Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Happy Birthday Stuffy! :D I added b-day greetings in the Misc forum B-day thread. ;)

I thought DL had great chemistry last night. Danny was hilarious with his exaggerated "accent." Also, was it me, or was he jealous of the museum security chief? I got the impression he thought the guy was checking his Montana out, not surveying the scene. ;)
^^^&^ I'm glad you liked the caps...I had a blast making them, but I had to pick just *grins* 24...I could've kept on clicking the whole time though...such great stuff, but if you want to see the actual scenes do like Bella does and check out Sugah's vids...

PE said
dutch_treat said:
OK, I mentioned this over @ DLC, but doesn't this cap make Danny and Lindsay look like they're at prom or something. It was all right in the ep, but in "freeze-frame" it just looks weird, IMO. It's almost like they're saying, "Yeah, we're the cool kids, and everyone wants to be us." :rolleyes:
No, I totally disagree...it's just that, although they're both really sexy, they're not prom king or queen material at all :) and I don't think they ever were the really cool kids either...I'll leave that dubious honour to the Fern Lazlows and Steve Kaplans (aka naked blonde in front of Flack :eek: and blond killing dude hitting on Angell :rolleyes:) of this world...

In that pic I just see too science geeks (hot because of more undefineable things than looks alone :D) who love each other and are having fun re-enacting a crime... :)

was he jealous of the museum security chief? I got the impression he thought the guy was checking his Montana out, not surveying the scene.
Yeah, I got that impression too...he kept suspiciously glancing at that guy, clearly doubting his motives.... :)
you bet there's going to be a burst of avatars and banners from that scene!!

PE said and Dutch responded:
was he jealous of the museum security chief? I got the impression he thought the guy was checking his Montana out, not surveying the scene.
Yeah, I got that impression too...he kept suspiciously glancing at that guy, clearly doubting his motives....
^^^ funny you should mention that. i thought danny had said, "does he seem a little interested IN you?" he really said "TO YOU." :lol: :lol: well, what do you expect? dude probably WAS checking out montana. :p

stuffy, er, you okay over there? :p :p i think she had a DL and Carmine overdose and a little too much cake and cookies. :D

PE, danny and lindsay at the prom? the POSE does look so (not attitude). photoshop in a suit and dress; change the background and BOOM, you got your prom picture.

*squee* again for the scene! thanks TPTB for a squee-licious hold! dutch hun, you got me hooked to staring at this page. *chants mischievously for her to press the button to make even more caps*

Cuzzy, boy, im waiting for you to comment. oh, be sure to umm sweep your evil twin up and throw confetti on her.

can someone give me the keys to DL's office? i like that place. :)
Wouldn't it have been funny if Danny had walked up to that guy and said, "Stop checkin' out my girlfriend, buddy. She's mind, do y'hear?" *giggles* I love smartass Danny. He rocks.

stuffy, er, you okay over there? i think she had a DL and Carmine overdose and a little too much cake and cookies.

*pokes head out of broom cloest* Well, y'know...DL and Carmine overdose (I have no idea how many pictures of him I got on FB) does that to ya.

That screencap is golden. Look at their smiles :) I bet Carmine and Anna had a blast in that scene. I giggled when she grabbed his "love handles" - she actually pinched him! At least that's what it looked like to me.

"Stop fighting me." HEEEEEE!!!!! Too cute.

Cuzzy, boy, im waiting for you to comment. oh, be sure to umm sweep your evil twin up and throw confetti on her.

Now where has my Liffers got to? :(

can someone give me the keys to DL's office? i like that place.

*whispers secretively to Angel* We'll snag the keys off Mo when she isn't looking and head over there for a little peek! :lol:

*pops back into broom closet*

ETA: Okay something I just noticed. Anyone saw how when he pulled her in, his left hand rested on her hip, almost to support her? Weee!!! Although I think that was Carmine's doing, not Danny's.
This is my favorite picture:


Look at the body language. You can really tell in this picture that he loves her completly.

