Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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^^You know as much as we 'dont' want to see Danny and Linds get into trouble for doing something silly, I think it would be kinda hilarious if Mac walks into them making out in their office or the break room.

Although he's probably allowed to reprimand them, I cant help but see Mac just clearing his throat and glaring at them for a bit. Seeing them both beet red would probably be enough for a good laugh :D He'd turn before grinning as he walks away, leaving our red and heaving couple still tangled together in the room - embarrased and confused :lol: haha - we SO need that scene!

please give us a shippy-squee-worthy moment filled with oodles of pink cloud and chocolate kisses!
You said it Cuzzy! I'll even add my famous chocolate cake to that list!! (Well that's a rarity) :lol: We definately need a nice lovely scene to go with OUR season. Despite whatever comes our way - this IS OUR SEASON!! And nothing will ruin that for us.

^Cuzzy-wub! Jim Brickman totally rocks! I dunno why but I suddenly got Martina McBride's "Valentine" in my head. Wouldn't it be totally sweet to see them dancing to that song in the living room? :)
Cuzzy-wub cleverly schemed: Seeing them both beet red would probably be enough for a good laugh He'd turn before grinning as he walks away, leaving our red and heaving couple still tangled together in the room - embarrased and confused
:lol: what a silly scene that would be. maybe we could get a chuckle out of mac too! :p

hmm so wait, season 3 was theirs, is season 4 ours?

my coworker just said "BOOM!" ... i suddenly thought i was in the room with danny and lindsay :lol: :lol: . i love "Valentine"! it's a purrrty song...DL in the living room dancing to their hearts' desires at DL cottage! (nekkid in Cuzzy's mind... :p :p just kidding)

i'm new to the board but i've been watching the show on and off.i had given up on danny and lindsay for awhile until i noticed something in an episode recently that made me wonder.so,as i've been out of touch and reading this thread to catch up, are they together now? and in what episode was it definite? thanks
*Comes in - to Mo's contentment - still being Miss Optimistic November 2007* :lol:

carolina said:
but hey we only had 6 episode and there is still 18 more to come
You're right. And we all know that it only takes one scene in one single ep to convince everyone that they are actually together :D...longlivetheship welcome to the thread :) and if you want to see how D/L got together in 3x24 just go to YouTube and search for Danny-Lindsay-Snow-Day; any clip you see that mentions something about a pool table in the description should answer you question :devil: - one scene, one ep! :D

And I agree that it's probably not the smartest move to kiss or make out at work, but on the other hand I do hope AND think that Danny is trying a little too hard to keep his distance while they're on the job :rolleyes:...It will be just a matter of days/weeks before he suddenly loses control and throws her on/against (I'm not picky ;)) the nearest smexable surface :devil:

And then of course we get that little funny scenario Liffy suggested...I'd love to see Mac walk in, just look at them and walk out again still as smooth-faced as ever...The embarrassment would be more punishment than any reprimand could ever be... :lol: :lol:

Angel! now the image of Danny and Lindsay dancing nekkid is not just in your cuzzy's mind, but in mine too...Santa's little helper sure has a naughty mind :p

Has anyone seen the promo for this week's ep? I can't find it and since this is OUR season :D I would like to know if there was any D/L in it... :)

Sweet dreams y'all!
Okay, not to bring everyone down, but what are your thoughts on Danny and Lindsay actually getting to still work together if it is known that they are a couple? In Csi:Miami, Calleigh and Jake quit seeing each other because of conflict of interest, and in CSI, Griss and Sara are still together, but she switched to swingshift. What do you all think the possible implications of their relationship might be, and maybe that is why they are not making it a known thing that they actually are a couple?

And this isn't a need to be hit with the pink fog(although I probably do need to be), but just a question that I've been thinking of, since Calleigh and Jake broke up because of department policy. Although, maybe different cities have different policies regarding personal relationships, seeing as Mac and Peyton were together and worked on cases together. Just asking!
They may have them work different cases, but hey, this year that has already been happening. :(

I really don't know if that will happen but it may. I'm in the air about this one.
Okay, not to bring everyone down, but what are your thoughts on Danny and Lindsay actually getting to still work together if it is known that they are a couple? In Csi:Miami, Calleigh and Jake quit seeing each other because of conflict of interest, and in CSI, Griss and Sara are still together, but she switched to swingshift. What do you all think the possible implications of their relationship might be, and maybe that is why they are not making it a known thing that they actually are a couple?
Well, the possible implications of couples not working together mean DL break up. Of course, Adam and Kendall break up. Flack, Mac and Sheldon won't be able to date anybody, because they're freakin' workaholics. That leaves Stella to date psychotic murderers. Yeah, I see TPTB going that route. NOT!

