Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Hi guys! Finally a new epi tonight, I can't wait to see what's ahead for us! I'm pretty confident, maybe there will be something bad happening, but hey, they'll always find each other in the end, right? :p: How can a relationship deepen when there aren't any troubles to overcome?

dutch_treat said:
What D/L-moment brought tears to your eyes and why?

Love the question, Dutch! Funny you ask, 'cause for me, there aren't many moments on CSI:NY that bring tears to my eyes, but the scene you talked about (and showed great pics of, btw) DID! For me it was also a confirmation from Lindsay that she actually was atracted to Danny, otherwise she wouldn't have looked at him from out of the cab.

But the scene from LRC was also great. You could see Danny struggling with her answer so bad, I just wanted to jump into my telly and hug him :D

Well, I'm off. Just made a quick post before bringing the kids to bed. I hope my daughter can go to school again tomorrow, she was sick today...Actually, she puked at the children's farm...when a lot of people were standing around her. It was pretty embarrassing and I had to clean it...Ever cleaned something like that while being pregnant? If you did, you know what happens to you then... :(

See you!
^ Eeww Jen txs for the mental image :eek:...btw you don't have to be pregnant to have that same reaction... :p

I love all the answers you guys gave to my question, I'm glad there are others who get emotional over some sad scenes...and I agree that a crying Danny is sad beyond words... :(

Another moment that really touched my heart and made my eyes tear up was the moment Danny entered the courtroom in SOoH; I now it was a great moment, but the immensity of his actions was so touching :(...so I guess those were happy tears... :D

Oh and yeah Carly that scene in Supermen was brilliant! We got a proposal already in Season 2! Come on PTB if that's not chemistry I dunno what is!
Yeah *clenches pitchfork too* what's with that? I don't recall to have ever witnessed such an extreme long hiatus between the 'dress rehearsal' and 'premiere night' ;), so to speak...

I think we definitely need some answers in either this week's ep or the last one of this season on how D/L's status is at the moment...at least show that the one night in SD has been the first of many happy moments (like we D/L'ers all know ;)) and not a one night affair (as the rest of the world thinks now :p)...

Happy Hump Day and I'm looking forward to your reactions on 4x13... :)
^^ i always think what do fans of CSI:NY that are not as into the show and D/L as we are think of their SD scene and what happened after that. or for the new fans of the show when they see D/L flirting and play bantering, they must be thinking they want each other so bad haha.

i look at it this way.... i am a die hard Alias fan and had to wait 5 years for Sydney and Vaughn to finally be together so i can surely wait as long as it takes for Danny and Lindsay to get together- in a sense- for real and for TPTB to show some really awesome scenes with them.

don't get me wrong i go nuts when there isn't some kind of good D/L scene and the two of them are working together and even when they are not, but i can tough it out. D/L are a different kind of ship than what's on TV, i'm sure the writers know how popular they are as characters and as a ship and will continue writting them as a couple for a long time.

has anyone ever noticed how basically the only questions about CSI:NY Ausiello from TV guide or Kristen from E! answer are about Danny and Lindsay?
Tonight's episode, All in the Family
no actual D/L moments, it still felt like it was Danny/Lindsay being involved. She's worried about him. She covers for him at work, she seeks Flack out to go find him, and regarding that supposed hallway scene that was to occur, it doesn't happen. When Lindsay covers for Danny, it's does seem as if Mac does know about the two of them, her excuse for Danny is that he thinks he has the flu. Mac tells her to make sure she doesn't come down with it. Only disappointing thing was that there was no interaction between the two, but it was a good episode.

Catie, I can't tell you how tempted I am to read your spoiler!! However, since we are down to the last two eps, I will restrain myself so I can wrap myself in the show without waiting for something or wanting something else!

What D/L moment moves you to tears? Wow, yet another good question. I'm not a crier, but some of the scenes that have really tugged at my heart have been RSRD when they are looking at each other through the glass, LRC and the infamous hallway scene as she walks away (gah!), and as mentioned by a few others Lying Game.
T-minus 3 hours and counting!! *Mo giggles and pops into the thread!* I just LOVE new eppy days, they make me all giddy and happy with possiblity! Heehee! Hi shippy pals, how are you all this fine evening?!

Yeah *clenches pitchfork too* what's with that? I don't recall to have ever witnessed such an extreme long hiatus between the 'dress rehearsal' and 'premiere night' , so to speak...
Lol, Dutch that is a totally awesome way to put that and I totally agree, heehee! "dress rehearsal" and "premiere night" loved that and yeah I agree...come on PTB, we already had our "preview" now give us the real thing dang it! :D

Catie have I mentioned lately how much you rock? Cuz you totally do! I'm jealous (as always ;) ) that you get to see the eppy so freakin' early, but I love that you do...cuz it gives me your lovely spoilers! Thanks honey! *Huggles!* :D Yay for our new eppy, yay, yay, yay! :lol: I seriously love new eppy's they just make me happy! :D Now writers get your act together so I can be giddy like this more often, dang it!