What do you guys think? :)
Howdy!! Thanks goes out to those that pmed or emailed me while I was half blind. I must have inhaled too much pink smoke...but my eyes are better now. I can see. I tried to get on some, but dude---no contacts, no see. :( No glasses for me. Sorry. :eek:

Welcome NEWBIES and converts!! :D :D :D

Stuffers!! Happy, Happy Birthday. I hope my message wasn't messed up. I had to type with one eye. :lol:

I must say that I didn't like this episode....ummmmm...I LOVED IT!! :) Hey, no matter what these two love each other. It's easy to get down and angsty, but fluff is so much better!!

The Sweetest Dutch gal I know that sent me shoes and Carmine said:
No, I totally disagree...it's just that, although they're both really sexy, they're not prom king or queen material at all and I don't think they ever were the really cool kids either...

Maybe. I must agree with PE on this one though. Maybe they're not prom king and queen, but I think they must have been cool in high school. Lindsay may not be "New York" cool, but she's definitely an outgoing/go-getter that would fit-in 'in' a small rural community. Nerds or dorks pretty much keep to themselves anyway. As far as Danny---he's kind of nerdy---so is Linds---but the dude played baseball. Baseball players are 'teh sex'---they are awesome and always get laid. Chicks dig the athletes. ;) Anyway, while I do see them having a wide circle of friends, they do have their square ways. But they are endearing ways. That's why we love them. :)

Dutch wub, I heart your pictures. That just made my day. The third picture just screams----CHRISTMAS CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I could see them sending that picture out at Christmas with the message:

Season Greetings,


The Messers

Vexxie, I think Danny is wanting to undress her on the steps out in the open. They went to the SUV and made-out. :devil:

Have a wonderful night. See you later. Mo, you are my hero!! :cool:
vex, oh the ever primal BODY language! ;)

exhausted but happy birthday girl stuffy noticed: Okay something I just noticed. Anyone saw how when he pulled her in, his left hand rested on her hip, almost to support her? Weee!!! Although I think that was Carmine's doing, not Danny's.
his left hand is on her waist?! i have to rewatch this again! :D hmm, is it in the same screencap where his head looks like it's going in to kiss her neck? *snickers* i'm having too much fun with this scene! eee!!

Liffy's Boop-A-Doop Girl who is feeling better said: Vexxie, I think Danny is wanting to undress her on the steps out in the open. They went to the SUV and made-out.
:lol: yes he did want to do that. i can vouch for it. SUV and making out...mmmm. forty minutes later, they then proceeded to head back to the lab.

the messers better mass produce that xmas card. we'll be waiting for it. :D :D

*waits for Mo to wander in to grab the keys to DL's office*
*Mo waltzes into the thread, high on life, love and the joy of a purely fluffy CANON ship who snuggle in public and grin at eachother in true love!*
Hello my loves, how are you all this very fine "Yay-we-got-our-D/L-fluffy-eppy-last-night" day? :lol: I am doing swell, I had a fabulous day and I kept thinking about our eppy and grinning all day long...Danny's line "I've heard leave the cannoli's..." line and then I'd just crack myself up laughing randomly at work! :lol: And then that would make me think about them holding eachother on the steps and I'd start sighing and squeeing and giggling...and I'm fairly sure everyone at work now thinks I am entirely crazy! :rolleyes: Oh well, what's new? :lol:

The still-b'day-girl-where-I-am-Stuffy darling said:
To each and every one of you who contribued to Angel's slideshow, I thank you with all my heart. I pretty much cried when I watched it - don't worry they were happy tears and it was so touching to see all those comments from everyone. Thank you all so very, very much *hugs and kisses to everyone*
Awwww yay!! I'm so glad you liked that hon...you're swell and we all wubs ya in here! :D

Queen of the caps and covetous of the shoes Dutch said:
LOL I was so envious of that woman’s closet …I’ve send Aud a nice cap of that that totally awesome shoe closet with Danny Messer in it …hope it makes her feel a little better…
Awwww that's so sweet of you hon! Good job! And can I just say...I LOVE your caps...gah I am in cap heaven! Sweet deal...I'm gonna stare and then stare..and then yeah stare and giggle some more! And then I think I will start making icons and avies...sweet! I love all of them...I think my favorite is, well all of them...mmm, but especially the 4th from last...it looks so much more seductive to me, I don't know why but it's just HOT! :devil: Heck all of them are hot, I LOVE them!! :D The ones of them smiling, they have the most adorable smiles...EVER!!