BTW, what kind of drugs are you putting in the pink fog. Ya'll are seriously starting to worry me, going back and forth about something that might/might not happen. Please. Spoilers coming down are open to interpretation. When we read those spoilers we interpret them in our own way. It's the way an individual's brain works. After scenes are filmed they can be edited out. Chill out! Please.

Also, Danny did call Lindsay "Honey." It was very soft, and seemed to be dubbed, in my opinion. "Lindsay, Lindsay" was at full volume, but "Honey" was much softer. I'm guessing it was added during editing or something. JMO

Hey Rhonda, hope you're doing well. Miss you over in the NY threads.
*Mo pops into the thread, singing along with her new favorite country CD...Carrie Underwood's "Carnival Ride"...she giggles and hands out spoons, in honor of what our couple is currently doing... :devil: * :lol: :lol: Awww the fun of being CANON...it's makes for endless jokes and joy and love and just general Squeeing! :lol: (Lol, apparently that pink fog is getting to me even more than normal today! :lol: )

Shipper with a halo Angel grinned:
yup, D and Montana are definitely dating . say it loud and proud!
*Mo giggles and climbing up onto her rooftop declares...loud and proud...:"D/L are definitely dating!"* Loud and proud enough for ya babes? ;) Heehee! Let it never be said I don't support our ship! :D

the one they call Gaelen also known as the Liffer-diff winked:
You know as much as we 'dont' want to see Danny and Linds get into trouble for doing something silly, I think it would be kinda hilarious if Mac walks into them making out in their office or the break room.
I would LOVE to see that! :lol: I really do think that Mac and Stella know about D/L and are kindly looking the other way! Like Dutch babes said, Mac could walk in , look at them for a moment and turn around and walk out...smiling to himself as he leaves! And I can't decide which would be better, if D/L were in shock and just stared at eachother...or if they stared at eachother and then burst out laughing...somehow I could almost see them laughing about it! They got caught like a couple of teenagers, what else can you do but laugh at that point! :lol: And I'd love to see Mac call them both into his office (all their laughter would be gone at that point) and he's pretend to be stern and warn them to keep it out of the office so he didn't have to break up what he saw as a great team and then as they were walking nervously out the door...Mac would say, "Oh by the way...congratulations you two, it's about time!" And he'd chuckle to himself as they left! :lol: That scene would make my whole year! Wouldn't that be awesome! :D

*Comes in - to Mo's contentment - still being Miss Optimistic November 2007*
*Mo giggles and nods...* I like it Dutch hon, that shall be your new nickname! :lol: Well for as long as you live up to it! ;) Heehee!

Miss Optimistic November 2007 winked devilishly:
It will be just a matter of days/weeks before he suddenly loses control and throws her on/against (I'm not picky ) the nearest smexable surface
That is so what I say too! *Mo high fives her genius buddy!* The surface isn't all that important...it's the fact that he grabs her, pushes her against said surface and they have their way with eachother that's really important! :devil: Ahhhh to see that...that would be joy untold! :D Well maybe not untold, cuz that's a story/scene that definitely needs to be told...but you know what I meant! :lol:

Queen of the spoilers Catey asked:
In Csi:Miami, Calleigh and Jake quit seeing each other because of conflict of interest, and in CSI, Griss and Sara are still together, but she switched to swingshift. What do you all think the possible implications of their relationship might be, and maybe that is why they are not making it a known thing that they actually are a couple?
That is a good possiblity actually Catey...I'm not sure how that works exactly though...since each experience is different...with Calleigh and Jake (who sorry but I'm SO glad they are done!) it was between departments...which I don't know if that is the big deal they tried to make it. With Griss and Sara though, that was supervisor/supervised...so that one makes sense as to why one had to move shifts. With D/L though, it's same department and one doesn't supervise the other...so I really don't know *shrugs!* I really really really hope they do not bring in any "you work together so you can't be together" crap for D/L! :p

Hey PrettyEyes hon, glad you popped by! ;)

Okay my darlings...I'm off to clean my place and pay some bills, yeah...again! Oh the joy of playing grown up! :lol: Have a swell evening my dears! I will be back soon, as always! :D

*Mo giggles and waves to her buds as she shimmers off in her fluffy bubble!*
Hey guys,

I hate to burst your bubble but Pam Veasey and everybody else from CSI:NY do not read the shipper threads. They do, however, read the threads in the NY forum. That's just not my opinion, but it has been said by the actors and TPTB.

Also, if anybody has closed captioning on their TVs, you'll see that Danny does not say 'hon' or 'honey'. Instead of 'hon', he says 'alright' and instead of 'honey', he does indeed say 'Lindsay, Lindsay'.

