Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Well, Liffy, avoid these little blue boxes, because in spite of the writer's strike, there are details for
Playing with Matches. Two episode case, and Danny, Lindsay and Angell are working the b case, investigating the death of a street luger.(racer). Suspects include his competitors.Don't know if there is any follow up to 413, but don't know much yet, all there talk is work related. A case has Mac, Stella Hawkes and Flack working it. A woman is stabbed and then drowned in a bathroom. It's very convoluted in regards to the actual killer, so I'll let it pass for now.
*gets sprayed on by pink fog* Now who was the responsible for this, huh? Liffy and Mo, don't hide in there, I can still see you from here :p ;) Yeah, I am popping in again!

siddlewannabe, I'm glad you decided you like them. One you think 'They are actually cute' and all, there's no turning back :)

I have seen the clips on youtube! I have seen those cute scenes that lovely dutch screencapped to show us and that I absolutely love! :D

They are so adorable making that reconstruction and just having fun while working (or so they seem!) Now every guy is thinking that he wants a job where he can hold his girl any time like that ;) Because it's totally awesome that they were that close together and that the moment was great! thanks TPTB!

Angel said:
his left hand is on her waist?! i have to rewatch this again! hmm, is it in the same screencap where his head looks like it's going in to kiss her neck? *snickers* i'm having too much fun with this scene! eee!!
Look how cute you are, big sister ;) They have this influence on us, don't they! Too cute to words...

Mo said: "One quick kiss? No one's around and he/she looks SO hot right now...I can sneak in one quick kiss!" I think I would still be jumping on my couch or melted into a indescribable puddle of goo right now if we actually got a kiss from them at the point! Or it would have even been cute to have Danny wink at her and kiss her nose or something...wouldn't that have been totally cute! Awwww, I LOVE this ship!
Even though I would have loved them to have a little kiss right there to make us *squeee* until Christmas, I am glad they did not. These two are good professionals and I don't want them to get into trouble. Now if Danny had winked at her it would have been perfect! Ah well, it was still great :D
And I love how we make ourselves all excited and happy just to imagine what could have happened and how close they were to do something and what they looked like!

*calls all D/l shippers for a group hug*

Italian girls where are you, huh? Come join the fun now!

*Dani throws M&M's in every direction and leaves giggling at Danny's fun way of saying 'Boom!'--That's definitely our word for this season*
Veggie[/b] about 4x13 - don't be pissed off, because....]...like my dear friend Angel said a while back, and I quote "aren't the ones you push away the ones you probably care about the most because you don't want to hurt them?" :)...see Danny's hurt and he perhaps doesn't want to drag Lindsay down with him, kinda like the way she pushed him away in LRC...For now we have no idea who he's waiting for and why he does what he does and how she will react after the initial anger wears off...just inhale the pink fog ;)

sidlewannabee asked:
PS: what is the pink fog?
And then Stuffy answered:
The pink fog is a mysterious substance that floats around Gutterville, the official home of DL fans
And let me add that [Borg mode] resistance is futile [/Borg mode]...I've tried numerous things to keep it out of my system, :rolleyes: but it somehow managed to affect me a little :p...I'm more optimistic about this ship than I've ever been... :D

Liffy said:
It's a fog - that's pink and stimulates sexual desires when in direct contact
WHAT?! :eek: You never told me it does that too...*inhales* :devil:

Catie said:
I had caps, which I posted elsewhere on Wednesday night, but because of spoiler rules here, I couldn't post them here. Dutch beat me to it!
I'm so sorry Catie! :( I just checked if there weren't any caps posted yet before I started making them...But when you have them next time, and the ep has not aired everywhere in the US yet, I'm sure you can post them as links in a spoiler box :D

Liffy said:
a wink would've been perfect! Somehow watching them be naughty is just amusing And Danny was like a big baby in that ep "cant believe you're not gonna let me shoot it" So cute - Lindsay needs to shoot him with that contraption
Yeah, Danny so seems like the winking type to me too...and that pout after Lindsay wouldn't let him shoot was hilarious; he's such a boy sometimes - in a very manly body I might add :cool:...And I'm quite sure that they took that slingshot home with them... :devil:

...unless you have a thing for doing it amongst racks of shoes...

