Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Mo said:
Oh how I so love my D/L *snuggles* But TPTB were EVILL!! to us this ep. There were a cm apart from each other's lips!!! and they turned. GRR!
:lol: :lol: Yeah I think at one point they both even looked at the other's lips...and you KNOW both of them had to be thinking..."One quick kiss? No one's around and he/she looks SO hot right now...I can sneak in one quick kiss!" :devil: I think I would still be jumping on my couch or melted into a indescribable puddle of goo right now if we actually got a kiss from them at the point! Or it would have even been cute to have Danny wink at her and kiss her nose or something...
Okay, so y'all know I would've loved that scene, right? However, I've got to give the show props for not making our characters do something that would have been inappropriate for a roped off crime-scene. Supply closet, totally cool... crime scene, not so much. Betcha he could've kissed her once they got back to the truck, though! ;) :devil:
*Fluffy shipper Stuffy bounds into the thread, tired from all the parties and excitement...not to mention spending the night with Danny* :devil:

The way he said 'squirrels' was absolutely hilarious. He sounded just like a little kid too, since Lindsay wouldn't let him use the slingshot (which, by the way, looked so freakin' awesome).

Woah - that was fast Liffy :) your avvie and banner are love.

Then of course most things with these two do that lately, but you know what I mean!

DL has that effect :D
^ Wow, I'm actually impressed that you even managed to make it in here after all that :devil: :eek: :devil:

Angel said:
*chants mischievously for her to press the button to make even more caps*
I would sweety, but only if I find a way to make Danny keep still and/or shut up for just a few seconds (*has some ideas* ;)) ...trying to make good caps when he's on screen is kinda hard... :)

Mo said:
They are two beautiful both physically and personality-wise smart people (and smart asses..sometimes! ) who are loving their jobs, and totally loving eachother...while finding a very good way to snuggle on the job! Well done D/L, well done indeed!
And Mer said:
Supply closet, totally cool... crime scene, not so much. Betcha he could've kissed her once they got back to the truck, though!
Yeah they really are smart asses, so although we all know what they really wanted to do on those museum steps, they were smart enough to find a way to touch each other as closely as possible without looking suspicious and saved the even closer contact :devil: for back in the truck... :eek:

And about Danny's "too low" did he mean that it was low of her to suggest he has love handles or was it because she was pinching him in the 'wrong' place... ;)

I'm totally with you guys on the wishful thinking...It worked this week (or at least we love to believe it did :p) so we just keep hoping for a full make out session *blinks* Wow Mo even longer than in SD :eek:...well they can always do that when they run out of scripts... :cool:

I'm off, big party tonight...see you guys tomorrow! :D
Okay so I wasn't exactly sure on what accent it actually was. I can immitate accents when I hear them but sometimes I forget which one's which.

I thought it was a Southern accent but got confused with the western and was trying to figure out which was which at 7am - not pretty and highly unproductive :lol:

D/L in the ep was awesome! They were looking at each other's lips more than once in the span of the ep :) I couldn't help but notice Danny's ass infront of her during the initial processing of the scene :p I liked how he moved to squat next to her - I was definately giggling.

Mer said:
Betcha he could've kissed her once they got back to the truck, though!
I don't think they made it that far, possibly just around the truck :devil: (it's funny how my face is perfectly shaped as that smilee, I just need the horns). :lol:

I dont think that Danny and Linds were particularly "cool" as in right at the top. I'd like to think that they were well liked and Linds just seems like the nice girl who possibly hung out with the other hot girls (I cant remember the faces of her friends in SOoH but they were cute - I think) :eek: I'm sure Danny had his fair share of fun, but now he's all matured and in love....it makes me tingly happy. they're in LURVE baby!
Wow, I'm actually impressed that you even managed to make it in here after all that

Well I have to pop in here to say holla to all of you ;)

I liked how he moved to squat next to her - I was definately giggling.