In that pic I just see too science geeks (hot because of more undefineable things than looks alone ) who love each other and are having fun re-enacting a crime...
That's amazing, that's like exactly what I see when I look at that pic too...*High five babes!* :lol: They are two beautiful both physically and personality-wise smart people (and smart asses..sometimes! :lol: ) who are loving their jobs, and totally loving eachother...while finding a very good way to snuggle on the job! Well done D/L, well done indeed! :D :D

Birthday honey for another couple hours still Stuffy giggled:
I giggled when she grabbed his "love handles" - she actually pinched him! At least that's what it looked like to me.
"Stop fighting me." HEEEEEE!!!!! Too cute.
Lol, yeah hon she totally pinched him! I loved that...that somehow totally seemed intimate to me, like something a "lover" would do...which hello we know is true! YAY! I loved it! :lol: And yeah that "stop fighting me" was SO cute! She relaxed and the smiles on both their faces were so adorable! :lol:

Angsty but secretly fluffy? Vexxy winked:
You can really tell in this picture that he loves her completly.
Ohhh babes, yup I totally agree! The way he's holding her, it's like he's cradling her possessively, yet tenderly, it's just so full of love and caring and yup...they are clearly in love! :D And I love the way he's almost "curved" up around her, does that make sense? It's just...yay LOVE! :D

My darling finally better Fluffykins Aud winked:
I think Danny is wanting to undress her on the steps out in the open. They went to the SUV and made-out.
Aud!! Yay my wub, you're better and you're here! *Mo snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* Hi, I'm glad you're better! ;) Wasn't this eppy the shizzle?! I knew you'd LOVE it! ;) And yeah Danny totally wanted to get her nekkid right there! :lol: You know as soon as they were done recreating that scene they went and did some "creating" of their own! :devil: Mmmmmhmmmm baby! :devil: :lol:

Mo, you are my hero!!
Yay :lol: Wait why? I mean it's all good...but what'd I do? :lol: Did I mention yet that I adore you? ;)

Ang....*Mo dangles keys in front of her buddy...* were you looking for these? ;) We gonna go loot the office for D/L evidence? :lol: Rock on, let's go! :D

Yay, yay, yay, yay for D/L fluff and D/L love and an awesome D/L eppy! I am so glad we got a good one! We deserved it dang it! :lol: And so did they, most definitely! :D

*Mo tosses handfuls of M&M's to her buds as she sprays the fluffy hose randomly before shimmering giddily away!*
Oh I loved that episode very much! :) Very very very much!!!

Did anyone else notice Lindsay saying "No, I used to shoot boys. Now stand back and try to keep up" in a western accent?? Haha - it was so cute :D

Oh how I so love my D/L *snuggles* But TPTB were EVILL!! to us this ep. There were a cm apart from each other's lips!!! and they turned. GRR!
Yes I did, Liff! It totally fit the scene. It's good to see them bantering again, that's what they do best. And I thought Lindsay was very funny with 'her lovehandles'-thing :lol: Danny really didn't see that coming :lol:

See you!
Oh Dutch, I love you for posting those pics up! MUAKS! -frantic saving into special M&M's folder-

DL LOVE is alive and loud, baybeh! And we are all celebrating!
-hyper today... :p-

Happy Belated Birthday to Stuffy, sorry I'm late on the greeting! MUAKS to you too!
The 'try and keep up' line was very cute. Actually she was mocking Danny in more of a 'southern' accent if you will. People in Montana don't usually have that 'twang'------although no doubt they are country people--but it was cute. Several times she has sounded a little bit 'New Yorkish'---so it's cute to see Danny try and mimic what he thinks country people might sound like in Montana. :lol:

Next time I want major make-out session. Okay, so that's wishful thinking. :devil: :lol: :devil:
^^^ it is very funny too to hear danny try to mimic what he thinks country people might sound like in Montana. lindsay seems to like to hear him too.