Catie[/b] - 4x14 (still at least 7 to go)]Txs! Too bad there isn't any info about whether they talked about the events in 4x13, but at least they are working together; which also means that whatever Danny did in 4x13 is not keeping him away from work (any longer)

Oh and funny thing happened yesterday which I forgot to tell because I was in a bit of a hurry, but I had to approve some of the purchases that perhaps could be done with the left-over budget money from the construction of my company's new canteen...And to my total surprise there was a request for a pool table :eek:...LOL...I signed to give my approval before I even read the whole thing, shrugging that "I liked pool a lot!" when I saw the questioning looks about my uncharacteristic quick decision :rolleyes:...Now I just have to find a Danny-Messer-look-alike-colleague... :cool:

Welcome Carmeena! :)
Even though I would have loved them to have a little kiss right there to make us *squeee* until Christmas, I am glad they did not.

although I would LOVE to see them kiss again I dont want them to kiss on the job. it would be unprofessional and completly out of character. however, after hours is a completly different story.

And to my total surprise there was a request for a pool table ...LOL...I signed to give my approval before I even read the whole thing, shrugging that "I liked pool a lot!" when I saw the questioning looks about my uncharacteristic quick decision ...Now I just have to find a Danny-Messer-look-alike-colleague...

LMAO :lol:
*Mo strolls in, coffee cup in hand, still in her pj's and completely lazy and loving the Saturday morning feeling!*
Morning my shippy dears...how are y'all this fine Saturday! So I came to a decision this morning...well a couple really, first off...we should make every day either Wednesday or Saturday as a general rule, so we get a new eppy like every other day and then we get to sleep in the morning after and be lazy and squee about all the D/L we got in our new eppy! Which brings me to the second decision I made, to ensure that we get all that lovely D/L every week...now that the writers are on strike we should all storm the CBS offices and install ourselves as the new CSI:NY writers...they could pay us all quite decently from the money they would have paid the writers I'm sure and we'll get plenty of D/L to make us happy forever....so who's with me?! :lol:

Silly bud with the pretty name PrettyEyes winked:
Decaf, Mo, decaf!
Ohhh honey NO! The results of that would SOOOOO not be pretty! :lol: And besides it's not the caffeinne that gets me hyper...it's our ship and I'm hoping that that kind of hyperness never goes away! ;)

Gutter bug bud across the ocean Dutch grinned:
Yeah they really are smart asses, so although we all know what they really wanted to do on those museum steps, they were smart enough to find a way to touch each other as closely as possible without looking suspicious and saved the even closer contact for back in the truck...
Lol, yeah yeah, it's cracking me up how ALL y'all are agreeing that it's unprofessional to have any kind of kiss on the museum steps! :lol: I mean I agree with y'all don't worry...it's just funny to me for some reason! You're right though Dutch babes, I love how they seem to know that a "kiss" would be unprofessional but in the name of "science" they can still find a way to press themselves against eachother and stay that way for an extended amount of time while "figuring out the crime scene"! :devil: And yeah you gotta know that they had some fun when they went back to car where it was totally fine to be a little "unprofessional"! ;) Heehee! :devil:

Gutteriffic Liffer-diff laughed:
I couldn't help but notice Danny's ass infront of her during the initial processing of the scene
Ohhhhhh yeah! I swear Linds eyes it for a second and then has to look away to keep from drooling! ;) Me on the other hand, I'm all for staring at it for a while...mmmm Linds you are one lucky lady to regularly get a piece of that! :devil: :lol:

Fluffy Stuffy wuffy winked:
I find it hilarious how he didn't let go of her wrist - even though she was very capable of holding her arm in that position. An excuse to touch her sly Messer. Very sly.
Lol, yeah I loved that too! It's like had it been anyone else he would have probably not even touched them, just kind of directed them ya know...but with his Montana it's always about being up close and personal, for as long as possible! :devil: You know he does find any and every excuse to touch her...which by the way, as someone with a Psych degree (me :lol: ) should know...that is a classic sign that someone is clearly "into" you! :D Not like we didn't know that already, but still...yay! :lol:

Also, several of us carry around special tanks filled with the fog, including Mo, Liffy (Gaelen), and myself. At times when we receive less-than-happy spoilers regarding our ship, we like to spray everyone with the fluffy pink fog.
I think we've transcended to naturally producing it wherever we go
Lol, Stuffy hon, good explanation! I think Liff's right...I think it started with carting around a hose that was connected to the pink fog factory...or whatever that Fluff-O-Matic machine was of Liffy's from so long ago...and now we have evolved to basically producing it ourselves, much like the pheremones that Mr. Messer (or in Liff's case Ms. Monroe) produces that draw us to them so magically!