*imagines Liffy curled up on the couch with a pillow, eliciting a fangirl squee at Danny squatting down beside his girlfriend* Now that is just too damn cute :lol:

A quick kiss would have been nice, but as you have all said: it would have been unprofessional. Adorable, but unprofessional. The snugglefest was good enough for me though :) because that's exactly what it was: a snugglefest *giggles*.

I find it hilarious how he didn't let go of her wrist - even though she was very capable of holding her arm in that position. An excuse to touch her ;) sly Messer. Very sly.

Phew! All this time with Danny has me worn out. I need to go sleep now...after getting my flu shot. EEK. Happy thoughts...DL thoughts...pool table, pool table, pool table...

I told you I will be back to squee with you because this really was a squee-worthy episode. they were just perfect and I agree with everything you said :) and I didnt even realized that they were in a closet

did anyone else want danny to make a comment about the black dress to Lindsay?

*raises hand* …And he was just looking up and down that dress as if he was totally imagining it clinging to Lindsay body…

as I saw him with the dress the first thing comming on my mind was he is so picturing Montana in it right now

BTW, Dutchie thank for the caps, they were perfect

well, Im off to watch the wonderful DL moments some more

good night every one and have beautiful fluffy DL dreams
So i just read spoilers for the episode call family ties and im pissed of!!!
why does Danny has to act like a total jerk to his girlfriend who cared enough to go see him and ask if he's ok. If that story happen i hope Lindsay borke up with him cause i think she's a strong woman who does not need a boyfriend who cant comunicate and close the door on her every time something at work hit close to home. Its getting annoying to see bad relationship on tv, is it possible for 2 people to just be happy!?
I think some of the pink fog has left this lovely little thread and infiltrated the rest of the board :devil:

I read the Grade the Episode thread and a lot of people who are not huge fans of our ship enjoyed the Danny and Lindsay interaction in this episode :D I am still squeeing over the re-enactment :lol: But is was good to see them together without it being OTT. I know it is not the 'Danny and Lindsay' show (but how cool would a spin off be???) but it seemed silly not to strongly acknowledge their relationship after all the build up through the past two seasons.

And SooH is on again next week !! Could it get any better? All I need is Snow Day and it is a full house of shippy moments.
Hey evryone!
Sorry for my MIA-ness since I joined- I've been decorating my room and my computer was packed up, but now I have it back and am catching up on my sneak-peaks of DL-ness (and cursing that I live in the UK where S4 has not started yet *hmmpf*
Dutch_treat I love those new screen caps- I'm getting highly curious (a word which here means desparate) to see Season 4!
My only respite from this gloom is that Five is re-running S3 at the mo, so at least I have the gorgeous Danny on my tellybox. We're currently on about 3.16 which is a bit depressing because Lindsay's in Montana and Danny's moping around. ... but it's nearly 3.18...which means it's nearly 3.24!!!! :)
Sorry. The pink fog is making me ramble....
I have decided that I like Danny and Lindsay together. They are just too cute together and they get along well. I loved that episode. I t was perfect and their case was great.

PS: what is the pink fog?
PS: what is the pink fog?

The pink fog is a mysterious substance that floats around Gutterville, the official home of DL fans. It can enter one's house at any time and turn them into fluffies. Also, several of us carry around special tanks filled with the fog, including Mo, Liffy (Gaelen), and myself. At times when we receive less-than-happy spoilers regarding our ship, we like to spray everyone with the fluffy pink fog. It makes them think happy thoughts...and if someone isn't thinking happy thoughts about our ship, we give 'em a big dosage of the stuff. :D
See, Liffy, my little blue spoiler boxes aren't so bad. This week they definetly had good news about the episodes. I had caps, which I posted elsewhere on Wednesday night, but because of spoiler rules here, I couldn't post them here. Dutch beat me to it! I'm just so relieved that they had contact this week, even if it was in regard to a case. They looked so cute together, funny and sweet, definetly something I would like to see more of.