JenP said: Danny really didn't see that coming :lol:
i like how he ducked back his body after she squeezed/poked him.

i slept on it and i realized what that hold they are in reminds me of: that [cliche] scene in movies or shows when the guy tries to teach the girl how to play baseball, golf, pool, or some sort of activity that involves instrument that needs teaching to use. then a kiss is bound to happen. but danny/lindsay works it better than those cliche moments, any day. ;) science [physics] and all. :D

squee, love that demonstration scene. love it!
"Yay it's Friday, Yay it's Friday, Yay it's Friday everywhere...!" *Mo pops in twirling and singing to the tune of "Oh My Darling Clementine!"...Yeah I don't know why, but it's Friday so does it even matter?! :lol: *
Good morning my shippy dears and Happy Friday! I love Friday's...they are a good day, cuz that means Saturday is right around the corner! :D

Gutter bud Liffer-diff pointed out:
Did anyone else notice Lindsay saying "No, I used to shoot boys. Now stand back and try to keep up" in a western accent?? Haha - it was so cute
Yeah I totally noticed that right away too! I was already giggling my way through the scene but that was just too cute! And yeah like my Aud said, I think it was a bit more Southern twang, but it was still "country" and still totally cute! I love when Linds is a bit sassy like that, she's sassy and then goes and shoots a slingshot perfectly...You so ROCK Miss Monroe! :lol:

Oh how I so love my D/L *snuggles* But TPTB were EVILL!! to us this ep. There were a cm apart from each other's lips!!! and they turned. GRR!
:lol: :lol: Yeah I think at one point they both even looked at the other's lips...and you KNOW both of them had to be thinking..."One quick kiss? No one's around and he/she looks SO hot right now...I can sneak in one quick kiss!" :devil: I think I would still be jumping on my couch or melted into a indescribable puddle of goo right now if we actually got a kiss from them at the point! Or it would have even been cute to have Danny wink at her and kiss her nose or something...wouldn't that have been totally cute! Awwww, I LOVE this ship! :D

My Fluffy Twin Aud babes grinned:
Several times she has sounded a little bit 'New Yorkish'---so it's cute to see Danny try and mimic what he thinks country people might sound like in Montana.
Lol, yeah hon I know I loved that...the way he totally exaggerated the accent, totally sounded like a bad cross between a New Yorker and something else, but it was still totally cute that he tried! And yeah I love when Linds gets just a touch of New York in her voice, it never fails to make me grin! (Then of course most things with these two do that lately, but you know what I mean! :lol: )

Next time I want major make-out session. Okay, so that's wishful thinking.
No worries babes, cuz remember who we are again...aside from Fluffy Twins and geniuses....I am fairly sure we are the Queen's of Wishful Thinking! ;) In fact isn't even a song? I think it is, an 80's song from way back! :lol: Anyway! I am totally with you on that...and hey if enough of us wishful think it, maybe we can wishful think it right into existence! That'd work for me...I'm all for a good D/L makeout scene...something like Snow Day, but longer! :devil: :D

Okay Despite the fact that it's Friday and I should be able to chill...I gotta go to work, and then to the dentist :eek: which I am in denial about...I am terrified of the dentist! :p Yeah fun times for me...maybe I'll just think about D/L the whole time and distract myself! ;lol:

Okay my dears...have a swell Friday! And I will catch y'all later! ;)

*Mo waves and shimmers away in her fluffy bubble of D/L love!*
Decaf, Mo, decaf!

In fact isn't even a song? I think it is, an 80's song from way back!
The song is "King of Wishful Thinking," but we'll make it "Queens" since we're mostly women. For our male counterparts it will remain the original. :)

so it's cute to see Danny try and mimic what he thinks country people might sound like in Montana.
I thought this was a hoot! Seriously, I LMAO. The way the word "squirrels" came out of Carmine's mouth almost had me falling off my sofa. Mom was born in Oklahoma, and she thought he was hilarious. Her exact words: "They do send them to vocal coaches, right?" When I told her I thought, as an actor, he exaggerated the accent intentionally, she finally got it. :lol:
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