Also, everybody needs to remember that you need to at least three lines of on topic conversation in here. I've seen several posts that have less than three lines.


Hey Rhonda, hope you're doing well. Miss you over in the NY threads.
Hey there. I'm doing great...Hope you are, too. I haven't posted much lately in the NY threads but I'll get back over there sometime.
^ That's too bad that they don't read all the great ideas in here ;), but on the other hand, there are so many pairings to chose from how could they ever pick one, or two, or three... :D

catie I think they might perhaps don't work cases together anymore, but they still have to use the same lab and work in the same building :D, so they'll run into each other quite often. And since they don't work just day shifts or just night shifts, there could be plenty of 'moments' together left. And like Vex said they're already more on different cases/shifts than that they work together. :)

PE said:
Ya'll are seriously starting to worry me, going back and forth about something that might/might not happen. Please. Spoilers coming down are open to interpretation.
Well just because everybody interprets these said spoilers differently is what makes us go back and forth in the first place. People can totally freak out over something when others are actually looking forward to the same thing...sharing all these points of views is most of the fun :)...And I don't even wanna know what's in that fog. :rolleyes:

Mo said:
it's the fact that he grabs her, pushes her against said surface and they have their way with eachother that's really important!
LOL I'm glad we agree on what's important :devil:...That's certainly something that needs to be shown...after all, pool table, desk, what's the difference really? :lol:
Modie honey, you know I heart you :D as the fabulous and fearless mod of this thread, but you're bursting my shippy bubble here...sad day!

As for the closed captioning on the "Honey" line, that's easy enough to refute, sorry babes...I've seen closed captioning miss tons of lines that were very plainly spoken...so I still stand by him saying "Honey" to Linds! ;)

Okay so the TPB and actors read the NY forums cool beans...did they specifically say "No we do NOT read the shipper threads?" Just curious...cuz if they did specifically say that sad day...but if they didn't say that, then it's still possible they do read them! :D

Lol, as for the "surface" Dutch yeah, the surface where they have their way with eachother isn't all that important as long as we get some good smexy parts, it's all good! :devil: Although I must say I just have this lovely naughty picture of them making out in Mac's office, like kids doing something forbidden...that and I would LOVE to see one them pull the other into the nearest broom closet, just because that is where we always say they make out! :devil:

Lol....the fog...the fog is a mixture of highly addictive particles, mixed with a good dose of pheremones (sp?) and plenty of fluffy love...and Liff where are you? What else is in our fluffy fog? :lol:

Okay off to bed for me...night all!

We are CANON baby! :D :D
good morning every one

Although he's probably allowed to reprimand them, I cant help but see Mac just clearing his throat and glaring at them for a bit. Seeing them both beet red would probably be enough for a good laugh He'd turn before grinning as he walks away, leaving our red and heaving couple still tangled together in the room - embarrased and confused haha - we SO need that scene!

that would be one funny scene and something Mac would totally do and we definitely need a scene like that. and of course Sid commenting on it later

but if they didn't say that, then it's still possible they do read them!

it may be a coincidence but havent we be talking about Danny handling a case with a child during summer? and what did we see in Boo ? him carrying a child and questioning him too, sort of. of course we didnt see Lindsays reaction to how carring he is but still. this is my version and I stick with it until proven wrong

I love those smexy ideas of yours - the surface is so not important when it comes to the two of them :) but them dancing is something I would really really want to see, maybe at the begining of an episode while on a date and then they will be called in - on different cases and they would not see each other the whole day and then at the end they meet in the elevator and one of them says you still owe me a dance

it doesnt really matter what is the pink fog made of as its obviously working very well
Cuzzy said:
hmm so wait, season 3 was theirs, is season 4 ours?
Oh yeah, season 3 was definately theirs - they spent it finding their ground with each other, discovery how much they do infact care for each other and how, without the other, they go crazy :) They're in lurve! This season hopefully they'll go through the process of getting to know each other better, whether it includes drama or not, we know and I firmly believe that they'll pull through anything if they have each other. No lie there!

i love "Valentine"! it's a purrrty song...DL in the living room dancing to their hearts' desires at DL cottage! (nekkid in Cuzzy's mind... just kidding)
Hey! How'd you know what they were doing in my mind? :devil: *whistles innocently* They were just taking a shower after their dance since...well...it got hot and heavy. I cant see Danny liking to shower with his clothes on, Lindsay too. They much prefer taking it all off and jumping into the shower together :devil: Mwahahaha.