Spoiler free, I think ;) though I don't know how still...Liffy pondered:
Now that I think about it...I have a feeling the writers are going to make Danny push Linds away, just as she did to him before. Writers like to do that It wouldn't be all that surprising anyway and if it happens soon, that may be our bump and Linds can whack him on the head before kissing him senseless and they'll fall in love all over again...
Okay you can officially be our "bump" writer bud...not so much for the "him pushing her away" part...but the whacking him upside the head and kissing him senseless...that definitely works for me! If it had to happen that is totally the way I would want it to happen! You're still totally SF for future stuff, yeah Liffy? ;)

My yay new fluffy recruit Dutch of former angst grinned:
And let me add that [Borg mode] resistance is futile [/Borg mode]...I've tried numerous things to keep it out of my system, but it somehow managed to affect me a little ...I'm more optimistic about this ship than I've ever been...
:lol: :lol: It's so true honey, so very true! I told you we fluffies would take over the world...D/L when they are in love and so dang cute together are just impossible not get giddy and happy and fluffy over! :lol: Lol, yeah that pink fog really is able to penetrate any obstacle...it's not a "gaseous" substance for nothing! ;)

a request for a pool table ...LOL...I signed to give my approval before I even read the whole thing, shrugging that "I liked pool a lot!" when I saw the questioning looks about my uncharacteristic quick decision ...Now I just have to find a Danny-Messer-look-alike-colleague...
:lol: Okay that is freaking hilarious! I love it...I would so do that myself...and can I just say if you find a Messer look-a-like colleague...I am SO coming to visit! ;) My grandma has a pool table in her basement and I'm just waiting for her to say that she doesn't ever use it and who wants it, cus I would jump on that in two seconds :D ...! :devil: :lol:

Okay my darlings time for me to get ready for my day and start doing something productive...mmmm, shopping?! Aud my Fluffy Twin, where is you? Wanna do some shopping with me? ;) Lol, okay I'm off....but first, remember my darlings keep up the wishful, hopeful thinking cuz it sure paid off this last week...so let's make that happen again! :D

*Mo waves and grins happily as she shimmers away in her reinforced D/L fluffy bubble!* ;)
Veggie said:
I'll try to chill! The only problem is that sometime what we find about an episode and the episode we see are different because the writers rewrite stuff but with them on strike they'll have to play what has been written, unless the director can change stuff in the script?
First off, it's true that whilst the writers are on strike, they aren't allowed to change any scripts that have already been written. However, there hasn't been confirmation on whether or not the episode you are referring to has already been produced, which means there's a chance, if the strike ends soon or w/e that the writers can still change things as they go.

But even with that, it doesn't mean bad news necessarily. Whatever the writers have in store for us, I'm sure they have a reason for it and I believe they'll provide the necessary closure to the storyline. We've been told to expect a bump - that may come sooner than expected, but we've also been told their relationship will deepen, currently we've had not much evidence of it. Natural conclusion is that whatever deepening to their relationship that will happen will take place after the bump. But since there's no confirmation on anything, and spoilers are apt to change (directors can always take out scenes even if the scripts cant be changed). At this point, all we can do is speculate, there's no point in being upset - yet. D/L is great and we should have no doubts about them at all! (Plus I have faith in PV, she wont kill our ship - even if someone else does it, she'll bring them back!!)