Mer-bear!! Hi hon, you delurked in here, yay! You should pop in more often hon...we likes you around here! ;) Wow, nice restraint there...we all know I have NONE of that! But hey I figure someone has to read and appreciate all the work Catie goes to to post the spoiler...so I'll sacrifice and do that! :lol: Heehee!

And now...*Mo looks at her watch again...* T-minus 2 hours and 57 minutes! :lol: Heehee! Oh and has anyone claimed making thread #21? Cuz if not...I kinda want it! :D

*Mo waves and shimmers off to eat some dinner before settling down to anticipate our new eppy!* :D
Well, just like the Spoiler Queen said, no direct DL, but some implied DL. I loved how Mac told Linds not to catch the flu from Danny. Kinda acknowledgement that their relationship isn't an office secret. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. The actors did an outstanding job, especially Carmine. I find myself pining for an icon of Danny on his motorcycle! Wonder if Linds has taken a ride on that? :devil:
*Mo drags herself into the thread, growling a little at the early morning hour as she clutches her coffee!* :D
Good morning shipper dears! :D

Okay so our eppy last night...I enjoyed it, even though there weren't any direct D/L scenes. I seriously just love this show in general, I got all giddy and excited that we had a new eppy again as the credits started! :lol: I did like the indirect D/L that we got though...small though it was, it was still at least a nod in our "shipping" direction and at this point I will take even that! I liked how concerned Linds was about Danny and how she felt okay approaching Flack about it like that...and yeah I really liked her covering for Danny to Mac...and Mac so totally knows about D/L! The way he looked and practically winked at Linds to "not catch what he has!" :lol: He SO knows they're together! Yay! :D As for the "bumpy" scene we were supposed to get this week but didn't...I haven't heard anything to confirm this at all, but my suspicion is that it was not forgotten but rather put on hold and honestly I would not be surprised if it popped up next eppy...which would piss me off HUGELY but not surprise me.

That said I agree with Mer on the whole Danny on a motorcycle thing...I think my initial reaction to seeing that went something like..."OH.MY.LORD. Danny Messer on a bike, I thought I had seen all the hotness from him I every could...but this....I WOW!!" *Swoon, drool, faint!* :devil: Anyone who can cap, I would ADORE a pic of him on that bike....talk about eye candy! Wow!

And yeah I like that passionate Danny is back a little in these last couple eppy's...he is emotional and hot-headed sometimes (a lot less in a good way lately) but every once in a while it still flares up and I gotta admit I do love how passionate he gets about things! Now I just want a scene with him and Linds dang it! I mean I like that we got to see her concerned for him and covering for him and helping Flack find him...but seriously I want some D/L face time...be it kissing, staring, or at least something where they are facing eachother and talking to eachother!! Please!!!

All in all it was a good ep though, like I said I enjoyed it and I am in total denial that we only have one new eppy left! Though that is a rant I will save for another day! :lol: Cuz I gotta go now...I'll be back later tonight! Have a swell day my shippy dears! :D

*Mo skurries off to her fluffy bubble, wrapping herself in pink fog and happy thoughts and shimmers off!* :D
Hello there!

It's so quiet in here I was almost wondering if there was indeed a new epi...But there was! Yay, although I haven't even seen it yet ;)

Moriel21 said:
That said I agree with Mer on the whole Danny on a motorcycle thing...I think my initial reaction to seeing that went something like..."OH.MY.LORD. Danny Messer on a bike, I thought I had seen all the hotness from him I every could...but this....I WOW!!" *Swoon, drool, faint!* :devil: Anyone who can cap, I would ADORE a pic of him on that bike....talk about eye candy! Wow!
You're making me so curious! The last time I really looked forward to a pic was ages ago (I think it was when 21 Jump Street aired for the second time in Holland). But this is also a request from me: please post a pic! :lol:

I like what I've read so far about the scene where Mac makes a comment about Lindsay and Danny's flu or something. And I agree: if he has said that, he totally knows!

And that makes me wondering: we're all waiting for a big shippy moment to come, but since everyone seems to know about them, I think Danny and Lindsay being together is 'normal'. There's no need to make big shippy-moments, 'cause they are together and that's just a fact. Although IMO we need one right now, just a little confirmation that everything is OK.