Welcome to the thread longlivetheship! Danny and Lindsay are definately together now - no doubt about that! They *celebrated* (ahem - so did we) in the finale of season 3 - Snow Day! :D Oh how I love that scene...POOL TABLE SMEX!!

Miss Optimistic said:
You're right. And we all know that it only takes one scene in one single ep to convince everyone that they are actually together
That's very true. It doesn't take alot to convey a particularly big message and when you think about it, it doesn't even take a particularly long scene. That being said, whatever bad news we may get is probably highly exaggerated and would end up a small scene squashed in the middle of nowhere. We normally think of the worst possible scenario first dont we - so I doubt it'll be bad in the end :) Remember the love! And breathe the pink fog!

Catey asked:
Okay, not to bring everyone down, but what are your thoughts on Danny and Lindsay actually getting to still work together if it is known that they are a couple?
It is possible, in my mind, that what they're doing now is proving to Mac that they can work together whilst in their relationship. If he doesn't know about it now, and when he does find out, they can prove to him that for the past month or so, they've been working together without a single hitch so changing their already flawless routine wouldn't help anything. We know that they work well together always so changing them wouldn't do much at all for their team. I dont think Mac has a problem with it, unless of course he's bitter with Peyton breaking up with him and goes on a no-nonsense rampage - which, frankly I can see him doing like he's done with other things before (integrity of his lab - ladida) but I can't see TPTB going that route. Chances are, they'll simply be asked to keep it out of the lab, and since Danny's refraining himself and the team is already accustomed to their usual bantering and teasing, I don't think it'll be a big deal.

PE said:
BTW, what kind of drugs are you putting in the pink fog. Ya'll are seriously starting to worry me, going back and forth about something that might/might not happen.
I love you know that? But not when you blame my pink fog! Angsty thoughts have nothing to do with my fluffy fog!! :p But that's the point of this thread, to discuss, if we dont what on earth are we supposed to talk about silly! :lol:

Mosykins said:
"Oh by the way...congratulations you two, it's about time!"
Oh I see Stella being the speaker of that line! Maybe she catches them with Mac and whilst Mac's trying to be stern she's grinning her head off beside him. She probably hit him on the head when he first mentioned about reprimanding him. She'd glare at him and then turn to peek and D/L through the glass to see them with their foreheads together, Danny rubbing Lindsay's arms, both totally freaked out and taking deep breath. :) Stella is a D/L shipper too! :D

I really really really hope they do not bring in any "you work together so you can't be together" crap for D/L!
If Mac - the supervisor can have an interdepartmental relationship - D/L can. Otherwise I'm going to sock him and throw the man into the hudson.

Modie said:
Also, if anybody has closed captioning on their TVs, you'll see that Danny does not say 'hon' or 'honey'. Instead of 'hon', he says 'alright' and instead of 'honey', he does indeed say 'Lindsay, Lindsay'.
Don't mean to be rude or anything but that is no confirmation whatsoever. Closed captioning, whilst reliable sometimes often enough make blatant mistakes and there's no reason that wasn't one. I've head (just like Mo said) clear words that have been mistaken. The more I watch it, the more it does sound like "hon" :D EEE! It's hon to us no matter what!!

Duch said:
pool table, desk, what's the difference really?
Height and surface area so that Danny has enough space to do his thing :devil:

Mo said:
Lol....the fog...the fog is a mixture of highly addictive particles, mixed with a good dose of pheremones (sp?) and plenty of fluffy love...and Liff where are you? What else is in our fluffy fog?
Hmm....crack :lol: plenty of fluffy love, sex pheromones :devil: and a dosage of Danny's fav. cologne and Lindsay's fav. perfume. Mmmm....goood :D

Okay so the TPB and actors read the NY forums cool beans...did they specifically say "No we do NOT read the shipper threads?" Just curious...cuz if they did specifically say that sad day...but if they didn't say that, then it's still possible they do read them!
Hey! Pam Veasey visits us when she's on her coffee break! Where else can she be getting her fluffy love dosage from!? Then again...she's writing the ultimate fanfiction dream where they actually come true. We so need to find her coffee cup and play around with it! :devil: hehehehhe.

Carly said:
maybe at the begining of an episode while on a date and then they will be called in - on different cases and they would not see each other the whole day and then at the end they meet in the elevator and one of them says you still owe me a dance
Oh that would be so cute. I like the idea of them working seperate cases the entire day and they end up in the locker room or elevator together by the end of the day. They hug and Danny'll whisper to her, "I missed you today, Montana." And Linds would just totally kiss him right there! :D

it doesnt really matter what is the pink fog made of as its obviously working very well
uh-huh. But we need to bottle one and throw it at PE for wrongful accusation! This thing's all fluff baby!!
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