Catey said:
Well, Liffy, avoid these little blue boxes, because in spite of the writer's strike, there are details
Oh don't mind me sweetheart :) Everyone loves your blue boxes - me included. I just oh-so-love staring at empty boxes. :lol: But I'm sure that we've got good scripts to last the strike. CBS can always call on us to write an episode :devil:

Dear TPTB,

I hereby offer my services as a writer with no charge during these trying times. I'll even make sure to be fair on a majority of the characters and give priority to the cases instead of, albeit reluctantly, the D/L love scene currently projected in mind.

I hope you give it thought,



Dani-who-tends-to-disappear said:
Now every guy is thinking that he wants a job where he can hold his girl any time like that
Oh I know I do! :D But since this case came directly after BOO - I'm starting to wonder about our previous thoughts on Danny being indicisive about how to act around Lindsay whilst at work. I think their distance in the previous episode was now more towards the case itself as it may have brought back some nightmares, and in general, you can't feel all lovey dovey when there's a little girl in hospital. CS brought to light that Danny can infact still be himself with Lindsay :) They still tease and banter and it's just so darn cute!

Dutch said:
And let me add that [Borg mode] resistance is futile [/Borg mode]...I've tried numerous things to keep it out of my system
Oh? Are you a star trek fan my dear? :lol: No worries - I went through that phase....still in it I believe.

WHAT?! You never told me it does that too...*inhales*
Well...it was on a need-to-know basis and I figured it was ample time you guys knew. Our fluffy thoughts act as D/L afrodisiac :devil: *thinks fluffy thoughts - hard!*

And I'm quite sure that they took that slingshot home with them...
I dont know where the connection is, but when I read that sentence I immediately had a mental picture of Danny and Linds having a pillow fight on their bed, Linds in her nightgown, and Danny in his boxers - both pelting each other with their pillows before collapsing on top of each other in exhaustion and snuggling in to sleep with wide grins and a feather sticking out of Danny's hair :)

I signed to give my approval before I even read the whole thing
I would've been worried if you actually took time to approve it. :D

Carly said:
although I would LOVE to see them kiss again I dont want them to kiss on the job. it would be unprofessional and completly out of character.
It would be out of character for them to make out on the job - that I agree. However I can see Danny just giving her a teasing kiss out of the blue at the most random moment just to irritate her. Out of sight of course, since the last thing he wants to do is get into trouble. Giving her a short peck when he passes her in the locker room seems to be very Danny. He'll act all nonchalant and walk out again, hiding the grin he's dying to let out.
I can see Danny just giving her a teasing kiss out of the blue at the most random moment just to irritate her. Out of sight of course, since the last thing he wants to do is get into trouble. Giving her a short peck when he passes her in the locker room seems to be very Danny. He'll act all nonchalant and walk out again, hiding the grin he's dying to let out.

I can agree with this. but it would be even more awesome if Lindsay did it. just because its such a Danny thing to do and it would stun him completly. and her with a mischivious grin - what a picture
Mo said:
Ohhhhhh yeah! I swear Linds eyes it for a second and then has to look away to keep from drooling!
I just rewatched all their scenes together in the last episode and if you look closely, Danny's definately not eyeing Lindsay's handy contraption :)


Eyes up there Messer :devil:

Okay you can officially be our "bump" writer bud...not so much for the "him pushing her away" part...but the whacking him upside the head and kissing him senseless...that definitely works for me! If it had to happen that is totally the way I would want it to happen! You're still totally SF for future stuff, yeah Liffy?
Oh I wouldn't mind being our "bump" writer. I'd so do justice to our ship :D I think denying it would be a little....pointless since we've been told by the writers that we're getting it. What the bump is depends on their caffeine levels whilst writing the script but I know they wont do anything self destructive. I so love the whacking him on the head and kissing him senseless part. Or he could kiss her senseless after she whacks him :) Either way I'm game!

Carly said:
I can agree with this. but it would be even more awesome if Lindsay did it. just because its such a Danny thing to do and it would stun him completly. and her with a mischivious grin - what a picture
Oh I think that would definately stun Danny. She's always got to keep him on his toes right? I don't think he'd expect her to be so forward :)
^^*giggles* Oh Messer. You just can't keep your eyes off her can ya?

So I'm in total agreement with Mo's idea. I think we should all travel down to L.A. and take over the CBS studios. I'm also liking the idea of every day being either Wednesday or Saturday :) good thinking Mo wubs!

