talk, analysis, or just plain FLUFF and not go into how others might feel about the ship. :)

Good for you, Stuffy. ;)

The new thread title---Is it "The Future's in the Bag" or "Their Future's in the Bag"? :confused:

I love how Lindsay worked with Flack to find out what was going on with Danny. It shows how much they care. I also loved that Mac sort of hinted at something between Lindsay and Danny. I'm not sure if he knows what is going on, but he suspects something is up. ;) There wasn't actually any real D/L during the episode, but I'll take no D/L over angsty D/L any day of the week.

Later y'all. :cool:
Jen said:
Maybe that's why we're aren't getting enough Danny/Lindsay scenes...they don't have a new pool table yet
LOL, I really like your way of thinking ;)...but we know Danny still owns the bike and I'd really like to see their creative use of a Harley too... :devil: (oh, and Jen a little stubble is okay, but a beard *shudders*)

Bella asked:
does that mean that only he knows? Because it would make sense that they tell him as he is their boss. But I would have loved to have seen a comment from Flack What do you guys think?
Well we can assume that Mac knows or at least (like Auday said) has his suspicions and knows by the way they react that he is right (isn't he always? :rolleyes:). And I think Danny has told Flack that there is something going on between him and Lindsay, but I'm still a bit surprised that Flack doesn't tease them with it, so perhaps Danny didn't give a lot of details... :cool:

Still swooning Mo said:
I have solved the case of the missing D/L scenes!
Well your quite the CSI yourself...maybe you should join the NY forces to keep a close eye on D/L :D

our new thread title is officially...Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag! Your suggestion won Dutch hon! And unless anyone claims it, I would love to start this next thread! Unless you want to start it Dutch hon since the title was your suggestion!
Yeah! :D *does little happy dance*, I just love that title :), but since I don't like opening threads (I always get confused with the links :eek:) and I have the disadvantage of living in Europe, you can go right ahead Mo - I know you'd love to... :p

Auda asked:
The new thread title---Is it "The Future's in the Bag" or "Their Future's in the Bag"?
Well in the actually quote from YODO where I based my suggestion on, Lindsay replies to Danny's "What's in the bag?" with "The future, Mr. Messer" :D (still love it :)); it's too bad she didn't say 'our' future... ;)

but I think we'd better just concentrate on fun D/L talk, analysis, or just plain FLUFF and not go into how others might feel about the ship
Hear, hear! We all know not everyone shares our opinions and vice versa :(, but please let's try to keep those discussions out of here...

Besides, discussing 'plain FLUFF' ;) ...or... 'excruciating ANGST' :eek: at times can be so much more fun...
Hey everyone, I hate to be a bit bossy, but I think we'd better just concentrate on fun D/L talk, analysis, or just plain FLUFF and not go into how others might feel about the ship.
Hear, hear! We all know not everyone shares our opinions and vice versa :(, but please let's try to keep those discussions out of here...
Thanks guys! ;) You're both right. I know this is the only thread that a lot of DL fans visit and/or post in on this board so yes, let's keep it positive for everybody. :)
alright i thought the episode could have been a bit better. i was really looking forward to a possible D/L scene and didn't get anything. it was nice to see that Lindsay was really worried about Danny but a nice little "how ya doin?" or a huge or something at the end would have been nice to see.

if i was so hopped up on tylenol PM from a nasty headache i would have been flipping out over Mac's comment to Lindsay to try not to get what Danny had lol. so funny. i think that's one of Mac's best lines yet and it wasn't even supposed to be funny (this could be the tylenol PM talking lol).
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