Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Second off, last night's episode was totally squee worthy!!! The whole scene on the museum steps where they recreated the shooting was great!!!! I rewatched it about three times last on Comcast On Demand before I went to bed!! I LOVED the whole slingshot thing!!! Lindsay is a great shot with that!!! With all of the new high-tech gadgets that they have rolled out this season, it's nice to know that low-tech can still work as well!!! I also had a little giggle fest over Danny calling her Dennis the Menace in the next scene, nice for continuity as well as how funny it was!!!!
Apologizes in advance Mod, but some of this post will be OT. I'll make the rest on-topic though ;)

To each and every one of you who contribued to Angel's slideshow, I thank you with all my heart. I pretty much cried when I watched it - don't worry they were happy tears ;) and it was so touching to see all those comments from everyone. Thank you all so very, very much *hugs and kisses to everyone*

Let me just say that last night's episode made me feel so much better :) is there anything else to add about the DL scene?

Oh wait, there is...

SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *has turned into a giggly mass of giggles*

*Stuffy slices her b-day cake and hands it out to all her lovely, adorable, and AWESOME!!!! buddies*

If I'm not on tonight, it means I'm enjoying my birthday gift :devil:

ETA: Awww don't worry about it LLK :) *hugs*
Glad you liked it, Stuffy!

And Mo, I wish it was already on YouTube :( After reading all of your comments I really can't wait any longer. I'd kove to see how they handle 'bantering' now that they are together, it must be different then before.

Anyway, I'm off. Have to bring my kids to bed. Hope to see you later ;)
ETA: lots :rolleyes:

*comes in trying to eat some of Stuffy’s birthday cake and squee at the same time* - don’t try that at home

First some screencaps I really like:




And the rest of the ep in caps, enjoy!:

How totally awesome was that ep?! :D :cool: :D The bantering, the way they are so comfortable around each other, how Danny seems to wanna be at her side as often as possible and totally awesome Lindsay and HOT Danny… :devil:

Mo said:
We should go with our gut feelings more often Dutch babes
Yes, we definitely should…I was hoping for/expecting maybe a little touch or a smile, but this was way, way better :D…I loved this ep…It was just so totally cute… :)

there is a scene with D/L in a shoe closet, Dutch babes, Aud my wub...you two will totally appreciate just the sheer number of shoes!
LOL I was so envious of that woman’s closet :eek:…I’ve send Aud a nice cap of that that totally awesome shoe closet with Danny Messer in it :lol:…hope it makes her feel a little better… :D

Not to mention the fact that technically D/L was in a "closet" together!
AND they were stepping into an elevator together :p…too bad we never found out what happened after the *PING* :devil:

Fern I forgot to listen whether Danny says ‘your’ name or not… :eek: guess I have to watch it again ;)

Angel dear asked:
did anyone else want danny to make a comment about the black dress to lindsay?
*raises hand* :eek: I loved it that Lindsay got to handle the gun and Danny the dress…And he was just looking up and down that dress as if he was totally imagining it clinging to Lindsay body… :D without the blood and the holes of course :rolleyes:

Stuffy I'm glad you liked the little present :D
just what i was waiting for. “Caps by Dutch.” ah pretty! very pretty! in the clickable row of caps, the third one, in the first row dutch, it looks like danny’s hand is on top of linsday’s!! you got the poke, the hold/the demonstration, the wrap, squee! eeee!

yup, dutch, im sure danny was seeing montana in that little number! ;) maybe he already has!

c’mon, are you telling me that danny does NOT look like he’s thoroughly enjoying that hold with lindsay? in the 5th row, second picture, he looks like he’s ready to stroke her arm. in the 5th row, 3rd picture, he’s holding her tenderly, maybe even seductively; we know she’s his girl! if they weren't at a crime scene and renacting a crime...:devil: ;)

you’re very welcome, stuffy! and i thank everyone for helping me put it together! i couldn’t have done it without ya!
Dutch, you're awesome! Those screencaps are great! Haven't seen such good ones in a while!

Look at Danny's face when Lindsay touches his lovehandles :lol: Priceless! And Angel, you're right: Lindsay surely has enjoyed the sight of Danny's 'behind'! :D

And I like the way he said 'that's too low, wise-ass'! In fact, that whole scene was perfect! They had to stay close to each other, which is exactly the way we wanna see it :lol: Just what I needed before I go off.

Tomorrow I'm gonna rewatch Boo, I need to hear the 'hon' :p
*giggles* Wow dutch - you really jumped on those caps! Adorable as always. I love their smiles when he's holding her. Funny how he had to hold her wrist in position - couldn't she just have done it herself? Nope! 'Cause then we wouldn't have gotten that adorable scene :)

"Yo, Dennis the Menace!" anyone hear her little giggle there?

*clears throat*

We are terribly sorry, but Stuffy is unavailable at this time. Due to excessive amounts of squeeing from the lurvely screecaps, she has been reduced to a puddle of goo. On top of that, she had received numerous Carmines for her birthday, and the hawtness was too much for her. However, she will be back tonight to enjoy her present.
Hallejulah - shippy moments galore! It must have been a birthday present for Stuffy - Happy Birthday to you :D yum - cake is my downfall.

Anyway thursday is my unofficial hump day here in the UK as I can catch with the DL moments thanks Sugah on You Tube, Is it strange that I get so excited about 10 minutes of tv clips :lol: But the interaction between Danny and Lindsay was just what the doctor ordered :D :D :D they were so cute together and totally relaxed. I take back my worry about Danny being awkward with her. I loved the banter and the re-enactment is definitely worthy of a re-watch. And my favourite line has to be "stop fighting".

Liffy said
Wouldn't it be amazing to get a shot of Danny coming home after a late shift...say 4am ish and just yawning as he shuffles through his apartment and crawls into bed beside Lindsay? HEE! And he just snuggles and cuddles and falls asleep. Hours later he wakes up to a note on her pillow saying she had to run to work and to remind him to make sure he eats before coming back in Awww.....

Oh please could we have that scene! It would be shippers paradise. There was a similar scene in very last episode of the West Wing which was all I needed for confirmaion of a happy ever after for my fave couple. A very small scene can say a thousand words to us shippers :D

And welcome to the thread LLK!!

Dutch - thank you for the screencaps. How sexy does Danny look :eek:
dutch_treat said:

OK, I mentioned this over @ DLC, but doesn't this cap make Danny and Lindsay look like they're at prom or something. It was all right in the ep, but in "freeze-frame" it just looks weird, IMO. It's almost like they're saying, "Yeah, we're the cool kids, and everyone wants to be us." :rolleyes:
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