So, when is the last new epi scheduled to air? And spoilers please!
*rushes in* I just (finally) saw the ep. :D The whole day it felt like everyone was conspiring to prevent me from getting home :mad:...I read Catey and Mercy's spoilers this morning (txs so much sweeties!) and I was so happy that the dreaded scene was not in it... :D

I really loved emotional and passionate Danny in this ep; I hope next time we get to see what else that passion is good for... :devil:

I like that there is some sort of pattern and within that pattern a progress in how they are both looking out for the other. It all started in RSRD (you're right Mer that 'looking through the glass-scene' -still one of my all-time favorites- tears me up too :() when Lindsay broke protocol for him and then in SD when Danny took her shift to let her sleep in and now Lindsay is even lying to Mac to save his ass (who'd blame her :devil:) and using lab equipment and time to help Flack find him... :eek:

I had a feeling that Mac not quite bought the excuse Lindsay made up for Danny; but he could hardly call her a liar, :rolleyes: and the little joke about Lindsay being careful not to catch whatever Danny has was so funny :lol:...Mac so knows :D

Mo said:
As for the "bumpy" scene we were supposed to get this week but didn't...I haven't heard anything to confirm this at all, but my suspicion is that it was not forgotten but rather put on hold and honestly I would not be surprised if it popped up next eppy
When the credits started rolling I was thinking the same thing :(...I don't want to worry anyone and it's probably just my over-active imagination again :p, but I have the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that there will be a D/L moment next week, but that it'll have something to do with this week's 'missing' scene...

*wonders if she heard correctly that people were asking for pics of Danny on his bike* ;)




^ If I were Lindsay I'd make sure he took me for a ride :)devil:) as often as I could...

Mo drooled:
OH.MY.LORD. Danny Messer on a bike, I thought I had seen all the hotness from him I every could...
This can only be topped by a shirtless Danny on his bike...oooh this is stuff that dreams are made off...

And I noticed something else...apparently the memories of their first night on the pool table made it impossible to use it for its intended purposes again...so I guess Danny - with some of Lindsay's persuasion (unfortunately green felt is not the most healthy surface to sleep on) decided to buy a nice comfy king size bed:


When my memory serves me well, that was the room the pool table was in...
lindsay broke protocol twice for danny? :p

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: oh dutch!!!!!!!!!!! your diagram and arrow are priceless.

If I were Lindsay I'd make sure he took me for a ride () as often as I could...
^^^ me too! me too!

lindsay catching the flu from danny. now how might that happen?? ;)
^ Hey sweetie *squeezes Angel in a big hug* :D :D

And yes, this is the second time she broke protocol for him...I'm sure that although she didn't know why exactly he didn't come in to work, but when he refused to answer his phone she immediately knew that something was wrong and made a wise move in asking Flack for help; she knows he knows Danny and would be able to find him...and she didn't hesitate to use her lab skills to help find him :)

:mad: And don't laugh at my arrow *pouts* :(, I was looking for 'their' pool table and this was the only shot where you could see part of that room...it was a pleasant surprise to see that there was a bed now... :)

lindsay catching the flu from danny. now how might that happen??
I see you have not been studying a lot yet :p ;)
^^^ lindsay using her lab skills to help danny? of course! :D that lead-looking stuff she used looked fun to play with.

i thought maybe that danny moved the pool table into his bedroom and started using it as his own bed! :lol: is that the same room from SD?

it's a very good arrow. :p and i did not do my homework last night! :rolleyes: i watched CSi: NY instead.
To quickly answer the question about what episode brought tears to my eyes...I can't remember! :lol: seriously, I can't. Maybe LRC, but honestly I cannot recall. I don't think any scene has really made me tear up except for SOOH, but those were tears of happiness :)

Anyhoo, now to one of the greatest lines spoken on the show...

"Make sure you don't catch what he's got." Oh, the wondrous things we can come up from that line!

Ahoy me hearties! Did we all enjoy the episode last night? dutch m'love, excellent pictures! :D thank you so much for sharing. *drools at Danny on the bike* Oh, and points for him wearing the SOOH jacket ;)

*sprays dutch and everyone else with the pink fog* No angsty thoughts now, y'hear? :p

Mac is so a shipper (but we already knew that). I loved that scene :D brought a smile to my face, it did! And the fact that Lindsay covered for him. Okay so maybe she broke protocol, but he covered for her in Snow Day. Anyways, it was great to see that she was worried about him (anyone else think she was a bit shaky whilst firing that shotgun? Seemed to me that she was thinking of a certain someone...), and the same with Flack. Speaking of which...was anyone else disappointed that there was no pool table in Danny's apartment when Flack went in there? Mayhap it was off getting some new velvet :devil:

Oh, she has so ridden on that bike before mer ;) :lol:

*drools at the provided screencaps*
I guess they had to get rid of the pool table. I guess it was "used" so many times! :lol:

Danny looks delicious on that bike. As much as he looks good on that bike, where is his helmet?

It was a great episode last night. As much as I wanted to see both of them in a scene together, I think it was appropriate that they did not interact. It's apparent that they both love each other. Lindsay lied to Mac to protect Danny. She apparently knows the situation.
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