Carly m'dear, I am so loving your idea of Lindsay giving Danny a sneak kiss. I don't want to complain because at least we're getting DL scenes, but honestly I don't think it would hurt for them to exchange a quick peck in the locker room or something. Obviously no making out - they can save that for after hours hehe - but a little touch or hug would be nice. But I'm happy with the scenes we've gotten so far :)

Their Daughter - Chapter 6
Howdy my darlings! :D *Mo pops in and hands out cinnamon smelling pinecones to everyone...cuz seriously these things are the most amazing "Christmas-is-coming" things ever!!* :D

Gutter King Liff kept the faith:
Plus I have faith in PV, she wont kill our ship - even if someone else does it, she'll bring them back!!
Rock on Liffer I totally agree, even if she is on strike and no matter what happens, she isn't our heroine for nothing...the woman won't let our ship die...between her and us...this ship will continue forever! And Danny and Linds (Carmine and Anna) might have a bit to do with it too! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Dear TPTB,
I hereby offer my services as a writer with no charge during these trying times. I'll even make sure to be fair on a majority of the characters and give priority to the cases instead of, albeit reluctantly, the D/L love scene currently projected in mind.
I hope you give it thought,
Dear PTB...
Ditto what Liff (Gaelen) said!!
Moriel :D

However I can see Danny just giving her a teasing kiss out of the blue at the most random moment just to irritate her. Out of sight of course, since the last thing he wants to do is get into trouble.
Awww I would totally love that! I could definitely see him doing that, like they disagree about something on a case and they are having a friendly disagreement and Danny wins the point and just as Linds is gonna get huffy, Danny grins, winks at her and gives her a quick kiss before running to show his point to Mac, leaving her staring after him totally forgetting what they had been arguing about! :lol: Or I'd love to see something like Danny interrogating a female suspect, and she starts hitting on him in hopes of getting to him, and he gets mad and tears into her a bit and makes her confess and then storms out pissed that she would even try something like that, and Linds who was watching from behind the "glass" follows him into the locker room and without a word pushes him against the locker and kisses him...that would be totally cute and fabulous! :D

I so love the whacking him on the head and kissing him senseless part. Or he could kiss her senseless after she whacks him Either way I'm game!
I'd love to see something for 4x13 like what Liff said here, where after Danny shuts the door irritated, Linds goes away hurt...stews for awhile and then goes back again and he can open the door and look at her and instead of leaving, she will get a little mad and push him away from the door and storm her way in and say something like, "Look Danny, I know what you're feeling, and I know you're beating yourself up about this and feeling horrible right now, but you can't push me away! I know I'm one to talk cuz I did the same thing to you, but I'm not going anywhere, so you may as well let me in..." All the while she's saying this she's shoving him a little until his back is against the wall and she's standing there in front of him, heaving a little with a hand on his chest...and then suddenly he leans forward and kisses her, a desperate, needy but still loving kiss...fade to black...."Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer" ;)

Fluffy wuffy Stuffy grinned:
So I'm in total agreement with Mo's idea. I think we should all travel down to L.A. and take over the CBS studios. I'm also liking the idea of every day being either Wednesday or Saturday good thinking Mo wubs!
Awww yay! Yup it really is a brilliant plan, I'm telling y'all! We could totally keep the season going and for way less money than what they would pay the writers now! Plus of course then we could have all the lovely D/L scenes we want...and the ones they deserve all the time...or at least way more often! :D And as for everyday being Wednesday or Saturday, I think that would be pretty much the most perfect thing! :lol:
Mo said:
now that the writers are on strike we should all storm the CBS offices and install ourselves as the new CSI:NY writers
I'd love to see something like Danny interrogating a female suspect, and she starts hitting on him in hopes of getting to him, and he gets mad and tears into her a bit and makes her confess and then storms out pissed that she would even try something like that, and Linds who was watching from behind the "glass" follows him into the locker room and without a word pushes him against the locker and kisses him...that would be totally cute and fabulous!
I can almost imagine us all sitting in a big conference room, writing new eps together; discussing how “professional” or “unprofessional” ;) we would like them to act at crime scenes or in the lab. And I’m sure together we can come up with a great ‘bump’ and even better scenarios once the bump is taken. :devil: And with ideas like that ^ one I think we’re gonna do great…we just write those scenes first and then write the rest of the ep (the actual crime, investigation and screen time for the rest of the cast :rolleyes:) around that. :)