Sidlewannabee, the pink fog is what we use to make ourselves fluffy, when angst gets to be too much. We say that we will spray ourselves with the pink fog, so things don't seem too bad. Like, when there hasn't been very much D/L interaction this season. The pink fog just makes things better(sorry my explanation isn't very good).
*Liff pops into the thread with a full belly and a cup of hot chocolate* :) Howdy y'all! Hope Saturday will be good! I checked the CBS website and apparently A Daze of Wine and Roaches is showing tonight on CBS? *shrugs* weird...I was looking for the next ep synopsis.

Stuffy said:
*imagines Liffy curled up on the couch with a pillow, eliciting a fangirl squee at Danny squatting down beside his girlfriend*
Huh? Where did that come from? I was chuckling, I don't squee lik ea fangirl :rolleyes:

A quick kiss would have been nice, but as you have all said: it would have been unprofessional. Adorable, but unprofessional. The snugglefest was good enough for me though because that's exactly what it was: a snugglefest
Yeah, a kiss would've been a little unprofessional but a wink would've been perfect! Somehow watching them be naughty is just amusing :) And Danny was like a big baby in that ep "cant believe you're not gonna let me shoot it" :lol: So cute - Lindsay needs to shoot him with that contraption :D

I find it hilarious how he didn't let go of her wrist - even though she was very capable of holding her arm in that position. An excuse to touch her sly Messer. Very sly.
Err...I think that was part of the reconstruction since the murderer was obviously holding tightly on to the vic.

Carolina said:
I didnt even realized that they were in a closet
I knew they were in a closet but I always pictured it to be a more cramped space giving them a tight fit and limited movement :p That closet takes all the fun out of the whole in the closet idea....unless you have a thing for doing it amongst racks of shoes. :eek:

Veggie said:
So i just read spoilers for the episode call family ties and im pissed of!!!
Well, I have no idea as to what may be so bad to piss you off but i don't think it's THAT bad. Well whatever it is, Danny and Linds will work through it. If you think about...alot of the spoilers can sound really really big but they end up being a 10 second shot on screen (and even that's long). So chill out - nothing's gonna go wrong!

Now that I think about it...I have a feeling the writers are going to make Danny push Linds away, just as she did to him before. Writers like to do that :p It wouldn't be all that surprising anyway and if it happens soon, that may be our bump and Linds can whack him on the head before kissing him senseless and they'll fall in love all over again and I think i'm going to OD on the pink fog :D

Bella said:
I think some of the pink fog has left this lovely little thread and infiltrated the rest of the board
I've definately noticed that :) Alot of people found the D/L scene quite amusing, which goes to show that they DO have chemistry and can work it. It's just some people got irked with Lindsay's "it's all about me" mindset last season. Blame the writers for that one - I think they were a little shaken with Anna's pregnancy and couldn't figure out what they wanted to/needed to do.

Sidlewannabee said:
PS: what is the pink fog?
It's a fog - that's pink and stimulates sexual desires when in direct contact :rolleyes:

Stuffy-wub said:
Also, several of us carry around special tanks filled with the fog, including Mo, Liffy (Gaelen), and myself.
I think we've transcended to naturally producing it wherever we go :D No more tanks since they run out. We NEVER run out. Add my betty-boop to that list!

Spoiler Queen Catey said:
See, Liffy, my little blue spoiler boxes aren't so bad. This week they definetly had good news about the episodes.
Spoilers can be mean sometimes. They undermine the pink fog - that's bad. Although I wouldn't really mind reading the spoilers you post as you watch the ep, I don't like reading the future ones where anything could be up for grabs and I tend to hyperventilate when bad news comes along. Though I think at this point, no matter what the news I'm optimistic in D/L's future and NOTHING will stand in our way :)
I'll try to chill! The only problem is that sometime what we find about an episode and the episode we see are different because the writers rewrite stuff but with them on strike they'll have to play what has been written, unless the director can change stuff in the script?
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