Oh and no worries Ms. Veasey, we'll just keep your seats warm 'til you get back... :)

he does find any and every excuse to touch her...which by the way, as someone with a Psych degree (me ) should know...that is a classic sign that someone is clearly "into" you! Not like we didn't know that already, but still...yay!
Wow, you have a psych degree, you must have a field day in here every day :D (especially Wednesdays and Saturdays :lol:) Yeah we did know that already, but having him really show it too, was totally adorable…and I do believe that at times he was quite distracted...


and can I just say if you find a Messer look-a-like colleague...I am SO coming to visit!
Hmmm, you know I wubs you, but to prevent an invasion I think I better keep that information to myself then… :p

Liffy said:
I think their distance in the previous episode was now more towards the case itself as it may have brought back some nightmares
Or perhaps Danny was just afraid of ghosts and got a little spooked by the whole atmosphere in that house.. :cool:

Are you a star trek fan my dear?
Not so much, but I did like ‘Voyager’ a lot…that’s why it was so great that Robert Picardo was in ‘Boo!’ The doctor was one of my favourite characters. :D

And I'm quite sure that they took that slingshot home with them...
I dont know where the connection is, but when I read that sentence I immediately had a mental picture of Danny and Linds having a pillow fight on their bed, Linds in her nightgown, and Danny in his boxers - both pelting each other with their pillows before collapsing on top of each other in exhaustion and snuggling in to sleep with wide grins and a feather sticking out of Danny's hair
I like the pillow fight, but I had in mind that Danny, still slightly annoyed that Lindsay didn’t let him shoot, took the slingshot home and while Lindsay was taking a shower or something he would practise and when she exited the bathroom he would start shooting marshmallows at her :D, which of course would lead to Lindsay trying to get it back to show how good she was at shooting boys…in short, they chase after each other through the apartment until they finally –back to your scenario- collapse on the bed… :)

I would've been worried if you actually took time to approve it.
Thought never even crossed my mind…and that is what was worrying my colleagues :)…btw to be less suspicious I approved the dart board and the fußball table too… :D
Chell-Bell pops out of hiding to say hi!!!

hey guys!!!! hows it goin aboard ship Dantana?! hehe im sorry i havent been around since the end of the alst thread.. i could just about shoot my self in the foot for missing the beginnin of this one!!! :( Its going quick!!! lol
im back now tho! lol just a few RL probs, I havent caught up with anything yet, so im sure Angel has said hi etc for me while i havent been here!! bare with me!!! ill be back later this afternoon when ive updated!!! I cant wait to watch 4x07!! the pics look awesome!! ;)

catch ya lter!!! XXX
hello there every one

the weekend is coming to an end *is sad* and it was actually snowing here. now its melting. I so dont like snow in cities

so many wonderful scenarios for a cute DL moments. I think I bring my in too.

a hand kiss. I know its cliché and stuff but it would be so sweet. and it takes like 3 to 7 seconds to do it. I dont care when or how but I would like to see Danny kiss Lindsays hand - or palm, Im not picky, and her smiling at him in return.

and Im totally with you guys on the offering your talents and amazing writting skills to TPTB. you would so rock :)
Dutch, no problems about the caps! You did an amazing job with yours, I just had a few that I posted the night of the episode. No worries, my friend!

Yes, the hand kiss would be a sweet thing to see. Anything at this point would be nice, although "Commuted Sentences" and the Love Handles scene were a nice touch. I found the whole interaction between the two to be relaxed and comfortable, and a nice thing to see.
I like all of your scenarios. I am not picky, I'll take anything. The scene in Commuted Senses was nice, but I can't help but think they would have done that in their teasing mode even before they were dating. I need something else. Although the condom spray scene was okay, I would prefer a kiss. Since it is unprofessional to do at work, I stand by them having to come to a scene from a date. They could kiss in the car before they get out.
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